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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. No you don’t. Top two records play. People are making this waaaaayyy harder than they need to. Only 1/3 of your conference schedule is your pod. People are acting like you just play a pod triple round robin. Hosting and visiting teams like Florida, Georgia, and Bama once a decade is traaaaaassshhh. If you are the first team out of the conf title game either you will make the playoffs anyway or you got lucky with the schedule and aren’t a top 6 at large. It resolves itself. I think people are just not envisioning the effects of the expanded playoff.
  2. Pods or "3 set and rotate for the other 6" are way better than divisions. Everyone here has mocked the SEC for things like Aggy playing at Georgia 0 times in 12 years or whatever and it will just be worse with more teams added. Trashcan to join SEC and play Bama once per 8 years at home and once per 8 years on the road. GTFO. You take the top 2 teams and play in the CCG. With an expanded playoff, a team that goes 9-3 because they got buttfucked on the schedule strength can grab an at-large easily.
  3. I agree in general, but we have a "steaming" "maniac" so you play to exploit those tendencies. The guy called 20 bigs pre with 86 and then $125 on flop with mid pair no kicker to the person who 3b and then fires into multiple opponents. And jeeeeeeeeeeeeesus christ at that AA238 hand. PUKE.
  4. I pointed out to my dumbass antivax brother that the states and areas with the lowest vax rates are also uniformly at the top of the least educated, poorest, fattest, unhealthiest, methiest places in the goddamn country. So either these people literally can't figure out a single good decision for their health OR they always choose poorly EXCEPT here they all uniformly somehow got it right on not getting vaxxed. It worked roughly as expected.
  5. I agree, can't fold. If he's truly steaming, I am cool check-calling turn and river to get him to do something stupid. I don't think he will stop spamming a J and jamming now takes away any bluffs he might have.
  6. Double that guy's salary immediately.
  7. What would be the likelihood of being thoroughly boned arriving at Cattleack around noon on a Thurs?
  8. I’m folding. Too good a chance we are low on outs either bc someone has a set, straight already, or the nut flush draw. Don’t like getting 100 bigs in with king high and zero nut outs.
  9. Face is also expensive, with big TicketMaster fees too. I bought direct last time and paid $300 or so for 3rd level club seats straight on to the ring. The top level is pretty cheap, but you're there to soak in atmosphere and watch the screen at that point. I bought a few sets and flipped a few for a small profit to help offset, but that's a pain in the ass, esp with digital tickets and not a friendly selling environment in Arlington.
  10. Yep, was a super fun time, except I had some drunk crazy bitch with her cameltoe out (in the words of AJ's theme - you don't want none) who then passed out during Edge/Roman and then puked on her dude in her sleep and then he peaced out and left her literally sleeping there. We moved just in case of additional pukage, I would have to go berserker mode if I got spewed on. It's super shocking how loud the pyro is, when I first took my girls, they hated "the booms", then they went without pyro for a while. It is loud AF, and the fire is hot. Sorry your little man got shook and the ear plugs next time will help a ton!
  11. Dealer at my poker table said she has been around people with Covid and she didn’t get it so she’s clearly just not going to get it. She was also looking for transportation to the next series and said there was a bus but you had to be vaxxed to take the bus, how stupid. Then joked she should forge a vax card. Uh or you could take 30 minutes and $0 and get vaxxed you stupid shithead toddler
  12. Fatter and heavier in England, ostensibly to hold up to frequent gusty winds.
  13. Zinger said like 5 times in 30 minutes that this may be Louis’ last good chance at a major. He’s fucking 38 and has gone 2-2 in his last two majors!! Just impossibly stupid awful take. Insta-fireable esp since he said it 20 fucking times, not just an ill-thought off the cuff thing.
  14. He was literally 3 back when he teed off this morning and was in the lead before the turn. Plus, I’m sure Louis is under pretty extreme pressure given all the runner-up talk.
  15. I mean it was obviously the shits. But he’s not dead or out of it, by a long shot.
  16. Out. Goes 1200-call-call in front of me, I jam 10.5 with AK and first raiser has KK. Flop QT so I pick up 4 more outs but no. Lines totally bonkers and 5p flight is now at 6p and lots already sold for it so may just be done. Disappointing for sure.
  17. Lol he’s 3 back and in 3rd, the doomers are a bit much. “Hope for a top 5”?
  18. No, not in conjunction with the above “asymptomatic or mild symptoms” info.
  19. I do them for all tourneys where I have investor action. If I make day 2 of this I also will. Quick update for the fans [emoji2]: 11.4 from 10k start at first break coming back to 200/400-400
  20. Also more LOL Choctaw. Dudes first hand it goes 300 to flop 4 ways. 953r. PF raiser 800 (hes mr chatty guy), first hand dude 1800, PFR call. Turn 6. First hand guy 2500, snap. River 4. First hand guy 2k, jam, snap. First hand guy had 55, PF raiser has A7 and then talked about how bad 55 played. Then diff guy has 1800 at 100/100-100. Two limps. Goes 600 of his 1800 w A9o. Literally worst of every available option.
  21. Apparently 30 dealers didn’t show. Def not on Choctaw. Either just a bad beat, WPT, or Poker Executives problem.
  22. Noon flight is sold out, not selling any more seats until people start busting. Should go see how much I can scalp my noon ticket for haha.
  23. My scores were listed recent to oldest. The shank attacks were mostly last year. Every now and then they sneak in but none in a few rounds. What I am focusing on that is really improving my iron striking: 1) keeping my left arm straight WITHOUT increasing grip pressure in left hand. I was unknowingly strangling the club to keep my left arm straight and it was keeping the club from releasing. 2) keeping my weight in the center of my feet and not reaching for the ball at address. Shank panic led me to stand further from the ball and then the velocity of the swing was pulling my weight forward, then resulting in heel/hosel contact. 3) wider stance base, keeping me from swaying. I don’t ever have big issues with horrid driver contact but it’s like every now and then my brain and body can’t understand how irons work.
  24. Busted the 5pm. Had 10k at 200/400-400, two limpers, I go 1500 with AA, BB calls and both limps call. Flop 532r. I bet 1500, one calll. Turn 3, he ck call 2500. River Q he ck I jam 4500 he snaps with A8ss that had back door flush draw on flop and went runner runner. Still think it’s a very easy river jam esp bc this guy thought I’m a big bluffer. Literally the hand before he limped AA and after he won he said to me that I “always” raise his limps and he couldn’t believe I didn’t do it again and thought he was gonna get cracked now. Back again noon tomorrow. Way over 1000 entries today so gonna be big big despite the dealer issues.
  25. I took the comparison to a free throw to mean that golf is more like a free throw than other shots since normally in basketball you’re active and reactive whereas in a free throw (like a putt) you decide when to pull the trigger and it’s good to have a simple routine rather than being in your head.
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