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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. Not "Texas", but Lewis Q (he worked for Aaron for a couple of years before taking a short stint under Shoeless Joe for some learnin' on "how you do it hot & fast vs. 17 hours")... John Lewis is in Charleston for a few years now.
    We are probably taking a family trip East this summer & it looks like Charleston is on the list.  I'll try to make a stop by there & get a few pics for shits 'n giggles.

    Wife and I did honeymoon in Charleston and Savannah and hit up John Lewis’ place. It was great. ebae27afdc253fd289d62a9a5b735af0.jpg
    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Drool 1
  2. Yeah, suck it up. I manage to be completely shithammered in the Cotton Bowl before 11AM every year. I'm going to OU-Tulane, and not so worried about being able to be shithammered in NOLA before 11AM for that game either. 

    • Haha 1
  3. Yeah, OU has had a bit more than its fair share of 11am kicks, but the reaction from fans is ridiculous. OU had one 11am home kick last year, but every time a home game gets 11am, there is a group that says that OU "always" gets 11am home games.

    I honestly thought the Joe C quote was a photoshop at first from his original message when Nebby was trying to back out. That also feels like a big overreaction. I know OU had a lot of recruiting activity and celebration of the 50 year anniversary of the Game of the Century stuff planned, but Jesus.

    OU-Nebraska in 2000 was #1 vs #3 and was an 11am kick. 

    Also, it feels like people have to be told every single time that on Fox, the 11a game is the featured game. There is always the relentless "OMG we aren't getting respect blah blah" when they are in the featured position. tOSU-Oregon and tOSU-Michigan are already both announced for 11a kicks. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. 9 hours ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    Looks like I'll be in Longview for a couple of weeks starting next Tuesday. Y'all got any recs, barbecue or otherwise?

    I still have much love for Country Tavern in Kilgore, but the star of the show is the baby back ribs. If you don't wanna just gorge on ribs, and can't have a BBQ meal without brisket, it drops a couple notches. But the large ribs plate with their beans and potato salad is very good eats. 

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  5. 14 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Yeah when I emailed the court in September and then called them to show proof of insurance they flat out refused to dismiss which I was quite frankly shocked by. Then, they acted like I pulled one over on the DA and told me “you got lucky, he’s the only one who would have done that” which surprised me too. I wonder how many people have been boned bc they didn’t pursue something like that and paid the ticket. 


  6. 1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

    No, but a corporation or other juridical entity cannot represent itself in small claims or JP court.  It has to have a lawyer.

    Nope. Rule 500.4: A corporation or other entity may: (1) be represented by an employee, owner, officer, or partner of the entity who is not an attorney; (2) be represented by a property manager or other authorized agent in an eviction case; or (3) be represented by an attorney.

    1 hour ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Yeah- but it was Sunday night so I just figured they didn't work. I always call my agent and say- hey I bought a car- make this work for me. Perhaps there's some other way to do it- but that's what I pay them for- me not having to figure out the system- me only having someone to tell when I have an insurable event and them modifying my coverage accordingly. 

    The officer should have probably understood and not cited you. Once cited, you go to the court and say "I was insured at the time of the citation", then they have to verify the coverage, and if covered, they must dismiss. No DA needed.  

  7. 4 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I think technically is is a violation not to have the "proof of insurance" document available for inspection upon being pulled over, even if you do have insurance.

    Cops can apparently "run" your insurance in real time to confirm, if you have an expired card.  I get my documents months in advance of the effective date and had a card that was "too early" once.  Didn't get a ticket.  Of course, I'm getting the white dude in a nice car deference.

    Also, most insurance covers a newly purchased vehicle for at least 48 hours after purchase, which should be confirmable by the cop as well, but maybe too much trouble.

    It is a violation, but the citation MUST be dismissed without requiring any fees etc. if proof of insurance that was valid at the time of citation is provided. They should have called Wulaw's insurance, asked "would you be covering him if he just bought a car the day before", they say "yes" and so done deal.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Last trip, we walked from Venetian to Planet 13 and walked by Trump. It's so weird being a pretty janky area then there's just this garish giant gold building. I remember back in my Hotwire days it was considered a 5 star, so if you were hunting for Vegas, you had to make sure any 5 star booking had the little CASINO icon to make sure it wasn't Trump.

  9. 13 minutes ago, XYZ said:

    You are making my point for me. If the vaccine is only marginally better, then what’s the point?

    If wearing a seatbelt increased your chances of surviving an auto accident from 93-95%, would you wear it?

    The vaccine is free and easily accessible. It is marginally better for each individual person than post-infection immunity. If you add up tens of millions of "marginally betters", it is HUGELY beneficial for society at large for everyone to be vaxxed.

  10. 1 hour ago, ChickenSandwich said:

     outside the box but the gov should have used the extra $300 as a work bonus for those reentering work force. Let the government pay them to work instead of not work. 


    1 hour ago, irishtexan said:

    They were federal benefits. He's opting Texans out of being able to receive those funds. He doesn't have discretion to determine how those funds are spent. 

    Oklahoma is taking some of their allocated money from the jobs bill and giving $1200 bonuses to anyone who was on unemployment and works for at least 6 weeks of 32+ hours a week. So he couldn't reallocate the unemployment funds, but could implement a similar program.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. On 5/15/2021 at 11:42 AM, TXSooner518 said:

    I would say virtually zero chance you can’t go out by yourself if you will play weekday and/or afternoon.

    Some tips would include playing a course with more than 18 holes, like Paiute. Also figure some options that allow online booking and start monitoring their tee sheets for the time and day youd wanna play. If there are lots of times available, you would be golden.

    I definitely prefer playing solo to getting paired with strangers as well. Like strangers in a thing like a Surly meetup is great, but nahhhh to randos off the street.

    BTW, wanted to clarify one thing as it could read like a "no shit" moment.  For example, my buddy and I are gonna play Wed, June 30 in Vegas. So I looked on Tue afternoons and Wed mornings for what courses tee sheets look like for that Wednesday. Theoretically, should be roughly similar on Wed the 30th as well.

    I realized it could be read as to look at the actual date you were playing and see if it was wide open haha. That is a good strategy though if booking last minute rather than planned ahead. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. I would say virtually zero chance you can’t go out by yourself if you will play weekday and/or afternoon.

    Some tips would include playing a course with more than 18 holes, like Paiute. Also figure some options that allow online booking and start monitoring their tee sheets for the time and day youd wanna play. If there are lots of times available, you would be golden.

    I definitely prefer playing solo to getting paired with strangers as well. Like strangers in a thing like a Surly meetup is great, but nahhhh to randos off the street.

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  13. 31 minutes ago, Reagan1k said:

    Might want to consider heading down to 10 and then up 55 with a stop in Scott, LA for some Best Stop.

    Will not add that much time and a much easier drive than dealing with all that bullshit in AR

    It would add 3 hours, but that's not the problem, the problem is that the gravitational pull of NOLA would keep me from ever making it to Memphis to begin with. :D

    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. So I'm driving from Austin to Memphis area next Wed, and back on Sun, and we have a forecast for rain for my entire drive on Wed, gas prices to the moon, and now this cramming all cross-river traffic onto the 55 bridge causing delays. 


  15. Yeah, we were there April 18-25 and would mirror what CTJ said. We still had a great time overall, but "noticeable and stunning" would be very accurate. 

    We added The Henry (Cosmo) to our rotation, and really liked it. It's open for late night and breakfast/brunch. I had a short rib benedict that was awesome and my wife had a brioche French toast that was ginormous and delish. 

    Restaurants on the fly were also pretty tricky. We wanted to do Yardbird at the V, I busted my tournament, so we tried to get added to the list and literally they wouldn't take any more names and it was like 715 with them closing at 10. We booked a next-night reservation. We enjoyed it, but was tough after a full day drinking and sunning at the pool, so need another shot at some point. 

    We ate at:

    Grand Lux
    Mon Ami Gabi
    Secret Pizza
    Wicked Spoon
    Gordon Ramsay Pub
    The Henry

    and didn't have a single bad meal or experience.

    Def check out Circa downtown!

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