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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. 🤘 to the Ehlinger family and Longhorn Nation from this Sooner. How fucking terrible.
  2. Hard to say. I think sometimes "almost folding" the turn when the player donked flop, an OESD hits on turn, then they check and "almost fold" is because he has the straight. Also some of the "almost folding" hands can be something like 99 that we already beat and won't call river. Also, probably the most likely "almost folding" top pair was QJ, which is now two pair. I think targeting basically exactly KJ and AJ and hoping he finds a fold for a 1/3 pot river shove is optimistic. That said, I certainly have done basically exactly that in the moment. As Lurch posted earlier, always clearer in the cold light of day.
  3. Don't love the TT hand. Ironically, I do think a 3b pre is good and you don't like that you did it. I'd go slightly larger but being in position, think your sizing is fine also. On the flop, I'd just call. We have a medium hand, let's play a medium pot. Trying to get someone to fold top pair is not how to make money at NLHE IME. He can be probing, can have 76, can have a jack. We like 2 of those things, and raising just folds out the weak hands and not the strong ones. On the turn, check back. Most obv draw on the flop completed. So either he has a jack, a straight, or something we are way ahead of. We won't get value out of something we are way ahead of (I guess he could very rarely have 87s and stabbed flop with gutty and bdfd hoping you have AK/AQ or fold TT/99/etc.). River checkback is good, can't extract any value, pot too big to get him to fold a jack IMO. The line we took on flop and turn should be with a polarized range with our nutted hands and our weakest hands with no SDV, not our middle strength hands like TT. Also if we do that, should prob just jam turn for a pot sized bet, rather than going 150 into 480 then 275 into 780 or 200 into 480 and then 225 into 880. Leaving 1/3 - 1/4 pot size jam on river is pretty rough if we want any bluff combos. And if we go one sizing for value and one for bluffs, that will fall apart fairly quickly, esp with streaming.
  4. Such a boss move to be able to link vid instead of just text history! Pre is pretty marginal if opponents are solid. I like calling there if villains are bad, especially if they love giving up post. Just not able to fold post, he can't have a hand that really has you fucked. You're 28% against QQ, which is worst case, and only 1 combo of that obv. 50% against AA (no spade), 44% against AA with spade, 52% against AKss, 77% against JTss, and 34% against Q9. You're calling $428 to win $673 more, so you need 428/1101 or 39% equity. So slightly losing against his exact hand. But against a range of QQ+, 99, 55, AQs, Q9s, AKss, JTss, we have 50%, so a hugely winning call. (I didn't include AQo to account for him maybe folding some AQ combos, dunno how likely that is, but adding all AQ just drops us to 49%). Our equity goes up a bit to 51% if he has other nut flush spade combos also, since we are beating those. Our equity also goes up if he can also have 95s combos.
  5. Exactly. SB is atrocious flatting 54o out of position not closing the action.
  6. These are the critical factors but I would say readless at a table with big open sizing, given the positions, it’s over-aggressive.
  7. Feels a touch weak, but I would just call here. Def not folding. I would call expecting to mostly win. Problem with raising is he can fold a lot that we beat, and casket stuffs us always when he's winning. In other words we are in good shape against his leading range, but not as much against his "calling a river jam" range. Him leading the turn is going to be 2 pair or a flush draw a good amount. We lose to a lot of those hands now. He could have a queen of course, but given your line is he just gonna call a river jam with QJ? Obv if we have a read that he overvalues hands and loves calling, jam it. It def feels annoying to just call and he flips 42cc over like it's the nuts, but also remember the annoyance of him just snapping a jam with Q9.
  8. All of that, not to mention the constant struggle to not let emotions outweigh what you know is the right play. I pride myself in doing that in casino poker, not folding out of fear, not getting stubborn, not punting b/c I lost most of my chips. But I have a couple of low-dollar online leagues I play some with friends, and some of those people make the most raggedy donk plays and it's hard to not just decide "fuck this clown" and just try to run over everyone, and end up punting off. It's like flying down the lane and some big goofy white bastard is in the way, and you just decide "I'm dunking on this goof" and drawing a charge.
  9. Agreed. No way to fold AQdd on Q75dd. So then your task is to get the money in the widest possible for your opponent. Against an aggro opp who has initiative, I'd just c/call all the way. With $100 in the pot, and $160 behind, will be easy to get stacks in. And there really are only 3 cards we dislike, the non-diamond kings. Readless or against someone who likes to pot control, I'd c/r flop smallish then barrel. If I have initiative, I'd lead-lead-jam, never folding.
  10. Wynn running a $10k with $10M guarantee this summer. That's sexy! They also are doing a $1600 buyin with mystery bounties. 🔥
  11. If you are fired for something that shows you don't have the capacity to do the job, sure. Try getting another job as a banker if you steal from your bank. Or getting another job as a teacher if you beat the shit out of a kid. Should be the same if you show you aren't capable of correctly using force as a cop.
  12. Had fun getting back in the poker saddle at Venetian last week. Masks required, 8 handed, and plexiglass dividers present. The mask just doesn't bother me, and the plexiglass doesn't either except in seats 2 and 7, your "opening" is narrower and there is a pane that runs horizontally across the table that is right in your line of sight in 2 and 7, and it can def cause some confusion as it's both transparent and reflective. I was sure no one had cards and almost threw my cards away after betting the flop and thinking everyone folded, but luckily I didn't throw them away. Was super swingy, first played the $400 UltimateStack $100k guarantee, then the $400 UltimateStack $20k guarantee single day tourney. 3 total bullets, and went 0-6-1 in all-in pots, which is just filth. The only one I didn't lose, the opponent was drawing dead and had 3 chop outs and binked that (K-T-5-9 board, my QJ, his KJ, get in on turn, river Q.). Then the same guy limps for 300, another guy goes 1000, I go 2500 with KK, limper calls for 2500 with 4000 behind (lol?) other guy calls. Flop is Ks-9s-4d. I bet 1700, both call. Turn 2d. I bet 3000, both call, including the limper is now allin for his last 2300. River 8d. I jam, other guy folds. Limper has JTdd for the scoop. So he called 1/3 of his stack pre and half of his remaining stack on the flop with a gutty and bdfd on a 2 tone flop. So ridiculously bad. Then I had a stretch where I kept flopping straights and then garbage runouts happened. I had 89 on 7JT against JT and an 8 comes on turn to slow the action. Then I have 76 on 854hh, I c/r flop, turn is Kh, I bet, he raises, I call. River 6, he jams, I sigh-fold. So gross to flop the nuts then fold. After busting those, I did decide to do an unwind tourney with substances involved and played the $200 Survivor, and went 5-0 on all-in pots haha. Key to rungood: substances. Though substances and plexiglass were a perilous mixture. Played one cash session, main hand of note: 5 to flop, I have T8ss, flop T92 one spade, I bet and get 2 calls, turn 3s, I bet big, 1 call. River Ks. I bet $100, he jams for $235. Pretty grody spot, I pay off, he has 54ss and we win (sweet flop peel with someone betting into 4 players, with 3 of them still behind you yet to act). Seems like a very clear river snapcall for him as he will often be good but by raising he's just isolating against the hands that beat him. Like if I have QJ or a set, gonna be pretty tough to call there unless he's bonkers. Had a couple of nice vidya poker binks and lots of good food, beverages, and relaxation. Looking forward to summer and fall Vegas poker runs!
  13. I saw someone get arrested at Winstar bc there was a tornado warning and they herded us all into the horse betting area and we got under desks and I guess someone left like a $50 stack on the table and the guy stole it. My understanding was it was going to be a felony bc of the gaming laws. Hope it was worth it dumbshit.
  15. This is so insanely stupid. 6 cases, 1 death on 7 million doses. Given the oft-quoted "Covid ain't played no one Pawwwwwl" survival rate of 99.7%, 7 million Covid cases will result in 21,000 deaths. 21,000 to 1, yet we are choosing more cases over more doses. Humanity just can't overcome caveperson brain. Same shit with autonomous cars. 35,000 Americans a year die in human-driven auto crashes, but 1 death in autonomous car situation is SHUT ER DOWN TIME.
  16. Not directly obviously, but are aware of how it works, what the ramifications would be, etc., yes? Also a bit of hyperbole that I could have stated a bit differently, agreed.
  17. Here's the thing - for the guy's story to be true, it puts two choices on the table, only one of which can be true, each of which seems exceedingly unlikely. Either millions of people know about this Pfizer/Moderna issue and all collectively decided to say "fuck it, let's just roll the dice, don't tell anyone" or this guy has some super secret insider info that millions of people who were involved in the development of this vaccine are unaware of.
  18. The blood thing is not actually true. There were fake blood stains in the area from a "bloodbath" on Sunday Night Heat from The Brood. I LOVE this series, but it was disappointing that they said that when it wasn't true. Watch the opening match of the PPV, you can see the stains and that's before Owen. I was also at this, we drove from OKC to Kansas City, it was my first ever PPV. The house lights were dimmed, b/c they were playing a promo on the Tron when it happened. It wasn't pitch, so I'm sure if you were at the right angle, you would see it. I was looking at the Tron, and heard a massive ker-thunk, and my first thought was it sounded like Big Show did the thing where he slingshots over the ropes to enter the ring. Can vividly remember standing and watching and not understanding the significance until they started chest compressions and then my knees literally got weak and started shaking, the only time that's ever happened to me. I was standing but leaning back against my chair.
  19. The bigger you raise, the more you narrow their continuing range. Most players are not folding at least AA or AK to a standard raise there.
  20. I like Lurch's answer also. I will say that we do have true nut advantage since we can easily have JT and a "tight UTG" cannot. Obv he can have KK and QQ and we can't. But by far more combos of JT than of KK & QQ combined (16 JT, 6 remaining KK/QQ). I don't like calling here in our shoes b/c any T, J, or spade either kills our hand or our action. I expect people to continue with a reasonably wide range, as Lurch describes. I do think UTG's range is a bit snugger than Lurch does. I wouldn't cbet all pairs in his shoes. To me betting 77 or whatever into 3 opponents on KQ9 two tone is just torching $. The chances that we are just getting that through is pretty miniscule. This board is a wet dream for the range of people calling a single raise pre.
  21. These are all great questions to think about and ask. The very difficult thing is you have to eliminate your opponents actual hand (but not range) as well as the subsequent runout when evaluating decisions. Most players can’t do that. For example, they will think “how could I have made this guy fold” just because he got there. In this hand I would not have made a standard preflop raise. You’re bloating the pot out of position with a hand that flops mediocre at best with short effective stacks. Jamming is +EV against a person who is limping hands like K3 but is super high variance and unnecessary IMO. I also think check-shoving over a minbet is losing value from our hand. We will drive out lots of hands that would continue while in bad shape while always losing the max when we are behind (we will do this anyway obv but we offset that by extracting value in other spots if we don’t force out all the hands we want to continue). If he had bet larger I think a check-jam is fine. I like leading lots of hands in unraised pots. No one has initiative so we can win more than our share by taking it. If you know one of the other two players is aggro then checking is fine to induce them to bet. The sizing of your flop raise/turn bet is a pretty minimal issue that depends a lot on your image and how thinking the people in your game are. I don’t think you made any glaring errors in this hand. I think your opp made a couple.
  22. Why do you think you could have played the hand better? What would you have done instead? He didn’t have the odds to call your flop bet or your turn jam. He also had about as good a hand as you could expect so you wouldn’t want to drive all the hands you dominate out of the pot just so he doesn’t get to make a marginally breakeven turn call here.
  23. Ah great got it. I assume you didn’t hold? [emoji35]
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