For sure, shoving allin is always >>>> calling allin (arguably unless you have exactly AA, since every other hand benefits some from fold equity).
AK def plays different in tourneys than in cash. AK plays best with shallower stack to pot ratio, such that stacking off with 1 pair is clearly correct, which is more prevalent in tourney than cash. AK also plays best all-in pre, though, exactly for a reason you mentioned above - you realize all of your equity. The problem with that in cash is that you are playing, usually, 100 BB deep or so, and unless you are in with maniacs, their all-in range is not going to be wide enough to justify that.
The same applies in tourneys also, getting 100 BB in pre with AK is not at all good unless your opponent is a known berserker.
A 49 tournament sample size is LITERALLY nothing, which is one of the huge difficulties in poker, results that are statistically very very short-term mash our positive/negative reinforcement buttons. There are plenty of people who literally play 50 tournaments in a single day. You obv prefer good results, but improving decision-making and mindset should be based on gameplay, and not taking a tiny sample size and extrapolating that it must be b/c you play AK bad in tourneys.