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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. Got my second Moderna at 515 yesterday. Through last night and this morning, just had sore arm and a little headache. Was supposed to watch a movie doubleheader with the kiddos this afternoon. Kicked in hard, second movie replaced by 150 minute nap. Just super sore everywhere, 101.3 fever, blahhhh. Nap helped a bit Wife got J&J yesterday morn, had chills last night and feels hungover with a miserable headache today.
  2. WSOP tentatively scheduled for Sept 30-Nov 23. Let’s goooooooooooo.
  3. His open limp is really bad. In your shoes I would generally lead the flop since there is no preflop aggressor and I don’t want it to check through. I would check raise a bit smaller to make him think he has fold equity and set up a slightly less than pot size jam on the turn. Once one player flops aces up and the other flops a pair plus the NFD and the effective stacks are less than 20 bigs, it’s basically gonna get all in. In his shoes i would just jam over your flop raise. I’m a bit confused what you mean by “dealing to the turn he had 24.4% and dealing to the river he had 39.6%”. He has the same number of outs each Street. Sometimes people will flip that and calculate higher odds on flop bc two cards to come. One thing to keep in mind when calculating odds you need to continue on the flop though - you can’t count your equity for turn and river unless the bet is all in. Because you may face another bet on the turn that denies your equity. But also if you’re the player drawing you have to factor in the implied odds, how much I know you will pay if I hit. Say you have AA and I somehow know it. We each have 100 BB. The flop is A59 and I have 23. You bet 5BB into 2BB on flop. I know you will call a shove if i hit. I should call despite not having the correct immediate odds. I’m not calling 5 to win 7, I’m calling 5 to win 102. Of course in reality I can’t “know” you have AA and lots of people overestimate implied odds as an excuse to not fold. Folding sucks. [emoji1787]
  4. Wife got J&J at 9:20am this morning at HEB and is in bed with chills. She says she doesn't feel bad at all, just can't get warm. I got Moderna dose 2 at 5:15pm at Kelly Reaves through Family Hospital System after getting dose 1 at Lockhart HEB. Efficient process, enjoyed not having to even get out of the car. Nothing yet, but it's very early obv. Super glad to be good to go. I also got that city of Austin email. I figure with all the lists I got on, that the next several weeks will feature lots of contacts asking if I still need vaccines.
  5. Woooooo finally got my wife a J&J appt tomorrow at the Round Rock 1431 HEB. In under the wire in time for us to hit Vegas in late April. LFGGGGH
  6. For sure, shoving allin is always >>>> calling allin (arguably unless you have exactly AA, since every other hand benefits some from fold equity). AK def plays different in tourneys than in cash. AK plays best with shallower stack to pot ratio, such that stacking off with 1 pair is clearly correct, which is more prevalent in tourney than cash. AK also plays best all-in pre, though, exactly for a reason you mentioned above - you realize all of your equity. The problem with that in cash is that you are playing, usually, 100 BB deep or so, and unless you are in with maniacs, their all-in range is not going to be wide enough to justify that. The same applies in tourneys also, getting 100 BB in pre with AK is not at all good unless your opponent is a known berserker. A 49 tournament sample size is LITERALLY nothing, which is one of the huge difficulties in poker, results that are statistically very very short-term mash our positive/negative reinforcement buttons. There are plenty of people who literally play 50 tournaments in a single day. You obv prefer good results, but improving decision-making and mindset should be based on gameplay, and not taking a tiny sample size and extrapolating that it must be b/c you play AK bad in tourneys.
  7. Hey I’d had several drinks, I was under a lot of stress, and she said it happens to everyone.
  8. If 77 is calling, so is AQ, AJ, KQs, right? Also they only realize their equity if they call your all-in bet. And being allin also means you realize YOUR equity. What if it ran out J-8-3-T-Q and you would have folded flop? And since you have AK and they are morons, you have more equity. Don't be results-oriented about the order of cards. Once it came AK3, weren't you glad he was allin and that he couldn't fold and save the rest of his chips? He was drawing all but dead and got a miracle. But anytime you can get some buffoon to shove J8 into you with zero fold equity, you already won.
  9. Right, play your range. On most flops our range crushes that of a call station. Q73 feels bad for us but if he calls pre with T8, A5, etc he doesn’t like it either. The tricky stack depth is part of why I like 3.5x rather than 5x bc that does allow us a bit more wiggle room to play post flop if only BB calls.
  10. Sign up for Family Hospital Systems vaccine list. They will email you in about 48 hours with a list to their vaccine portal and you can book a second Moderna shot at Kelly Reaves.
  11. Stack sizes are definitely awkward for postflop play. Jamming would be ok/fine. I’d raise to 3.5x and hope the BB calls and then CO jams and I can rejam. Be sure to watch your sizing in spots like this bc you wanna make sure you will be able to jam if CO jams. So if he had exactly 9bb you were ok but not if he had 8.8. The biggest problem with jamming is that it kind of turns your hand pretty faceup to something like 77-QQ; AQ, AK. Youre prob not willing to jam worse into the bigger stacked BB and you’re prob not jamming with monsters because you want value. That said, many players won’t catch on to this (but many will). The bigger thing to address is the thought process. You have a monster hand and you are hoping everyone folds and worried about inviting BB in. You love them coming in even if it doesn’t work this specific time. Massive massive lol at limping J8s off 9bb then jamming over a 5x raise. The fact they play this bad is why we are great with them stumblefucking into a pot when we have AKs.
  12. I am clearly a plugged-in, important person.
  13. I have not. It doesn't feel that way, but have heard no murmurs/rumbling either way.
  14. Legit him never winning the Colonial or A-10 in six shots should have been a red flag.
  15. Great thanks! Called and got picky-ass wife who only wants J&J on the list. In before "she obv can't be that picky"
  16. Y'all we are gonna have a full fair and Cotton Bowl this October and FAPFAPFAPFAPFAP
  17. Goddamn there is no worse feeling than "a couple years ago" actually turning out to be 10-15 years. Panic-inducing.
  18. Was HUGELY disappointed in the WB one. I got a second one just to see if the first was fucked up somehow. Def my least fave thing on their menu and I’ve had every item. It’s significantly worse than their reg chix sammich which seems unreasonable.
  19. Bc the efficacy is the percent your chances drop, not that you have for example a 5% chance of infections. So (using random numbers) could drop all infections from 1M to 50,000 (95% decrease) but only drop severe from 20,000 to 5,000 (75% decrease).
  20. Very interested in the David Chang spitroasted meat and flatbread place opening soon in the Cosmo bougie food court. Will hit that next month.
  21. Trust me, it has crossed my mind a few hundred times as I sift through Moderna/Pfizer appointments trying to find one.
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