Such a boss move to be able to link vid instead of just text history!
Pre is pretty marginal if opponents are solid. I like calling there if villains are bad, especially if they love giving up post.
Just not able to fold post, he can't have a hand that really has you fucked. You're 28% against QQ, which is worst case, and only 1 combo of that obv. 50% against AA (no spade), 44% against AA with spade, 52% against AKss, 77% against JTss, and 34% against Q9.
You're calling $428 to win $673 more, so you need 428/1101 or 39% equity. So slightly losing against his exact hand. But against a range of QQ+, 99, 55, AQs, Q9s, AKss, JTss, we have 50%, so a hugely winning call. (I didn't include AQo to account for him maybe folding some AQ combos, dunno how likely that is, but adding all AQ just drops us to 49%). Our equity goes up a bit to 51% if he has other nut flush spade combos also, since we are beating those. Our equity also goes up if he can also have 95s combos.