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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. Stack sizes are definitely awkward for postflop play. Jamming would be ok/fine. I’d raise to 3.5x and hope the BB calls and then CO jams and I can rejam. Be sure to watch your sizing in spots like this bc you wanna make sure you will be able to jam if CO jams. So if he had exactly 9bb you were ok but not if he had 8.8. The biggest problem with jamming is that it kind of turns your hand pretty faceup to something like 77-QQ; AQ, AK. Youre prob not willing to jam worse into the bigger stacked BB and you’re prob not jamming with monsters because you want value. That said, many players won’t catch on to this (but many will). The bigger thing to address is the thought process. You have a monster hand and you are hoping everyone folds and worried about inviting BB in. You love them coming in even if it doesn’t work this specific time. Massive massive lol at limping J8s off 9bb then jamming over a 5x raise. The fact they play this bad is why we are great with them stumblefucking into a pot when we have AKs.
  2. I am clearly a plugged-in, important person.
  3. I have not. It doesn't feel that way, but have heard no murmurs/rumbling either way.
  4. Legit him never winning the Colonial or A-10 in six shots should have been a red flag.
  5. May vs October is mighty different.
  6. Great thanks! Called and got picky-ass wife who only wants J&J on the list. In before "she obv can't be that picky"
  7. Y'all we are gonna have a full fair and Cotton Bowl this October and FAPFAPFAPFAPFAP
  8. Goddamn there is no worse feeling than "a couple years ago" actually turning out to be 10-15 years. Panic-inducing.
  9. Where/how did you get the J&J? Thanks!
  10. As would the HBBQCSS.
  11. Was HUGELY disappointed in the WB one. I got a second one just to see if the first was fucked up somehow. Def my least fave thing on their menu and I’ve had every item. It’s significantly worse than their reg chix sammich which seems unreasonable.
  12. Bc the efficacy is the percent your chances drop, not that you have for example a 5% chance of infections. So (using random numbers) could drop all infections from 1M to 50,000 (95% decrease) but only drop severe from 20,000 to 5,000 (75% decrease).
  13. Very interested in the David Chang spitroasted meat and flatbread place opening soon in the Cosmo bougie food court. Will hit that next month.
  14. Trust me, it has crossed my mind a few hundred times as I sift through Moderna/Pfizer appointments trying to find one.
  15. Where is your appointment at?
  16. Yeah, doesn't want to mess with the two shots, feels like the J/J is more responsive to the new variants so less likely to get booster, few less side effects, etc. I agree it's not that rational and is irritating, so you don't have to try to convince me of that haha. I think it's reasonable to select it all things else equal. To turn down existing appointments to hold out is pretty 🙄
  17. how the Christ do you not see an 8 foot dude on a bike?
  18. Right, you see people in the article saying "I can't find a time" but there are things like this that are available with a bit of a drive or effort. I had originally booked in Marlin before grabbing a spot at HEB in Lockhart. Wife wants the J&J and that's a struggle to find, but there are dozens of Moderna/Pfizer bookings I could have for her in 5 minutes or less.
  19. My second isn't until 3/29 but they told me just show up at the same time as the 1st and bring the card.
  20. Yeah, Wicked Spoon at Cosmo is re-opening March 25, just a bit too late. I'm headed out for a week in late April and can't fucking wait. Last trip was Feb. 2020, can't remember the last time I went 14 months between Vegas trips.
  21. People are down on Pecan Lodge?
  22. Ha! No hate for Texas hoops here. I actually have them losing to Mich St in my bracket here bc I figure I get a big leg up if TX goes out early but in my other contest I have TX in the FF.
  23. There are generally two versions - pot limit and fixed limit. They play fairly significantly differently. Biggest keys: 1) Play tight preflop. Don't get sucked into the "oh wow all the potential combos!" People will be in there with hands like KhJs5s3d. Don't be one of those people. 2) You want to have the nuts or be drawing to the nuts. This goes double when you are only going one way in a pot. Tons of people donk off a lot of money with something like A3 low draw, no high hopes, then either they miss the low or it comes and they lose to A2. Or they will put in a lot of money with like Jh9hXX on a board like Th6h2x, and so they are only eligible for half the pot if a low comes, have no real high hopes other than a flush, and when the flush comes, they will frequently be against a higher flush. This is all amplified the more people that see the flop, which in low-limit O8 is usually a lot. 3) Be aware of being "quartered" even with nut hands. This is a worse problem in pot-limit, since the bet sizes you have to be are big compared to the flop. For example if you have A2 but nothing for high in a multi-way pot that is going pot-pot-pot with 3 players in, there is a good chance one or both of the other players has A2 and also something for high, so you will get nothing from the high pot and only a chop of the low pot, resulting in you putting in more than you are getting back. In limit, the bet sizes are small enough that you almost always have to go with it (remember that the previous bets you already have put in are sunk costs and part of the pot now, so you can't think "I'm not getting back the total that I put in" only "will I get more back than I have to put in from here on out?" 4) Be aware of getting freerolled or counterfeited. Again, much more painful/expensive in PL. Say the board is 789hh and you have JTAK. So you have "the nuts" right now. But if a low card comes, you now can only get half the pot. If a T comes, you lose to QJ. If a heart comes or the board pairs, you lose to tons of combos. Against heavy action, it is going to actually be correct to fold this on the flop, which is super counter-intuitive for a holdem player. Similarly, say the board is 678. A hand like A2KQ is MUCH weaker than a hand like A245 or even A23K. On the first, you have a solid high hand to go with your low (you won't always win the high obv, but you can be the person getting 3/4 against another A2XX like I mention above. On the second, you have an uncounterfeitable low. If you just have A2xx, your hand goes to shit if an A or 2 peels. But if you have A23, you still have the nut low. 5) On a related note, get familiar with how to figure out low hands when 4 or 5 low cards hit the board. It is super easy with 3, but tricky with 4, where you pair one of them. For example, 24 is better than A2 on a board of A378K, even though A2 makes a low and people think of A2 as the "nut low".
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