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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. This. Now if he wants to say hand washing isn't sufficient, fine. But to say it isn't helpful, when we are talking about a virus that can apparently live on surfaces, is just false. I can pick the virus up on my hands, then touch my nose, mouth, or food, and get sick. To say don't worry about those things is just disingenuous and reckless.
  2. Literally resorting to wishing it away, and notice the things we need to protect. Citizens? Nope. Industry? Yep. I had vowed to not vote for Biden, but this lump of fuck is going to directly cause thousands of unnecessary American deaths, so I very well be voting for a benign senile lump of goo to replace this malignant senile lump of goo. Really appreciate the choice, America.
  3. Supposed to take the kids for their first trip to Universal Orlando in mid-May. Originally booked flights on SWA for $218/ea, have rebooked for $90/ea. Rebooked hotel for $60 cheaper total for 5 nights. Can cancel hotel up to 5 nights before trip. Only potential risk is got the tickets for the park through Sam's Club, which can only be used through May 22. I would anticipate Sam's will work with us in the event that things deteriorate to the point that the trip isn't feasible.
  4. Your use of the word "were" in relation to the numbers in China and South Korea show how completely uninformed you are on this. What if it is 10x what it is in Italy, where people are dying in the floor of the hospital without care? NBD? JFC.
  5. As posted, it is completely and thoroughly asinine to say you can't post a tweet from the fucking President about the subject of the thread.
  6. Yeah for one the logistics are hugely difficult, much more so here than in China. As has been posted many times, try placing a complete lockdown on Houston. For two, there were bullseyes in China where it was originating. It's all over the place here. What places are you qurantining and from where? We aren't testing, so quarantining will lock some uninfected in with the infected.
  7. With all due respect, you're misinformed. Take a look at the links that have been posted regarding exponential growth. Italy is letting people just die without treatment in the floor of the hospital because their health care system is literally collapsing. That doesn't sound like "starting to get there." China imposed draconian quarantines that we cannot. South Korea and Japan implemented early cancellations and quarantines, and SK has widespread testing. We have none of those things. Also Italy is approaching 10,000 cases and the curve is rocketing up. That's not "a couple thousand." Immediate measures are needed to slow infections to prevent the complete overrun of our medical system.
  8. As a relatively healthy 42 year old, the most likely way I die from the coronavirus is having a medical emergency while our hospitals are completely overrun, making basic health care unavailable. I have significant concerns that the combination of most people's head in the sand BUTTHEFLU attitude combined with our government's incredible failures are making this overrun inevitable. I think these things will also have economic consequences that result in panic, depression, etc. So I have light concerns about the illness for myself catching it, but very concerned about the overall societal impact.
  9. Yes. Replace Oklahoma with Coronavirus and Aggy with USA#1 on the scoreboard. I won't comment on whose face should replace Little Debbie Franchione.
  10. Agree with Lurch, that's all totally fine. And you can still lose slowplaying quads LOL, I checked TT behind on TT6 rainbow and lost. We play to win money, not hands. I think against some opponents we should actually raise this river. They should be opponents that valuebet thin and who pay off river raises. Say he has T8 or something and he bets river to get value from an ace, but then talks himself into paying off. You need to know that is your opponent, and also be willing to fold to a 3-bet. Did we have the Ah in our hand? Also agree that a better strategy would be to instead river the 8h.
  11. Says who? The exponential case rate is higher than flu. The R0 (number of people one person expects to infect) is 2.5 to 3.5 times that of flu. That’s one of the things some of us have been trying to explain to the JUSTTHEFLU crowd while Italy’s health care system collapses into Bolivian.
  12. This is extremely concerning and sobering and an excellent summary of why the “meh it’s the flu” and “no concern unless you’re old” crowds are risking thousands of lives.
  13. A huge part of it is the US is completely resisting testing unless no other option exists. So less cases and the ones that are found are mostly severe so more deaths.
  14. Which is why there needs to be widely available testing at low or no cost. If I get fever and a cough, I may not quarantine, but if I can go get tested, see I have it, then I would. Also, you test to make sure asympomatic people aren't spreading it. Guy posted yesterday that his uncle has it, confirmed, but his aunt has no symptoms, so they aren't testing her. She's free to roam. That is gross negligence. She should obviously be tested to help reduce the spread. As has been posted over and over, slowing the spread is YUGE as far as crippling effects on our economy and health care system. 100,000 hospitalized over a 6 month period is dramatically different than over a 1 month period.
  15. Well that's one way to keep the numbers low. Also even if it was COVID-19, that’s still a “natural” death. Technically correct, the very best kind.
  16. Took me a minute - but I found Chicago State in the WAC, where the men's team is currently 0-14 in conference and 4-25 overall, makes me wonder who they beat but not enough to look. The women's team is 1-13 in the WAC standings, 1-26 overall. So these forfeits actually save the school travel money, as they would have lost the games anyway 3 of the men’s team wins are non-DI. Pulling their schedule is amusing as they get massacred by the bottom third of the NCAA. I’m sure they were good with any reason to cancel.
  17. Kick the can down the road without stock market panic until the warm weather “miracle”.
  18. That nurse's statement, along with so many other stories of people being denied testing as well as not being given proper instruction should absolutely result in lots of terminations and litigation after we put this mess behind us, which will be much worse than what was necessary. Fucking idiots.
  19. Yeah, no, most people aren't washing up properly. Most people are doing their 3 second token rinse under cold water, then relentlessly touching their eyes, nose, and mouth, and refusing to modify their lifestyle.
  20. That ZH article is such inaccurate and irresponsible trash. For one, 2% mortality would be huge. For two, it disregards the survivors often require multi week hospital stays. For three, it disregards that people pass it on without showing symptoms and stopping spread requires a multi week quarantine. Those factors make it potentially very disruptive even to those who don’t catch it. Then all the misleading or false stuff. Oh hey 40 years ago Dean Koontz wrote a novel about a bio weapon that developed in China. Must be fake!!!! Of course even our cherry picked page shows that the fiction was completely different as the Koontz weapon couldn’t live outside of a person for a minute and part of what makes COVID dangerous is it can survive on surfaces for a long time. Also the page that says 2020 doesn’t read like a novel and isn’t same font as the Koontz book so that looks like some other crap that they are trying to tie into the “coincidence.” And it’s false that the media is treating it like the plague. I really want to throatpunch this person.
  21. One good thing is they are both in the extreme coronavirus danger zone age bracket. And yeah 2016 was a layup too and the Dems came up with another bag of shit. Enough people enabled that by voting for that bag of shit that they went back to the well. I won’t support it. I would vote for every Dem nominee from 1992-2012 over Trump. I don’t know enough about Dukakis to say for sure. It’s just amazing that the party that could/should be representing the future is coming down to two guys who are 158 years old combined. Their combined lifespan would reach back to the fucking Civil War.
  22. Only way to get parties to stop nominating bags of shit is to not vote for bags of shit. Worthwhile to me.
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