None were a direct match for me. My preferences of the field that came out were Yang, Buttigieg, Warren. Yang and Buttigieg I liked because I like a forward-looking, scientific, intelligent approach. Also when you have someone who is 40-50, they have a very vested interest in the next 30 years of what happens to this country, its economy, etc. If Bernie's policies cause a Great Depression, what does he care, he'll be dead anyway. Warren was older than I prefer, but is almost a decade younger than the 3 ancient Bs, and also had a more policy-based approach.
I would accept someone who isn't a senile groper who is an incoherent babbler, we already have one of those.
And no, I absolutely also will not vote for Donald Trump. I'm aware that many people will say that not voting for Biden is voting for Trump. I'm not the one who came up with this shit sandwich. You have to earn my vote, not just say "yeah but our shit sandwich is at least semi-solid, and that guy's is pure diarrhea."