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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. "My kid served in Iraq" is a perfectly valid response to "you don't care about the people who served in Iraq." Jesus Christ, stop making me defend this guy.
  2. I'm aware some people will see it that way. Why isn't lack of voting for Trump supporting the Dem candidate? Same exact argument. The people who had 4 years to come up with a candidate in what they see as the most important election in history and came up with a senile octogenarian groper are the enablers.
  3. So your position is anyone with a legit complaint over any policy or vote by any candidate, regardless of when it occurred, has a right to stand and just scream at a candidate and the candidate is obligated to nod and say "uh huh, right, sure, I told you that bitch crazy, uh huh" until the filibuster ends?
  4. Right, I won't vote for Trump either.
  5. I absolutely agree with this also of course.
  6. Ehhhhh. He listens to the intro, and we won't know how we would have responded if the guy had said something like "do you regret your vote?" or "why should I trust that you wouldn't do this again?" or similar. Instead he just screams "you are disqualified!" over and over. And obviously you don't think that guy is right since you said you will vote for a nominee Biden, so you disagree that he is disqualified. And it shouldn't be disqualifying. It passed the Senate 77-23. More Democrats voted for than against. There are dozens of better reasons for Joe Biden to not be president.
  7. Biden is for sure horrendous, and has been shitty in lots of voter encounters that I've seen, but that wasn't one of them IMO. The guy just wants to yell at him, he's not trying to dialog or ask for positions, etc. How long should Biden stand there and have this guy yell in his face?
  8. Exactly. This is what the BUH WHUH HOW MANY PEOPLE DIE FROM FLU THIS IS HYPE crowd isn't getting. Basically no one is saying wow we are all going to die from the disease, we are saying it has the real potential to be highly disruptive to the health care system and the economy.
  9. He's moving on from Super Thursday continuing his candidacy for U.S. Senate, and will be curing cancer and appointing the first black female senator. Seems simple enough.
  10. None were a direct match for me. My preferences of the field that came out were Yang, Buttigieg, Warren. Yang and Buttigieg I liked because I like a forward-looking, scientific, intelligent approach. Also when you have someone who is 40-50, they have a very vested interest in the next 30 years of what happens to this country, its economy, etc. If Bernie's policies cause a Great Depression, what does he care, he'll be dead anyway. Warren was older than I prefer, but is almost a decade younger than the 3 ancient Bs, and also had a more policy-based approach. I would accept someone who isn't a senile groper who is an incoherent babbler, we already have one of those. And no, I absolutely also will not vote for Donald Trump. I'm aware that many people will say that not voting for Biden is voting for Trump. I'm not the one who came up with this shit sandwich. You have to earn my vote, not just say "yeah but our shit sandwich is at least semi-solid, and that guy's is pure diarrhea."
  11. I'm a middle-of-the-road moderate who absolutely won't vote for Joe Biden. And when Trump is re-elected, Democrats can look back and ponder on why they had 4 years to run against the most repugnant person to ever hold the office, and the best they could come up with to represent Democrat ideals is an 80 year old lifelong groper who is exhibiting clear cognitive decline (now! imagine 2-3 years into the presidency. Go back and watch Trump's 2016 debates, he's so far ahead of where he is now mentally, as well as ahead of 2020 Biden, it's scary), Biden would be 6 years older than anyone who has ever won a presidential election and 9 years older than any person first elected president. And this is the best you can do??? We need an 85 year old carrying around the nuclear football?
  12. The second post is why it is so dangerous when the fools are fools, because people give them more credibility. I mean, the hospital employee was told you have coronavirus, you are quarantined, and they went to a goddamn social gathering. Nobody can defend that. But if that same person said "I work at the hospital and blah blah blah" some people would give them credibility despite the fact that they are an obvious imbecile. The below clip sums it up better than I can on the selfish people who will ultimately make this worse.
  13. And again, a hospital employee who should know better. Exactly what I was saying above. "BUT I WANT TO GO!!" trumps any health concerns, and is fed by the misinformation being spread. Can't wait to see how the sheeple would handle a widespread quarantine. Debts don't get inherited, so it will just kind of resolve itself.
  14. Yeah I was at jury duty Monday and this guy behind me was talking loudly about how everyone's just freaking out and it's just the flu but weaker and "wash your hands if that really makes you feel better." He was an EMS worker, and was bragging to the guy he was talking to about how Adderall lets him power through his 24 hour shifts. Definitely disturbing to have people with that "OMG nothing to worry about" attitude who touch the medical fields Meanwhile, the guy next to me just kept coughing directly into his hands (COUGH INTO YOUR ELBOW/ARMPIT YOU DAMN PIG SLOBS) then he handles the jury pay slips as they pass them down. Of course to peel his off, he licks his fingers. Passes them to me, then I pass them to the lady on my right. She then starts fiddling around picking her teeth. The combo of most people's complete slobbishness, the complete resistance to modify our current lifestyle even for a short period of time, plus the combo of willful and ignorant misinformation both from citizens and government is why we are much more likely to make this a significant event than some people think. People also suck at probability, and think you were stupid/wrong to prepare for an event that had a 25% chance of occurring if it doesn't actually occur.
  15. Not to mention how much easier it is to keep pots small or make them big depending on your preference. I will say folding isn't some awful play. We have one pair and the stacks are very deep compared to the pot. But the price is still good and our call will make them play a bit more honestly, so we are at less risk of getting pushed off the best hand.
  16. Agree, clear call and evaluate turn.
  17. QQ hand is totally fine. Why on earth are we betting flop, turn, and river with TT on an ace high board?
  18. People def will do this at 4/8 also. Gotta protect against that fourth heart dontcha know??? Let's ignore what "protect" means when you're betting $8 into a $200 pot.
  19. I will often play my short cash stack like I would a tourney short stack and work on my grinding/patience/spot-finding etc.
  20. Co-sign all of the above posts as well, Lurch had some great tips particularly.
  21. 1) either 1/2 no limit (blinds $1/$2, bet up to your stack at any time) or 3/6 or 4/8 limit (blinds $1/3 or $2/4, bets in increments of $3 or $4 preflop and flop then $6 or $8 turn and river. ) 2) no problem at all. Go do what you need. If the blinds get to you while you are gone you will get a missed blind button. That means to get back in you will have to wait til the blinds come back in or “post” your blinds which means you pay the blind amounts and are dealt in, usually with the small blind amount starting dead in the pot. 3) some people will be grumpy if you leave while up. Unless it’s a home game or a game where you are a frequent regular, fuck those people. You owe them absolutely nothing.
  22. No it was truly awful, and not just for people who strongly support another candidate. I don't have a specific candidate that I really support (my general favorite had been Yang), but I thought it was absolutely horrendous. A guy at my office who desperately wants Trump beaten was full-on Bloomberg until last night, and now is totally off of him.
  23. I’m never folding that. A3hh is 33% vs 88 on that board. If he shows us the 88 it is a very slightly -EV call. Most people are not making giant overbet jams with sets there. If we ever fold to an overpair or a smaller flush draw it’s a disaster. MUCH different if we have say KhJh on Th9s4h. Now they could have the nut flush draw and we are screwed fairly badly.
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