I think calling multiway there with KJs is fine, though we need to be aware that if we flop one pair, we aren't looking to play big pots. I think it plays too well multiway to fold it though we are OOP, and folding isn't terribad. 3betting is certainly fine depending on opponents.
Giant LOLOLOL at someone tanking for a less than potsize bet with AT on QTT2, no flush possible yet. Jesus Christ.
I don't love your snap-reshove with AK on that hand. Do you think he just calls it off with 2 pair when you insta rip it back over the top? At least pause (don't do bad acting, but don't Hellmuth-gasm your chips in either). I would be fine calling his raise, though obv a Q or J river kind of blow. I think that gets us the most money from his weaker 2 pair hands. Remember just because we are ahead of a betting/raising range doesn't mean we should raise, we would need to either be folding out better hands than ours or be ahead of his range that CALLS our raise or reraise. That said, I don't think it's actively bad, just sub-optimal.
The problem on the 66 hand is we need to be counting on her to fold a decent amount of hands, and lots of players aren't folding to an $80 jam with $20 already in, plus other dead money. And when she shrug calls it off, we are usually not in great shape, we are just flipping. I'd rather have an ATs or something to do this, so we are beating all her broadway hands that she shrug calls. Again, I don't think it's hugely -EV, I think it's probably about 0 EV but increases variance.
Yeah, overall, agree with Lurch, it's just mainly poker here, not anything egregiously OOL IMO.
Oh, edit to add, I really don't like the "check in the dark" thing either. What do you think you're gaining from that? It makes your hand look like what it is, a draw. If you have a pair or two pair, are you really going to want to check dark on a two spade board, allowing him to check back and draw for free at a 4th spade to beat you if a spade turns?