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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. 39 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    But that is the point. We have no idea if Wisky is better than LSU or Memphis better than Ohio State. That’s is all based on opinion. The have zero like opponents and don’t play head to head. 

    LOLOLOL. This argument is absolutely ridiculous. Again, if you really think this, you should just blindly mash bets on  every underdog. I mean, OU hasn't played LSU, and they each beat their common opponent by 7, so OU +11 is free money since it's absolutely a coinflip!  If Memphis played tOSU in an 8 team playoff, you think it is 50-50 as to which team wins, since after all, we have no way to know that tOSU is better than Memphis?  No one is dumb enough to believe that.

    6 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    I think the committee has done a pretty good job so far with an impossible task.

    It can be better and the best way for that is standardized competitive scheduling.  Every other league has this figured out.

    I agree with what you are saying, but it's pretty undeniable that the meta-strategy is to play as few losable games as possible.  Not just for playoff hopefuls, but for teams that want to make or improve bowl standing.  Tennessee made a bowl this year even while losing to GSU and BYU.

    Then teams with that meta-strategy can't bitch when it blows up in their face. If Baylor had beaten a P5 team in 2014 instead of 3 total bottom-feeders, they very well might have gone over tOSU. If OU had played Tulsa instead of tOSU in 2017, they might just have been watching tOSU in the playoffs instead. Georgia scheduling and beating ND in 2017 and this year kept them in the playoff convo. Auburn beating Oregon would have gotten them in for sure at 11-2. 

    Sure, if you're a West Virginia or Tennessee trying to rebuild to get back into the upper levels, scheduling some wins to build confidence, get bowls, etc., makes sense. But it's not gonna get you into the playoffs if there is a debate. 

  2. On 12/8/2019 at 8:56 AM, DanRydell said:

    Any system where Oregon is penalized for scheduling Auburn rather than South Idaho State is a bad system.

    People keep saying this. Oregon wasn't penalized for scheduling Auburn. They were penalized for LOSING to Auburn. If they had beaten Auburn, they still would have been in great playoff shape even after losing to Arizona State. If they played South Idaho State, and then lose to Arizona State, now they are gonna be behind OU, etc., in the 1-loss debate. Instead, since they played (and really outplayed despite the final score) Auburn, they were ahead of OU in the pecking order, and if they had won out, I'm quite sure they go over OU if both finished 12-1.

    And that's ONLY because of playing Auburn. OU got a similar boost in 2017 for winning in Columbus that they might not have gotten if they had played Tulsa instead. 

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 1
  3. I think him having flush draw would be much more likely if the board didn’t have Ah. If it’s Ax2h3h he could make this raise with Axhh because he is super happy to play for it all. Reopening betting and with a sizing that is unlikely to get all folds with just king high I don’t think would be great or common.

  4. It’s pretty dumb there too. Team goes 17-1 in a rinkydink conference, then misses the tourney because a team that went 8-10 runs hot in 40 minutes.

    I think in those leagues the winner of the conf tourney should play the winner of the reg season for the bid at least. That way you earn a mulligan by being best for the entire season.

    Plus, those one-bid leagues aren't taking a spot away from a team with a legit shot to win, since so many teams get into the tourney. If we are having an 8 team playoff, wasting a spot on a jabroni team like UVA really sucks. Would much rather include a Penn St, Oregon/Utah loser, OU/Baylor loser, UGA, or hell, even Memphis. 

    • Like 1
  5. If you have wild cards, you still are using opinion to choose the national champ. If you don't have wild cards, every OOC game is now a worthless NFL preseason game. Virginia, even if they managed to beat Clemson this weekend, has no business at all in the playoffs. 

  6. Exactly. It's also completely idiotic to punish LSU for losing to UGA, but you would happily let them in if they lost to Arkansas but won the SEC title game. Or punish LSU for having to play UGA while Clemson plays the 45th or so best team in the country, and tOSU plays a team they already beat by 30. 

    Just take the 4 teams that best combine "best team" and "most deserving resume" and stop trying to arbitrarily impose restrictions or limitations. The NFL playoffs would be dramatically better if no NFC East team was in this year. Instead, we are going to include one and not only that, make a team that is objectively better travel on the road to play that team. 50 win NBA teams have been left out of the playoffs for sub-.500 teams. And some people want to add that element to college football, it makes no sense. 

    • Like 1
  7. Great visit today. Champ hooked me up with some of the daily special, green chili pork stew. Was a bit hungover and that hit the spot.

    Ordered the brisket grilled cheese with the blue cheese bacon potato salad. Got a link of sausage and a side of collards. Everything was great. The sausage was reminiscent of John M sausage, just less spicy. It came with some pickled onions and a mustard sauce. A bite of sausage, onion, sauce and greens all together was phenomenal.

    Anyone in the Galveston area needs to hit this place up! 1fb2b0dfedab567d0f1fd331fb4b7918.jpg729c38eae1620a27fca06cdc5f19f7aa.jpg5585d6ca6489974d1e9516d5cda54709.jpg

    • Like 3
  8. After losing to a non-bowl qualifying team? Eh....I get where you're coming from, but I don't believe they should. If any other team outside of Bama/LSU/Georgia would have done the same, they wouldn't even be in the discussion. It's SEC bias. 

    I literally just posted that OU made the playoff after losing to a non-bowl eligible team which completely kills your idiotic argument. Clemson also made the playoff losing to a non-bowl eligible team. Last I checked, Clemson and Oklahoma aren’t in the SEC.

    Also, S Carolina would be a touchdown fave over Illinois on a neutral field.
  9. Exactly this. The fact that Georgia is even in the discussion after losing to a team not even bowl eligible, shows how biased this shit actually is. It's sickening. 

    You guys seem to forget that Whisky, in addition to the Illinois loss, has a 30 point bitchslap loss as well. Whisky is 10-2, UGA is 11-1 so it isn’t just Illinois vs SCar.

    OU has also made the playoffs before after losing to a team that wasn’t bowl-eligible.
  10. Is he? I don't know. They still give up a lot of points and they have the same record now as they did the last two years heading into Thanksgiving weekend. If there's been a statistical improvement, maybe the sample size is too small to credit it to coaching. Maybe the relative strength of the opposing offenses has something to do with it. Either way it hasn't translated into a better W/L record. 

    Lol this is an absolutely ridiculous post. OU has improved dramatically in every statistical category. 3rd down conversions against have fallen off a cliff.

    The last six quarters they have played, both against top 40 offenses, they allowed 17 total points and under 300 total yards.

    Despite the score, the KSU game was much more on the offense which went to sleep for 2 quarters, and put the D in bad spots with turnovers. There have been several untimely turnovers by the O (which is still elite).

    Also lol at saying “not much improvement on the record” when comparing vs 10-1 seasons. Christ if they were 11-0 would you say “ehhh only one game better does that mean anything”?
    • Like 1
  11. Obviously brutal luck man.

    I don't understand why we are checking AJ on AJ55 twice. Get value! Obv here he has the 5 but he is basically never going to have a 5 and we are letting him draw to KQ, KT hands for free and also not tolling hands with an ace. Lots of raggedy aces will pay off hoping the pair on board will make it a chop.

    Also don't understand the jam with AQ on Q878 esp given we have no read on this guy. We aren't making better fold, and very few worse hands are going to call. Just call turn, and let him bluff again on river if he's bluffing. 

    • Like 1
  12. That PFF article is just bad. Bama 50% to get in? Clemson getting in without winning the ACC? Yeah, no.

    The 3 unbeatens are obviously locks if they win out.

    The B1G champion is a lock if it is 12-1 tOSU, 12-1 Penn State, or 12-1 Minnesota who beats Ohio State in the title game

    The SEC champion is a lock if it is 12-1 LSU or 12-1 UGA

    Then there is a muddle, which I think looks like this:
    1. 12-1 non SEC-champion LSU
    2. 12-1 non B1G-champion tOSU
    3. 12-1 PAC champion Oregon
    4. 12-1 B12 champion Oklahoma
    5. 12-1 B1G champion Minnesota beating PSU in title game
    6. 12-1 ACC champion Clemson
    7. 12-1 PAC champion Utah
    8. 11-1 non B1G-champion tOSU
    9. 11-1 non SEC-champion Bama
    10. 11-2 SEC champion UGA
    11. 12-1 B12 champion Baylor
    12. 11-2 B1G champion Wisconsin
    13. 11-2 PAC champion Oregon

    Other than Wisconsin and 2-loss Oregon, which are definitely below the rest listed, you could put these 12 in a lot of different orders and I wouldn't be totally shocked. 

  13. 1 hour ago, alincoln said:

    His ankle injury unquestionably limited his ability to escape pressure.  Tua was hobbling towards the sideline when he was caught by the MSU defenders and it is not unreasonable to question whether he would have avoided the hip injury if he was healthy.  No one pulls their QB in Q2, but I wonder if teams will do so in the future in similar situations (star QB carrying an injury in a blowout). 

    Eh. You can game plan around lack of elusiveness and Tua needs to make certain decisions. The injury was a completely fluky thing. 

    1 hour ago, Zavala said:

    Yeah it's probably the smart move to keep your recently injured QB in there when you are up 28 points.

    I mean at some point, why play Tua at all other than against the 3 or 4 toughest teams on your schedule? Pulling players before half does a disservice to the players, the fans, the entire college football system. Should the Pats just sit Brady when they play the Dolphins and Jets? I mean they don't NEED him in there to win. If he hadn't been suspended, should tOSU just sit Chase Young for the Maryland and Rutgers games?  Why is Fields in there throwing in the 3rd up 35-7 on Rutgers?  At some point,  you have to accept it is football, and not try to results-oriented reverse engineer everything.

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