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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. 16 hours ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

    Either my route or others mentioned after your post. I’m not certain that the church is still operating the fenced parking option, but there are sure to be options.

    I’d stick to something real close to Al Lipscomb Way. One time about 30 years ago, we parked on the railroad ROW, and some guy said he would “look after” our car for $10 or $20 bucks. We got the hint and paid him. That was before we found the church lot.

    One other time, a guy said he had a lot and jumped on my hood and pointed straight ahead as soon as I asked him to show me. I said no thanks, but my hood was still scratched. 

    One of my favorite OU - Texas weekend stories: way back in the day, my dad was parking in the neighborhood for the game. Gets waved into this network of lawns, etc., pays the guy up front and they keep waving him into the next yard, the next yard, past other cars, until finally the last guy just waves him back out into the street, thanks for your cash.

    • Like 6
    • Haha 3
  2. They do mention the special red ones. Don’t get on a southbound red marked Westmorelqnd. The special ones bypass a lot of stops and go right to MLK station. They have a specific Oct 12 schedule. Pull up the Oct 12 red line southbound schedule. The first special one leaves Parker Rd at 701. See how that one is the first one to skip stops and the first one to stop at MLK? All the ones on that schedule are the special ones.

  3. Onn a random night in that area, you are right. But that day with that many people out there and walking all over the area in groups, nothing is going to happen.

    I’m disagreeing. In the immediate area around the Fair that’s right. Parking in the vicinity and walking, sure. Walking through downtown and Deep Ellum and Fair Park in areas no one is parking and walking naaaahhhhhh.
  4. 6 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Yes, I would love for to valet too. Is there no cash parking at the fairgrounds itself? Is it just prepaid like it is for a game on campus?

    There is cash parking on site. We use it every year, and no problems at all if you arrive early. Dunno why people park in yards for the same cost other than arriving after lots are full?

    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

    One time we were coming from Ft Worth, and somehow got on the I-30 frontage road and followed it to S Riverfront Blvd which took us to Cadiz St or Corinth St, I can't remember which.

    Riverfront deadends into Corinth, which you can turn left on and then follow it to Lamar, then right, etc.

    EDIT: Basically deadends, it continues on as a scraggly two lane for a bit. Turn left at Longhorn Ballroom.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Longhorn94 said:

    We are better on offense and defense than last year. They are not as good offensively and are marginally better on defense.

    From AdjustedStats.com, Texas D has gone from #27 and #34 in defensive yards and point allowed per possession to #45 and #82. Defensive ypp from #22 to #79. The level of mental maneuvering to think the 2019 Texas D is better than the 2018 Texas D is beyond my ability to fathom. Texas O is better this year for sure. 

    OU O yards per possession and play 2018:  54, 9.1

    OU O yards per possesion and play 2019: 55, 9.7

    OU O points per possession 2018: 4.52

    OU O points per possession 2019: 4.49

    All 6 numbers are #1 nationally. And you can't bring up schedule, that's the point of the adjusted stats. So both teams are better offensively this year (or possssibly OU is the same), Texas is worse on D this year, OU is better on D this year.

    • Like 1
  7. Definitely drivers who can't carry on convos without looking in the back and/or gesturing wildly are more dangerous. One big factor with in-car convo vs. phone convo, in addition to the brain science (I don't the science on what part of your brain performs different tasks is going to change) is that in-car passengers usually can see when they may need to STFU for a minute in heavy traffic/dangerous spots, whereas the phone person doesn't know the driver really needs full attention now.

    • Like 1
  8. 20 hours ago, HouTex said:

    Agree. And drivers also should not be allowed to talk to any passengers riding with them. No different than talking handsfree on the phone.

    The science actually doesn't concur with this. For whatever reason, speaking with a person who is present with you uses a different part of your brain than speaking with someone on the phone. And the part that is used speaking on the phone is also used for driving. 

    Hands-free is safer than non-hands-free, since theoretically you don't have to look away from the road, and you have both hands, but it is still considerably less safe than not using the phone in a way that in-person convos/listening to the radio are not.

    One thing that typing this has made me curious about - when I attended the conferences where I learned the above, I didn't listen to podcasts. I do now. I wonder if listening to podcasts acts more like in-person convo or on the phone convo. 

  9. 1 minute ago, utee94 said:

    We take the kids to the fair on Friday, it's way less crowded so no lines for rides and food, and we pick up all of our coupons for Saturday then, as well.

    Perfect! I also buy more than I think I will need, since I know I will be back next year, and they take the previous year's coopins the next year. I'd much rather have some left than end up waiting in a 5PM coopin line. This is the first year in a long time I'm not bringing any at all back. 

  10. If you think the killing of a witness prior to testifying wouldn’t have been bigger news than the killing of one after the trial is over than you probably went to Oklahoma. Dumbass.

    I stand by it and went to Texas Law so blow it out of your ass. The guy was an extremely minor witness. Read the post a few above about how if they were gonna do this it wouldn’t be this guy or this case and let it sink into your brain.
  11. Anyone tried the Big Red Chicken Bread at Smokey John's BBQ yet?
    I'm trying to locate some different options on the map.  I'm interested in the burnt ends, boudin egg roll, Big Red bread, deep fried potato salad, and arroz con leche from last year (anyone try that?).  And Fletcher's, of course.

    Potato salad is at Pearlies on the Midway. Burnt end burrito at the Dock in the Embarcadero, boudin rolls at Taste of NOLA in food court. Arroz con Leche in the food court. I had it last year, liked it didn’t love it. Thought description sounded fantastic.
    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, msudawg said:

    Damn. Well I'm going Thursday and plan to check the burnt end burrito (30), The fried taco cone (unknown), Cream corn casserole fritters (14), Flamango Tango (25) and of course my standard Jalapeno Fletchers.  

    Fried Taco Cone is 18 coops. Good list,  I will also be consuming all of these items, except I can never do the Jalapeno Fletcher's, because the original is too great. 

    • Like 1
  13. JFC, this guy wasn't under some giant police/media watch. Without looking, name 3 other witnesses from the trial who aren't Guyger or SexCop. He got killed, and then people tried to sensationalize his murder by linking it up. If he had gotten killed the week before the trial, it wouldn't have made a blurb on the news, despite OMG KEY WITNESS IN GUYGER CASE, because he mattered about 0.1% to the state's case. 

    • Like 1
  14. Yeah, our group parks outside of 10 a lot. Very easy in, coopin booth right there, corny dogs right there. Getting out is less good, traffic-wise, but very easy walk from the stadium to car if you are leaving right after. I have had good luck getting in and out in the long narrow lot just off Haskell when you come from Parry (3C). Coming in from 75, it's very easy to get to especially that early. 

    Obv wax cup consumption will weigh in. I personally would only DART or Uber if I was leaving late to let the lines die down. GL and enjoy the day with your pops.

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