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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. 2 minutes ago, rungeflash said:

    Try coming up for air from hurts ball line.....and quit reach'n 'round after so few games.  Blow u has played exactly nobody.  If dirt burglar beats Texas and hurts puts up pinball numbers in the cotton bowl, then by all means, let the slobbery continue. Until then, no one outside norman is impressed.

    Well, that's pretty clearly not true given that he is leading every Heisman Trophy poll.

    Also, again, thousands of QBs have played "nobody" and not done what JH has done thus far. Why?

  2. 3 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Y'all lawdogs have some more explaining to do if you don't want me shitting on the legal system at all. 

    Is it true that the castle doctrine requires forced entry into the home while someone is present? If so then why was the jury instructed to consider that doctrine when Guyger testified that she heard someone in the apartment before she entered? According to her testimony, even if she thought it was her apartment she knew for a fact it was entered while empty. 

    Texas Penal Code 9.32

    (b)  The actor's belief under Subsection (a)(2) that the deadly force was immediately necessary as described by that subdivision is presumed to be reasonable if the actor:

    (1)  knew or had reason to believe that the person against whom the deadly force was used:

    (A)  unlawfully and with force entered, or was attempting to enter unlawfully and with force, the actor's occupied habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment;

    (B)  unlawfully and with force removed, or was attempting to remove unlawfully and with force, the actor from the actor's habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment; or

    (C)  was committing or attempting to commit [aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery.]


    NO evidence entered of A, B, or C.

  3. 1 minute ago, pepper brooks said:

    pretty shocked they got to "murder" here, but I would lean on saying that in this case if they were going to get it wrong on one side or the other I am more comfortable with murder than innocence.  What I mean is "not guilty and walk" would not have been acceptable to me.  You are responsible for every bullet that leaves your gun.  I cannot believe this situation deserved not guilty.  even if you made an "honest mistake" an innocent man is dead.  that should not go unpunished IMO.  On the other hand, I do not believe this girl murdered this guy based on what I have read and followed.  Had I been on the jury I think I would have voted for manslaughter and 15-20 and somewhere near whatever the max is for the offense.  I am still more okay with murder than not guilty, but I think murder is a reach.  

    which element of murder do you not find present? 

  4. 3 minutes ago, sidis said:

    wisconsin beat northwestern 24-15 on saturday and looked entirely incompetent doing so.  their qb is not very good.  ohio state feasts on one dimensional teams.  decent oline, great rb, disciplined and competent defense.  they are not ready to compete with ohio state yet.  as for indianapolis, wisconsin has played in five of the eight big 10 championship games and are currently sitting at 0-5 in that game. 

    i think the likelihood that ohio state goes undefeated through the regular season and conference championship game is about 80-85%.  not sure why michigan is assumed to be a top 50 team, they are fucking terrible and have beaten ohio state twice since 2001 (not even a rivalry anymore).  bama has made it undefeated twice with a tougher schedule than ohio state has this year.

    OK I will put up $100 to your $200, I'll take tOSU does not go unbeaten through the B1G title game. That would reflect odds of 67% that they go unbeaten, an amazing deal for you at your odds!

  5. 3 minutes ago, sidis said:

    i'm not saying it is easy to go unbeaten.  i just think that ohio state and clemson both have the opportunity to do so without ever playing above their b games. 

    wisconsin isn't that great and they play directly into ohio state's strength.  they don't have the defensive speed to have a prayer of slowing down their offense.  ohio state gets them at home, as well as both michigan state (who lose to arizona state at home) and penn state (who does have a history of making that game interesting).  their remaining road games are rutgers, northwestern, and michigan.  none of those teams are top 50 teams.  they will buttfuck all of them.

    What are you basing "Wisconsin isn't that great" on? Also, tOSU gets them at home, but then again at neutral field. Also, Michigan is overrated, but absolutely is a top 50 team. You're being a bit absurd. What do you think tOSU's % chance of going unbeaten is?

    In the 5 years of the playoff, there have been 6 unbeaten teams make it (30% of playoff teams). 4 of the 6 unbeaten teams were either the ACC champion or Notre Dame with an ACC-heavy schedule. Zero teams in the playoff era have won the PAC, B1G, or B12 unbeaten.

  6. 3 minutes ago, conVINCEd said:

    So I’m wondering where the line is going to be drawn on riots/no riots.  Acquittal will obviously result in riots.  A conviction on a lesser charge with minimal time or probation will probably get some level of riotous activity.  I’m thinking she needs to get at least 10 years in the hoosegow for downtown to remain relatively unscathed.

    Nah. Felony conviction with prison time will do it, especially given that it will keep her from ever having a firearm or being LEO again, which should both occur.

  7. People dramatically overestimate how easy it is to go unbeaten (if you don't play in the ACC and are named Clemson). 

    Ohio State looks really fucking good, but they still play Wisconsin at least once, likely twice. Whisky is a very good football team. Even if you think Ohio State is 90% to beat Whisky, they lose one of the two games almost 1 time in 5. The combo of Sparty, Penn State, and @Michigan is also a trifecta of games that they can lose if the other team plays up and Ohio State plays down. If you think tOSU is 95% to beat Sparty, 95% to beat PSU, 95% to beat Michigan, 90% to beat Whisky, and 100% to win its other 3 games (NW, Md, Rut) (these numbers are all higher than reality, some much higher, BTW, just for demonstration), then tOSU still loses a game over 30% of the time. 

    FPI says tOSU is the #2 team with #1 overall efficiency, and also has them at 37% to win out. 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    As adopted, which includes Chapter 19, it's a very fine penal code.  It has served us very well for a long, long time, but it is getting kind of corroded and corrupted by the lege (see UCW).

    Making sweeping changes in law in response to aberrational cases like this is usually a mistake.

    It isn't in response to this case. My job is teaching the law to judges, and so many areas of the law are unnecessarily antiquated and complicated. It's time to move into this century, and that includes not calling crimes things that require 12 of 12 jurors to revamp what they think words mean to avoid murderers getting off.

  9. No QB in history has posted a rating over 245 in more than 2 games in an entire season. He's 4 for 4. Are you saying no QB in history has played 2 teams as soft as those in history in a single season, and a dozen could all of a sudden do that? Sure it's against an admittedly not great lineup, but still 2 P5s and a decent G5 in there. Tua hasn't done it, and isn't he surrounded by NFL players playing soft teams?

  10. 10 hours ago, Tex Long said:

    Highly unlikely Clemson stumbles? They looked damned unsteady at the Fightin' Macks' house... reckon I'd back off a tad on that "unlikely" assessment, were I in your shoes.

    Agree it's highly unlikely. They play literally no teams that are even good. Their toughest remaining game is either Wake Forest (3 point win over Utah State, 3 point win over the same BC team that Kansas beat by 24) or a possible matchup with UVA in the ACC title game (trailed at home 17-0 to Old Goddamn Dominion, rallied at home past mighty Florida State).  

    10 hours ago, TexArcher said:

    I'm convinced the SEC will get 2 teams into the playoff most years.  The fact that SEC teams are overvalued in the starting rankings and not punished by voters for playing Troy and Georgia Southern almost guarantees it.

    There have been 5 playoffs, with 1 having two SEC teams, with those two teams having not played each other in the regular season or SEC title game. Last year was the only other year where 2 SEC teams were even considered. So it being considered 40% and happening 20% doesn't square with "getting two in most years."

    4 hours ago, Wally Fairway said:

    I'll take the under on the number of unbeaten teams the OP is calling for. It's college football and upsets happen - but Clemson and Bama get in with 1 loss.

    There will not be undefeated teams battling for a spot, there may not be more than a few 1 loss teams after the CCG weekend

    Not so sure on a 1-loss Clemson. They might get a benefit of the doubt, based on recent history, but 12-1 against a schedule that really might have no teams even receiving votes in the AP or coaches poll by the end of the year is NOT impressive at all.

    1 hour ago, Doc Sam Beckett said:

    There is no way a 12-1 Big 12 champ Texas or Oklahoma is left out for an 11-1 secsecsec team that didn't win its conference. I would bet fucking big on that. 

    I agree with the caveat of it being 11-1 LSU with a tight loss to 13-0 Bama compared to a 12-1 Texas, which LSU beat on its home field. I still think Texas could get the nod there, but LSU could also. No other scenario is an 11-1 SEC non champ going over 12-1 Texas or OU.

  11. Texas really needs to revamp its Penal Code, including lumping all intentional killings as murder. The vast majority of the populace thinks of murder as something premeditated. A LOT of people are confused on that, and all it takes is one person on the jury to just have a visceral reaction to that word, and these facts not meeting the standard layperson definition to fuck the whole thing up.

  12. That Tribune article and many other articles and such are disregarding that she didn't prove that she was entitled to the deadly force presumption - no evidence that, even under her mistaken beliefs, he entered an OCCUPIED habitation unlawfully and with force, and no evidence that the force was immediately necessary to prevent commission of aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery.

    So it should just be basic self-defense, was the force both necessary and proportionate?

  13. Actually, most CFB experts have specifically talked about how his reads have improved, most specifically getting to 2nd and 3rd reads. Another huge factor is he was scared to make mistakes under Saban. 

    Also, you are completely disregarding that players do develop over time. Baker was a walkon freshman at Tech, yes after spending 4 years at OU under an offensive guru, he developed.

    Hurts QB rating year over year: 139.1, 150.7, 196.7, 249.9 - big leap between soph and junior year too

    Mayfield: 127.7, 173.3, 196.4, 198.9 - big leap between soph and junior year, even though soph year was under Riley and surrounded by NFL talent, hmm.

    Question: How many college QBs do you think could be playing for OU this year and have the highest QB rating OF ALL TIME?  

  14. benefit of the doubt by winning in Knoxville?  LOL.

    Seems impossible that it was only 4 years ago but Tennessee finished that season 9-4 and ranked. Plus the game was a dramatic double OT classic.
  15. 6 minutes ago, hopkinsnhorns said:

    I missed the live trial action this morning, but can one of our law dogs explain why the Judge instructed the jury that they could consider the Castle Doctrine defense?  It doesn't appear to be applicable given the actual circumstances of this murder.  Does this make it more likely for the verdict to stand on appeal?  There's got to be a good reason.  I just can't figure out what it is.

    My assumption is that they are saying that if her mistake of fact was that she was in her own residence, that that defense would then be available. Whether the facts of this case result in its application is up to the finder of fact (the jury). 

  16. I dunno, even if it really was her apartment, since the "intruder" entered while it was unoccupied, she needs some reasonable belief that deadly force is needed to stop a murder, agg assault, sex assault, or robbery. His mere presence isn't enough to trigger that (as it would be if an intruder entered with force while it was occupied). Given he had no weapon, and there was no other evidence, I think castle doctrine would have been very shaky even in her own apartment. 

    • Like 1
  17. Just now, BluTechsan said:

    It's his talent + the system + the players around him

    It ain't just him.

    The Tech QB naysayers always only factor just the QBs

    I mean, I agree that JH wouldn't have the highest QB rating in history if he played for Montana right now, so sure. I just think that there's been a pretty big dismissal of his talent, again given that dozens and dozens of other QBs have been in his same situation, and none produced like he has so far (yes against soft competition, but dozens and dozens of other QBs faced the same level of competition without doing the same). 

    He also isn't compiling numbers by volume. Tua has thrown 63 more passes than Jalen so far this year. 

    Plus his "highest rating in history" doesn't even factor in his rushing, where he is 47 car, 443 yards, 5 TDs. 

    • Like 1
  18. Just now, BluTechsan said:

    Yeah, playing with a teammates bound for the NFL is exactly the same as playing with a bunch scrubs.

    Is Jalen Hurts the first QB in history to play with NFL-bound teammates? If no, why is his passer rating higher than every QB in history? 

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