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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. I think it's reasonable that each place (not each trip) has a thread. The damn Texas BBQ thread has eleventy billion pages. There is a balance between the TexAgs model of posting a new thread with every "thought" you have and what some of y'all seem to want which is like 4 overall threads on the entire forum:  Eating, Fucking, Drinking, Footbawww. 

    • Haha 1
  2. Just fold pre the first time. We are in the ICM handcuffs, where we aren't the very shortest stacks, but we also are short enough that even doubling doesn't give us average stack. It's not as pronounced in a tourney like this where the payjumps start immediately after making the money, as opposed to a massive field tourney where a whole lot of people all make the same money, but still it's important. 

    When "solid" reg limps off a 12 BB stack, alarm bells should be going off that he might have a monster (when he tables JTo, we should re-evaluate our solid read, limp-calling JTo off a 12 BB stack two off the bubble is really really bad).  In addition, a huge value of a hand like A5s is its implied odds, meaning we can win a huge pot when we get flush over flush. But we are capped at what we can win, not only by our sub-20 BB stack, but by the limper's 12 BB stack. 

    I don't hate calling the 2nd time, b/c BB sized it too small (another really bad play by him to raise less than 3x over two limpers when he's going to be out of position and dislike well over half of the flops, he should either check or raise larger, depending on what his read of y'all limping is), but again we just aren't deep enough to be calling so much of our stack pre with A5, esp when our key needs to be chip preservation at this exact stage of the tourney. We are going to hate most flops. We got a top 10% flop for our hand, and still aren't sure if we should get it in. Once we see the flop, I think we have to just hold our nose and go for it and look for a diamond. 

    Generally, without the bubble considerations, I think raising to 4x with A5 when a "solid" 12BB stack limps is not good (he's trapping way too often if he isn't a loose passive fish, and I think raising to 4 of our less than 20 BB with A5 is not good. If we get jammed on now we have to call 35k to win 61k, which is a price that sucks to call off but also sucks to fold. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, ButtFumble said:

    I believe you get the $125 for nothing other than signing up

    as I read it any additional money you are trying to claim for effort you put into checking your credit reports or otherwise dealing with an issue from a breach is what requires more documentation

    This, though as mentioned they only ask for supporting docs if over 10 hours. I had an Amazon credit card opened in my name, and my primary card was compromised twice. I submitted a claim for that, though they mention they may ask for supporting documentation for that. If they do, I dunno what I will give them, I didn't save that stuff, but I figure they may just pay it if it's a less than 10 hour claim, or they may ask for what card number got compromised, which I can provide.

  4. JimBob is off away from the table so I had to fill the role. We have two big blinds in the hand, guy goes $10, I call on button with Q8cc, BB call. Flop 665 one club. Opener $12. I really don’t think he likes the flop, lots of good turn cards, call. Turn 2c. He $20, I debate a raise but just call. River Jc. He ck calls $45 with what he says was AA. Weeeeeee. This side is so much more fun!

  5. Theoretically yep. He just doubled with 44 on AK4. He bought $110 an hour ago and now has $650-700. I’m gonna get in good against him and get stacked off.

    Guy between us busted and I moved to his direct left “so I can see the board better.”
    • Like 2
  6. The beauty of cash is you just rebuy. You simply want to play with JimBob as long as he has cash in front of him. What’s even better is when he sucks out on some other sap so now you have those chips to chase too

    Theoretically yep. He just doubled with 44 on AK4. He bought $110 an hour ago and now has $650-700. I’m gonna get in good against him and get stacked off.
  7. Same JimBob limps I go $10 with AThh, guy behind looks like he wants to raise but calls with $600 back, JimBob calls. Flop 874 one heart. JB checks, I check, guy bets $30, JimBob jams $100, I fold, other guy calls. JimBob has 53hh, other guy QhQs. 2 of the 7 hearts in the deck roll off.

  8. This just sums up my cash game experience every time. Folds to mouthbreather who limps off a stack of $80. I go $10 in S.B. with AA he call. Flop T36 I bet $10 he call. Turn 7 I bet $20 he jam $59 total obv I call. He has 54o. Yes of course open limp and then call 12.5% of your stack pre with offsuit 5 hi.

    I don’t understand how people just run normally I swear to fuck.

  9. 24 minutes ago, CBT said:

    It's obviously 1 and not because "fuck it". It's because you have a very strong hand even with a K exposed. 

    Would you not care as much if it was someone else's K that was exposed? Because its the same thing. The dealer's mistake is just as likely to give you a strong hand as it is to give you a weak one. Maybe now you flop flush over flush and hold. But if you had KK, you flop a set and lose to a flush. Or whatever. That shit evens out over the long run.  

    absolutely this. huge LOL at folding AKs first in because a king was exposed. It affects your calculation to some degree if there are reraises, or if you are facing a brick flop and a bet, you know you have one less out (though I think most people over-account for this. Assuming there are 8 folded hands, you know your two cards, and 3 blanks on the board, there are 19 unknown cards in the muck/burn, and 38 unknown cards in the stub. So, on average, there is one king in the muck/burns, and two kings in the stub when we hold AKs. The fact that we know there is a king in the muck doesn't change our calculation that much. Without seeing it, you estimate 2 kings in the stub, now 1.3 kings in the stub, so we are going to decrease our outs by 0.67.  Matters in a close call, otherwise not really.

  10. Yeah, playing poker with any kind of "karma" or superstition or thinking that previous hands somehow impact what will happen in future hands is really bad thinking. 

    I can't remember the nitty gritty details, but I was playing a 1k in LA several years ago, and this guy next to me started bitching that he "never wins" when a certain dealer is in the box. Someone raised, he looks at his cards (he has like 15-20 big blinds) and starts grumbling, finally shows me AK and mucks it. "I know I won't win with her as the dealer." That's just pure fishthink, and now of course he won't win with her in the box, because he's letting it make him play ATROCIOUS poker. 

    For you AUS-97, you need to try to get over this weird mental block. That said, if you can't, it may be better to just fold instead of playing a hand awfully because of some karma hocus pocus.

    Dude at the table last night jams 30k over my open to 900 at 200/400/400.  I fold and ask him "wow, that worried about seeing a flop with jacks?" He shows the jacks and says "yeah man I hate this hand."  Same thing. Of course you hate them. You win 1900 when they are good and get stacked off or doubled through when they are behind. 

    Similar fishthink would be playing certain cards because "sevens are hot tonight!" or whatever.  Same JJ guy said he was just going to jam if he got AA because they had been shown down at our table 9 times and hadn't lost so they were "due to lose."  NOPE. Not actually how that works.

    Same fishthink at blackjack when people think their expectation changes because the donk at 3rd base hits a hand they shouldn't when the dealer has a bust card.  Guy at the Lodge said he bets $100/hand blackjack and would pay 3rd base $50 to not hit a 12 against a 5 showing.  Others will leave a table with a great count b/c of a fish at 3rd base. It's pure idiocy. Why is the first card off the deck more likely to be a brick than the second card off the deck? 

    Now obviously I "know" I"m going to always suffer the most beats (my two busts yesterday - I jam AdKc for 12 BB UTG, BB SNAPcalls 76cc, runs out QJJcc Tc Qx; I checkraise allin 22 on Q92sss, called by AsQx, would go from 16k to 40k to win this hand with 55 left, paying 27, blank turn, spade river obv). BUT the key is I never deviate from what I know is the best play because of that. 

  11. I folded QQ. Young guy tank jams. Old guy tank calls. Both flip AKo and joke about how bad their play was. I watch from the sideline as the board comes up blank and then just steam for 30 mins.

    Haha I was so close to posting something along these exact lines. Amazing how a million times out of a million when this happens the board runs clean. Can’t ever just toss an ace up there to reward the fold. Still think it’s the right play esp given that they are like haha wow AK we are so loose and bad.
  12. Weird hand in tourney. 400/800/800. I (25k) open EP to 2k w QQ.

    Young white dude (60k) who has been kicking my ass pops it to 6500 on BTN. Old Asian guy (90k) who has quietly built a stack wakes up in SB and makes it 16k.

    Both of them have been solid all day.


    I mean, getting 30 BB in with QQ is rarely too bad, but I kind of feel folding here, especially if neither has been out of line. Old man action there screams bladed.


    Young white dude from QQ hand opens to 3k. Only I call in BB w ATdd.

    Ah3c4c. I check, he 3500, I jam and he tank calls w AJo. We can’t catch up and out...

    We had 20ish bigs to start this hand? If so, just super standard spot. If rainbow flop I slightly prefer just calling with plan of not folding. Get em tomorrow.
  13. Thx!  Very interesting spot came up with 22 left.

    After losing the AA to QQ hand, I was kind of "ICM locked" to be careful until making the money.  28 left, paying 24, so busting as like the 19th biggest stack really sucks.  

    We had just gotten into the money, and now the goal becomes being more aggressive to accumulate chips to get to the final table. There was a small pay jump from 22nd to 21st.

    Playing 7 handed, I get ATo UTG+1 with 93k and levels of 3k/6k/6k. It feels like slightly too much to jam, and folding is just mehhh (I would fold this spot if there were 25-28 players left).  I decide to open to 14k, with the thought that it may actually look super strong for a 15BB stack to open instead of jam. Button calls with a 15 BB stack, SB calls off maybe 22-23, and then BB who is an excellent player jams 25 BB or so. I can call 69 to win 127 which is super tempting, especially given that payouts are flattish until the final table. 

    I ultimately feel she is strong and not squeezing, and my remaining stack does still have value, and to be patient and fold. I heard her at break mention she had AK. So I could have been in as a 70-30 dog, likely cashing just over $400, so made over $5k by laying down.

    • Like 1
  14. Guy jams JJ, I call AT and we flop an ace but jack turns.

    We get down to 5 handed with one larger stack (1.6M) 3 of us about 800-900, and one 300k. We do an ICM chop, but then each pitch in $200 so we are playing for $1000 plus the trophy plus Beats headphones. My share was $5900.

    After that, it goes 60k, call, guy jams AJ I jam AQ QT889 runout. Same guy beat my QThh with A5 on AJ7hh, beat my AA with QQ allin pre, beat my AT with JJ on A hi flop, and my AQ with AJ with Q window. Jesus Christ!

    Then other guy jams 18 bigs on the button, I call QQ he has 22. Clean flop, clean turn, 2 river. Unreal.

    I jam 33 over a raise he calls A8 and flops an 8. Out 5th. A guy did also pay me $120 to take $235 extra on my payout because he didn’t want a tax form. Luckily I lose enough that I’m not worried about the tax form we got receipts motherfucker!!

    All in all can’t complain. Some gross beats but won a couple key flips and had a nice sunrun getting AA three times in an orbit, getting allin all 3 and winning all 3.

    Durant Tuesday!

    • Like 4
  15. 250ish entries?


    219 entries. So I got AA last hand before final table, first hand of final table, AA again. I go 35k, 2 calls. 863r, BB donks 60k, I call, other guy calls. Turn 5 BB 100k I jam both call. They have JJ and Q8 and we hold!


    3 hands later I get AA again, open, guy jams 300k and I call, he has QQ and we hold again.

  16. 29 left, paying 24, $11k up top. Goes 11k, jam 118k. I look down at AA and jam 210. He has QQ and just flops a queen no problem.


    Double post. But hey not like me having double avg stack on the bubble would be a great spot or anything. Just can’t ever have one thing be good in life.

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