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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. 21 hours ago, Rhyners said:

    Well that's a stupid thing to say to a professional chef. 

    But hey, if you want cold horribly spiced garbage for premium prices to make yourself feel special like a little princess then you be you. 

    I've read probably a couple dozen people post about Momofuku.  All glowing, except yours.  So 3 options:

    1) They are all fucking idiots and you're a genius

    2) Your taste differs wildly from basically everyone else

    3) You went on a bad day/ got a bad dish/ don't like the way they prepared what you ordered.

  2. 1 hour ago, deech said:

    Yeah.  He does not shut down to resistance. He's loose. He had KK with King of Spades.  Just brutal cold spell right now.  Luckily I keep my bankroll separate so only eating into profit, but it's a ton of profit on the year.  Lol. 

    Ooooof. So gross. Did you jam flop or call flop/and get in turn?

  3. I feel your pain man

    Hands 2 and 3 are just pure coolers nothing to do there obv.

    Hand 1, is he a loose caller also or just nutso aggro but shuts down to resistance or doesn’t call off wide? If he calls loose I’m happily jamming flop. If he’s aggro but calls normally I just call flop to then always call off on turn. There are only 6 cards we don’t want to turn - the nonspade A and K. If one comes, I think we still have to call off due to the opponent and the amount already in the pot and the chance that either our QQ is good or a spade is.

  4. I'm calling everything but the very worst of hands. Calling anything suited, anything connected or one gapped. Calling 2 gappers probably 74 and up. 3 gappers probably 95 and up. T5. Anything with a paint card.

    So folding (all offsuit): 52, 62, 72, 82, 92, T2, 63, 73, 83, 93, T3, 84, 94, T4.  Would consider the hands with a T and 63 next.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Lurch said:

    You’re new to a 9-handed $1/2 table and have no reads.  Everyone has $200.

    Every player limps to you in SB w 72o.  Do you call or fold?  I’m intentionally taking raise out of the options for the sake of this discussion.


    I'm actually folding here. Playing OOP with pure cheese, I'm almost never going to be flopping something I want to continue with. I know I"m getting 17:1, but for one, I'm not closing the action, BB could always raise. For two, I'm worse than 17 to 1 to flop two pair or better, and 9 handed, I'm going to need two pair or better to continue. Also, with a hand this raggedy and 8 opponents, I could flop great and still lose. Say it comes 775. Great flop! Although I lose a huge pot if one of my 8 opponents has the case 7 (or 55). Or 972, sucks if my opp has 97, 99, 77, 22, or if the turn pairs the 9, or they can make a better two pair etc. 

    Calling here almost always loses $1, very rarely wins a big pot (without flopping a boat or quads, how do I cooler someone in a limped pot with 72o?), very occasionally loses a big pot (much easier to get coolered than to cooler someone with 72o).

  6. Amazing how often people punt off chips when they get short. In events like the Main, or even Big 50, with big starting stacks, they punt when they feel short due to other stacks, even though they are totally fine compared to the blinds.

    In the MSPT Venetian I played, guy got crippled, next hand he's on button with 5 bigs or so. It's BBA, so he has 7 hands to find one to jam without losing any chips. Instead he jams over an UTG open holding 63ss. You have no fold equity, you obv don't have the best hand. You are just throwing ~$100 on the ground for no reason. Obv he beats AQ and then spins it up, because poker.

  7. They need to go to round for round much sooner. Run a specified amount of time off the clock for each orbit until the bubble bursts. Not being in hand for hand or round for round when you're 3 off the bubble paying almost 1300 spots is crazy.

    Hewitt is the worst nit I've ever seen. SO badly wanted his aces cracked there. 

  8. His name is Georgii. Looks like a pro. Must have been goofing off?

    Sounded like he was drunk. The stack was in play but no player. He was obv joking (I would be much more concerned if he swiped an orange chip or something, obv no one thinks they can get away with just taking 60k chips at 100/200) but yeah you can’t do that. Esp since he apparently just crashed them all into a pile rather than just sliding the stack next to his with a knowing sheepish look or something.
  9. 70/30. I’m not calling here


    Gotta call. So you would fold KK if someone jammed and showed A5? Fold 99 on 984 if someone jammed and showed JT?


    I would fold 55 to a blind allin but not to an exposed Q3 with no action behind.


    No one is good enough to pass up 70/30s and ICM isn’t a factor on Day 1.


    I mean, fuck, I’m not folding and we all know I’m basically 0% to beat a guy who blind jams Q3o and then pulls his dick out and hits me with a shoe.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    And as I have said before, these tables call light a LOT. so fuck it, theres already something like $190 in the pot. I shove all $260 left in front of me, and I get snap called by the guy on my left (good sign- right?), other guy folds 5c-6c face up  and the guy to my left has.... AcKc?   Tourney, sure, that makes sense,  Normally Im folding there with that hand the

    Now TD bets out $60.  I have no doubt in my mind he's got an ace.  and since I know now hes calling anyway,  and UTG is basically out of chips anyway, I shove.  UTG folds showing AT after TD snap calls. 

    Nice sessions!  Couple notes on the bolded:

    1) It basically never makes sense to call off in a tourney but to fold the same hand in cash. In fact, if anything, it's the opposite because ICM and "tourney life" have value whereas you can unlimited rebuy in cash.  Also, tourney or cash, the guy has 12 outs to the nuts plus two overcards, no one is or should be folding that.

    2) Jamming there was bad.  Just call so UTG can call his 40 off.  Then jam the river and TD calls always. Jamming turn tells UTG he's beat and to save the 40 for literally no gain for you.


  11. Stopped at City Market while driving back from S. Padre to investigate the rumors of its demise. Those rumors had me sad, since for a long time it was my absolute all-time #1.

    Happy to say the rumors are at least slightly exaggerated. I got a slice of brisket, a rib, and a link. It all tasted good, if a bit dry (it was 3:45 PM, so not unexpected/unusual). I did order moist brisket, and got a slice that had both moist and lean since they didn't separate the point and flat. The lean was actually better, as the texture of the point was a bit rubbery.

    Ultimately, it isn't elite anymore for sure. Not worth the drive from Austin to go, but if, like me, you were in the area, you could do a lot worse. 

    One note, the 1/4 lb of brisket plus a rib plus a link plus tea was under $12, where at a lot of the elites, I'm looking more like $20. Two links, a couple slices of bread, a splash of their still-elite sauce, and a tea or big red is still a hell of a lunch for $6 or so.

  12. Why is Stephen Fraser notable? I mean, I thought the first hand was notable when he 3.5x opened ATo from EP, but other than that, his Hendon Mob seems standard. 

    Congratudolences on the run again. More places should stream final tables, that's really cool.

  13. 12 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    The guy in the lane is exactly doing what he's supposed to do.  It's called alternate merge. The people using the tags because they have one in their possession, but don't need one, are doing it wrong.

    Not necessarily.  When two lanes become one, if the traffic is still flowing at a normal pace in the single lane, drivers in the closing lane should find gaps and merge into that lane as soon as possible without causing disruption. It is only when the traffic is slowed or stopped already that "zipper merge" should be used with vehicles taking as much of the closing lane as possible before merging. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  14. I open AQo to 55k UTG. Two calls from big stacks then CO shoves 300k. Gotta fold

    First big calls w AK. CO has JJ

    Board has AK and that could have been ugly for me

    Whew!! I’m prob calling here absent a read and happily calling an active agg player so there’s a lot of chips you saved that I lose (unless of course AK folds when I call )
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