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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. 33 minutes ago, WBT said:

    What game are you playing where you are dealt 5 cards?  Is this the double-boarded Omaha H/L you posted about before?  Seems like it's not since you only described one board this time.

    Big O is 5-card Omaha H/L, usually played to pot limit.

    Bomb pots are specific hands where 2 boards are dealt. Bomb pots can be in any game, not just Big O. Bob earlier was describing a Big O bomb pot, but here just regular Big O hands.

    • Like 2
  2. To your questions, they would tell you that for both of those plays they’re protecting their weak hands and ensuring they get value from strong hands. Ie mixing up their play to avoid giving tells

    This. The idea in 3b a marginal hand even in spots where you know you will be called is that you take the lead to the flop. Even more valuable if you’re in position. Even more valuable again if your opponents overfold flops.

    On the AT hand, betting AT there lets him bet 55 or KQ there also and opp can’t say “ah he would check an ace so he must not have it so I’m gonna raise”.
  3. Lunch today at LeRoy and Lewis. Liked the venue and the food was really excellent. Had beef cheek, barbacoa taco, ranch crispy pork skins and shared a “Bacon Rib”. This was like smoked caramelized bacon on a stick. Extremely good but was pretty decadent/rich. Sharing one is great. 54dc2e3ad26bb0d911ab9aa6c687c21a.jpg

    • Like 5
  4. 2 hours ago, October sky said:

    Over/under of 20000 for the big50?

    I think that's going to be close to the number. I think one issue is that the structure is good enough that people won't bust fast enough to open seats to really churn people through on the Sat/Sun flights. Just dunno if the Thu/Fri flights will be as full. Playing Thu flight, you are committed to 8 days if you make the FT. That's a long time to commit to a $500 tourney. I'm anticipating some pissed off people who fly out Sat to play on Sun and either get shut out or are in a massive alternate pile and get in around dinner.

    1 hour ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    hopefully you and Sooner end up on the final table table heads up against each other.

    Yes please. Yeah, sky, feel free to holler when you're out there, man. LFG!

  5. I don't mind the betsizing this deep. Playing $500 deep, we have very few hands that want to stack off on this board. Maybe only exactly JJ and TT, depending on if we are going $20 on the button with 77 or JT. Getting $500 in with, say, AA on JT7 at 1/2 is going to be a hugely losing proposition against all but the very worst opponents. (I'm assuming this was a 1/2 game based on us starting with $200, but same applies to a slightly lesser extent at 1/3).

    So we have to protect our range by sizing down our bets, because otherwise we are bloating the pot to the point where the bets are too large. We also don't hate any turn cards other than exactly an 8, so we aren't needing to end the hand early. Also, with this specific hand, if we bomb it, if someone raises, they might just jam, and we may not have the equity to call off. Bet-folding KQ on JT7 sucks. 

    On the other hand, if we are $200 deep, we can bet $55 into $80 on the flop, and if we get one call, we can jam $125 into $190 which is a good sizing, and we can take it with lots of hands (this one, AA, AJ, etc.) since getting those hands in here is not an error if playing $200 instead of $500 (of course against certain opponents, we have to fold AA or AJ to a flop c/r here even with $200, since they literally never do that with one pair).

  6. 1 hour ago, blacklab said:


    terry is a 60yo or so guy. wife usually sits behind him and occasionally plays

    veronica is a decent looking 30 year old, dates a guy named ed that also plays a lot

    Ed and Veronica play at The Lodge sometimes. She plays pretty well, but tilts really badly, and is a big big big fish berater when she's tilting.

    2 hours ago, blacklab said:

    There was a guy who no one had seen before playing. He ended up dropping around $10k. He started on fire going from $500 to $5000 in less than an hour.

    He insisted on red chips from the cage rather than just getting black chips from the table and exchanging them for red chips from someone else. This resulted in a ton of red chips on the table, and did slow the game down a little. A couple of players were berating him about it and I wanted to punch them in the face. Why the fuck would you berate a person that is funding the entire table? If that wasn't enough one of them complained to him after a raise, saying something like "why are you raising so much, you're ruining the game", the fish responded nicely saying to play your cards and I'll play mine. Dickhead responds well you've dumped $10k so you don't know what you're doing and the fish responded so what I can afford it.

    Really sucks because if he had a good time I'm sure he'd be back to dump more. I doubt he ever comes back.

    I mean, playing thousands in red is super annoying for both player and dealer, but yep, amazing how people just HATE money.

    Was dealing a 1/2 game the other night, clueless guy sits down and starts just bombing it for $20-50 pre almost every hand. He is on the roller coaster, winning big pots, then dumping it all back, and he's having fun. The guy opens to $22, lady jams $98, another guy cold calls the $98, opener calls also. Ends up showing down 35o and wins on a 2-2-2-4-6 runout. Half the table is just bitching at the guy, and 3 people got a table change because "this isn't poker".

    I mean, how can ya win if guys are calling 49 bigs pre with 53o amirite???  

    • Like 2
  7. On 5/14/2019 at 12:19 PM, RPM said:

    That's what I was trying to do asking the pros here.

    Summer in Vegas is a tournament poker player's wet dream. There are tourney series running at:

    Rio: WSOP. Bracelet events can be spendy, but their daily 1PM $250 usually gets over 1000 runners, and pays mid-5 figures to first place.

    Venetian: DeepStack Extravaganza. Couple tourneys a day, usually one in the $400-1100 range early and $300-600 nightly. 

    Planet Hollywood: Phamous Poker Series. Lower buyins than WSOP & Venetian and a more casual atmosphere. Some bad dealers here, especially if you play a non-holdem game.

    Aria: Daily tourneys in the $400-500 range, and a nightly $240 at 7pm that is a great great nightly tournament. 

    Orleans - Cheaper holdem tourneys, and the place to be to play games like Omaha or Stud Hi Lo.

    Golden Nugget - Similar flavor to Orleans, cheaper NL holdem tourneys, and some good mixed games, excellent spot to hit if you stay at the Nugget or the D.

    Binion's - Historic, but small fields and shoddy organization last year. Probably off my list.

    If you have the dates you want, I can give you some specific tourneys that are in those windows.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, 4th and 5 said:

    That's a jury question based on the facts. I don't see a similarity in this case and your daughter yelling boo. Or my hypotheticals above.

    But you could kill her in self defense under that circumstance, if a jury finds the state failed to disprove BARD the defense. Would they? I think we all doubt it.

    How about your kid sneaking into his bedroom window, hours after he snuck out after midnight?

    How about your wife killing you, when you came home late after a delayed flight, when she expected you home the following day?

    How about if your kid pranks you, and you kill him, thinking it is an intruder.

    If a jury buys it, that's what happened. It's justified.

    It's a lot easier to construct reasonable scenarios where the person doing the shooting is in their own house. If Botham had shot Guyger in this scenario, his response would be more reasonable. And in fact the law allows a provision for a reasonable presumption of loss of life if someone is breaking and entering your dwelling.

  9. 45 minutes ago, 4th and 5 said:

    9.32 is what I think you are referring to.....go back and read my post. She doesn’t get the jury instruction. It’s a fact issue in the calculation of reasonableness. Not a prohibition. 

    Go do the experiment brisket is too drunk to do. Have a pistol in your hand. Maybe make a fake pistol with your fingers. Or just make some “furtive” movements. Be scary!

    or maybe just be startled while you are jacking off to porn hub videos and eating Cheetos on the couch, quickly get up from where you are sitting and yell “HEY” or “Fuck” and grab a phone off a table to call 911....BOOM

    I could do this all day.....

    Yes, 9.32 sorry.

    And sorry, those don't rise to reasonable fear for your life. If my kid comes up behind me tonight and yells BOO I can't kill her in self-defense.

  10. 5 minutes ago, 4th and 5 said:

    As to point 2, your statement that “to be able to use deadly force, she must not have had the option to retreat” is not accurate.

    The law is that the jury MAY CONSIDER whether she failed to retreat in answering the question of whether the force was used when and to the degree it was immediately necessary. 

    She will not benefit from the “no duty to retreat” instruction IF she entered the apartment.

    Eh. If she didn't enter the apartment, I can't fathom a way that deadly force can be authorized. How can she reasonably be in fear of her life from an unarmed man being in a dwelling that she isn't in? If she did enter the apartment, PC 9.23(d) seems to me to indicate that a person with no legal right to be where they are can't avail themselves of deadly force if they can retreat. 

    You have the practice experience, and what the jury is told is more important than what the law says, so I concede to that. But, I just don't find a way to check the boxes to make deadly force reasonable in this scenario, based on the combination of her needing to have a reasonable fear for her life (or SBI blah blah) and her not having 9.23(d) in her favor re: need to retreat.

  11. 10 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    As 4th and 5 notes, a proper application of the law could result in acquittal and no punishment at all. 

    4th and 5 is obv sharp, but is also playing devil's advocate to its maximum capacity. As we have noted, to be able to kill in self-defense, you have to:

    1) be reasonably in fear for your life. That's a huge hurdle. What occurred that led her to reasonably fear for her life? A person standing in your apartment does not, in and of itself, constitute reasonable fear for your life. 

    2) To be able to use deadly force instead of retreating, you must be in a place you have a right to be. She was not. So to be able to use deadly force, she must have not had the option to retreat. That also seems extremely unlikely. Much more likely to apply to the person in the dwelling, not the person standing at/near an open doorway to a public hallway.

    This parlay, given what we know, is dramatically unlikely, and I would say impossible barring some giant fact that we are not currently aware of. 

    10 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I have yet to say she shouln't serve some time.  I have objected to the notion that she be "punished, hard" whatever that means.

    Oh, a solid internet search could give you some ideas.

    9 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

     Again, imagine if the resident was a white guy. You KNOW the outcome would have been different, but you sure as hell have studiously avoided even touching the question.

    You don't even have to do that. Just flip the roles. Botham Jean enters the apartment of Amber Guyger, blows her away, then says oh my bad, I thought this was my place. 100.0% murder conviction.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I believe, but I could be mistaken, that the judgment is supposed to be abstracted in the county of judgment before it is abstracted elsewhere, particularly if it is to be enforced in foreign jurisdictions. In the event, it is a very common practice even when it is known that there are no executable assets in the county of judgment.

    Sure, gotta earn that fee haha. Don't see that requirement in the Prop Code, CPRC, TRCP, or elsewhere though.

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