I'm playing this on PC with a Saitek x52 HOTAS and a VR headset. Absolutely amazing, the best multiplayer game I've played in years.
Playing with VR feels like cheating when playing with people without VR, though. It gives you an enormous advantage when you're playing as the rebels as you can track them with your head as you orient your ship. The empire is disadvantaged though, I had never realized that the tie fighters in the movies would suck shit as a space ship. You can't see out the sides! It's like flying with horse blinders on.
To answer the questions above: This is definitely in the vein of X-Wing and Tie fighter, not, say, Battlefront or Rogue Squadron. I played all the classic Lucas Arts games as they came out when they were new, this is basically the latest installment in the X-Wing series. Yes, there is a multiplayer mode that is focused on attacking fleets in raids that is MOBA like, but there is also straight up classic deathmatch mode ala X-Wing vs Tie Fighter. The single player campaign is also very similar to the style of those games, although with much more cinematic flair. Almost more like Wing Commander than the original X-Wing in single player mode.