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Everything posted by Teryor

  1. https://sicem365.com/s/16792/baylor-to-add-gary-patterson-as-senior-level-strategic-consultant?utm_source=f5-newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=001536&utm_content=300 Would have liked him back, but honestly Gary Patterson's quest to piss off as many people from TCU as he can genuinely rules
  2. We're gonna see what KBake is made of soon since he's gonna have to croot against the best around
  3. That's simply not true, it's 2 kickers AND a punter
  4. Weakest group of finalists ever, guessing that we'll lose 2 people per final stage probably? More than half of them literally were just potatoes the whole time and just happened to glomp on to Jay/Michelle's side and rode their coattails this far Berna being the focus of an episode sucked ass, I didn't give a shit about any of her politics or machinations, but not trying to get Corey/Emanuel/Jay into the elimination was incredibly dumb Rooting for Nurys but not expecting her to win. I'm fine with Jay winning since he actually played the game
  5. We are ready for the teardown
  6. Fong notes on Bussey sticking with Aggie Lying to him about him playing all 3 phases was part of the pitch
  7. Unless you directly knew someone on the staff why would you say that? Because we made the playoffs? I'm not even an ardent defender of any of them but I'm pretty confident you don't know any of them or how they work.Having parasocial relationships with the front office of a football team is pretty weird lmao
  8. Hummer: How real is NIL? Anonymous recruits in college football's 2024 class dish on collectives, contracts and more Interesting concrete numbers, if you're looking for Texas guys, Wingo, Owens, and Kern were our signees at this game
  9. Might be relevant for this thread in a few months
  10. Shipp (247 LSU) on Bussey a day out doing an incredible amount of waffling both ways
  11. I think it is meaningful due to Sark's tendency to ride his RB1 so heavily. Obviously we had injuries to Baxter/Brooks muddying things this year but his MO has definitely been that the top guy gets way more carries.
  12. It's annoying when people come in days later with old info and ask to re-litigate it. Nobody is forcing you to check the thread every hour but it becomes annoying when you act like it hasn't been a conversation and bring nothing to the thread besides saying "rumors". Copy/paste is literally a second's worth of work.
  13. LOL lost the top 3 dudes off my power rankings for who I'd guess to win in 1 ep. Sometimes the puzzles just get you. At some point Horacio/Kyland were due with the amount of eliminations they got thrown in.
  14. Obviously means nothing at the moment but turns out people might recognize Flood has been doing a decent job here
  15. It might be, but it's also January 31 and there's not a lot of other college football news to talk about
  16. Wallace Shawn in Princess Bride vibes
  17. I agree with you but it's the dumbass narrative we lived through with Charlie Strong where people freaked out he wasn't recruiting enough Texas High School Football Players which made the Texas High School Football Coaches mad. Somehow this wasn't an issue for anyone else at any other school.
  18. So your biggest complaint with the hire is that you took everything the 9.95ers said at face value?
  19. My favorite part is the absolute refusal to acknowledge people calling him out for the bit, and I hope he continues to not acknowledge it if he comes back. The closest he's come was negging me once for calling out how stupid one of his posts was.
  20. I think recruiting in general has just become a lot more "solved" than it was 5-10 years ago. There's not as much mystery and surprise as to where players are going to pick which leads to a lot less speculation and ideating of what direction the staff could go and overall discussion. Having looked at class predictions as they change from Spring to Fall it does feel like you can expect to know what the class will look like by September minus a few pieces. Plus you've lost 2 full months of discussion per class with ESD becoming the new signing day.
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