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Everything posted by Teryor

  1. Wallace Shawn in Princess Bride vibes
  2. I agree with you but it's the dumbass narrative we lived through with Charlie Strong where people freaked out he wasn't recruiting enough Texas High School Football Players which made the Texas High School Football Coaches mad. Somehow this wasn't an issue for anyone else at any other school.
  3. So your biggest complaint with the hire is that you took everything the 9.95ers said at face value?
  4. My favorite part is the absolute refusal to acknowledge people calling him out for the bit, and I hope he continues to not acknowledge it if he comes back. The closest he's come was negging me once for calling out how stupid one of his posts was.
  5. I think recruiting in general has just become a lot more "solved" than it was 5-10 years ago. There's not as much mystery and surprise as to where players are going to pick which leads to a lot less speculation and ideating of what direction the staff could go and overall discussion. Having looked at class predictions as they change from Spring to Fall it does feel like you can expect to know what the class will look like by September minus a few pieces. Plus you've lost 2 full months of discussion per class with ESD becoming the new signing day.
  6. It's been said that we are still in contact, we just don't have a visit scheduled so there's no reason for optimism
  7. He's not leaving the millions on the table he'll get for simply staying 1 more year and getting fired.
  8. CJ bringing gas on Will Johnson as an option. Believe he's a Michigan legacy so I'm skeptical but I'll huff the hopium https://ontexasfootball.com/news/potential-next-route-for-portal-cb-r48/
  9. Seemed inevitable given the lack of sunshine from Bama and the no guaranteed snaps here Side-note: @immamac is there a best practice for supporting the OTF site when cross-posting news? I try to link to stuff like the Athletic etc because I know the clicks do matter. Maybe posting the link can embed in some way?
  10. Another one we were a finalist for, might be an actual option?
  11. Bama 247 on the Muhammad visit If this is the best you can spin it it ain't happening
  12. Predicting Davison, feels like he's been on commit watch forever
  13. Not expecting us to get involved but we were technically a finalist
  14. 247 analyst comments on the Sayin transfer/Loy is ND/National so he's more impartial
  15. It's the college football version of "The Lakers are interested in x" I expect Texas to be tied to/or have their interest in high profile transfers exaggerated the same way by agents
  16. I think they did know given that they made almost all of the elims puzzles of some sort. It also reinforces the narrative that this "next generation" is as good as/better than the champs. They have 4-5 episodes to get rid of 8-10 people it seems like. Hopefully whatever the format is the next several weeks everyone is able to play selfishly.
  17. Genuine question since he hasn't been discussed at all the last year or so since we were not happy with his performance, is there any new intel on the job Brandon Harris is doing? Obviously it looks great since recruiting is rolling but really curious if there is a perception shift of him or if the team just makes anyone look good.
  18. I do appreciate that we've leaned into giving Jay the villain cut. Showing him making the mocking face during the vote was a sign. Glad Asaf isn't getting to walk to a final for free for just riding on Jay's coattails. Maybe Ed/Corey have finally realized where they stand in Jay's alliance. The Michelle part confused me, did she think she was protecting everyone still in the game? How was she so upset about Horacio basically telling her to piss off when she's put him/his friend in for 4 elims in a row?
  19. It's not an original thought but I can't wait for this duo to beat Auburn in their house again
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