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Everything posted by Teryor

  1. Word is they're splitting the difference and starting him off as a LB
  2. FSU DID have an in-home with him this week, but it didn't feel like there was any whiff of smoke or anything after and it wasn't even posted in here at all
  3. I view it as putting public pressure on boosters, etc to help convince Catalon to stay
  4. Really weird how it hasn't been discussed that the Rainforest Cafe in Galveston has a boat ride which is part of the pitch
  5. Liberty is the one school that would actually overlook all of his crimes. If they didn't give him a serious look this season (which reporters swear they didn't) I don't think Aggie would.
  6. If ltx hasn't posted his entire Twitter feed on this board (which he has sorted by top tweets, not latest) it's a failure in his mind, easy ignore
  7. It's almost been all depth. I'm still waiting on the real dominos to fall for them.
  8. Seems like a weird move but I don't know where the roles stand in an org chart. If it's not a promotion I'd assume he was told he was being let go.
  9. It's funny seeing these reactions after the reactions to Hall/Billingsley the past week
  10. SIAP but Hudson on potential player returns including Worthy
  11. https://footballscoop.com/news/sources-wofford-removing-interim-tag-naming-shawn-watson-next-head-coach Speaking of old friends, had to double check to make sure it was the same Shawn Watson
  12. We all knew this was coming lmao
  13. Absolutely shocking, can't wait to see who Fisher grabs as his new scapegoat
  14. Maybe not definitive, but it's not like they have the power to give him any copy they want and have him post it. He could have easily told them he wasn't saying that so take it as another social media post where player says they're returning. It's more funny that he chose to do it with the paid post.
  15. Love seeing old friends, I'm sure we'll see more of this Bama positional group
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