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Everything posted by Teryor

  1. Standish confirms Marion was his 1st offer when at Pitt
  2. https://247sports.com/player/hunter-moddon-46111530/
  3. Their 247 scrim observations from Tarp, too lazy to go back and quote whoever asked Also, lmao
  4. That's Nick Harris who was literally a Texas recruiting guy for 247 up till a couple months ago
  5. I'm always impressed by the ability of the board to find sub 100 follower people and try to give them credibility
  6. This is my biggest sticking point with those morons. If it actually were NIL, those assholes would have done everything they could to make it news and show how much money there was to be had there. Instead, the only public deals players have announced are sunflower seeds.
  7. Projects don't start off unathletic with negative wingspans
  8. Not that IT is the bastion of journalism, but he did start there which mostly explains it
  9. What'd Dairy Queen do to get randomly flamed like this
  10. You found the profile of a random guy on twitter with the same name (a fake name from Parks and Rec) who explicitly says he's a Richmond Spiders fan on twitter and came on here to dunk on this Burt. You really are a fucking weirdo, no wonder everyone has you on ignore.
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