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Everything posted by Teryor

  1. https://247sports.com/Recruitment/Tyler-Turner-146194/RecruitInterests/ We offered a month ago
  2. Roach Roach isn't a very good writer and doesn't actually put his full name in so: https://247sports.com/Player/Corey-Rucker-46085421/high-school-237109/
  3. What I'm getting from this is that Nahlin thinks the decision is happening before the season
  4. No more Fong Mouthpiece for Elko
  5. In which Roach doesn't even have enough info to say if Arch is visiting when IT says he will (Stampede)
  6. https://theathletic.com/3141194/2022/02/22/accuracy-touch-pocket-recognition-how-to-watch-recruiting-film-like-a-college-football-scout/ Nice JSN mention in here that should get Herman kicked in the balls
  7. Which one will be more productive towards the program?
  8. Harris Really hard to get excited about a guy saying this and making a commitment tweet that says his recruitment is still over but what can you do
  9. https://247sports.com/player/aeryn-hampton-46112708/ Yes, this is the flimsiest fucking commitment I've ever seen but fuck it, let's go!
  10. This was my favorite part: So IT dunked on Roach and Roach repeatedly just lied to his subs
  11. Someone asked where he was going, the Bend is LIT 🔥
  12. Some shocking notes from Roach including "Texas is recruiting a DL as a DL" and no I am not making that up
  13. He did make this unbelievable Vine though
  14. "Or whatever the fuck it is called," it's totally fine to know the name of the 15th biggest media franchise in the world, nothing embarrassing about it.
  15. https://www.volnation.com/forum/threads/tx-wr-isaiah-neyor.336757/page-46 "Lacked conviction in his commitment video"
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