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Everything posted by Teryor

  1. It sounds like we're hiring his dad (who was with Beard already) for those out of the loop
  2. Ya Kellyanne's weight loss doesn't look healthy. Damn shame. I absolutely loved Aneesa just flopping on the 1st challenge then puffing her chest in confessionals talking about how she'll stomp other girls, underdelivering is way more her brand than "paving the way for the Challenge to exist in its current format".
  3. They aren't all-stars, but they also have Caruso and House in the league solidly, they've been fine at putting guys in the NBA, but all their guys are rotation+ players
  4. This is without a doubt my favorite quote of today, just absolute dogshit supervillain nobody cares about vibes "YOU WILL RUE THE DAY YOU WALKED AWAY FROM UNITED SUPERMARKETS ARENA"
  5. Coaching in basketball is way different than football. The head coach sets the philosophy and style of play on both the offensive and defensive end and assistants execute the vision, they're not like a Kwiatkowski who we know is going to be bringing in his defense. That's part of why the Clippers are willing to hire Ty Lue after canning Doc Rivers, Lue wasn't responsible for the offensive style and it's changed (a bit) under him. There are some exceptions like a Yaklich, but even that is blended into the head coaches style to a degree. All we can really know about assistants are who they coached under which may influence how they think, who they are leads for recruiting, and maybe a positional group they specialize in working with which can also be fluid. I'm surprised more teams haven't brought in specific shooting coaches though, there's plenty that work with NBA players independently and if you have a guy fixing players forms I'd think that's probably the biggest advantage you could get in the college game. Someone can be free to correct me though if I'm speaking from my ass on any part of this.
  6. There's literally hundreds of players in the transfer portal just from P6 conferences, he'll be able to get talent. There's no excuse for not being able to get guys to play here while being able to guarantee significant playing time. I know this sounds entitled but it's factual. Minutes+high profile team are the best combo you can have for finding transfers.
  7. The most shocking part of this news is that I am learning that there was a contingent of Maryland fans that thought they were going to get Beard despite still not having gotten rid of Turgeon.
  8. Eh, I wouldn't feel bad about that, every fanbase has people who would respond like that. I would bet I could find people as pissed Shaka "left Texas".
  9. That sounds like a you problem, Goodman is one of the big national guys, and you've heard of FCB
  10. Rough look for Tech fans when this really was the case
  11. I'm more in this camp, but at the same time, it isn't a surprise to them and there hadn't been leaks/names thrown out as potential successors
  12. Just browsing the UNC boards and they're even more delusional than us, maybe for good reason. Few, Wright, and Stevens are reasonable candidates to them.
  13. Miller, Stackhouse, Davis are the 3 that I've heard thrown around
  14. Always love getting to see how much value a name like UNC has right after a legend retires
  15. Well this is the only thing that could change the calculus
  16. Got told that if Arch were to make his decision today, it's LSU. Obviously we're miles away from this being remotely over, and LSU sucking ass for 2 straight years will have an effect on his decision, but that's where he is right now.
  17. Championship game with Bob Knight's players where they got smashed by Maryland and somehow beat a #1 seed great Duke team (Jared Jeffries basically carried them on his own)
  18. I disagree, basketball or football it doesn't matter how good your facilities are, or how good your fanbase is, you have to nail the hire, ESPECIALLY in a place like Lubbock. If the next coach at Tech goes back down to .500 with tourney appearances every 2 or 3 years it will be as if Chris Beard never existed.
  19. Eh, I prefer honest nothing over FCB's bullshit "I know something you don't know~~~~!" routine
  20. I went through FCB's post history (couple thoughts, 247 makes it fucking hard to do this and I had to see TyroneSwoope's posts so a mega-fuck you for that) and I've only seen him be coy about Beard. In a post about Shaka being excited to coach at Marquette for the sold out crowds he said this: And in a thread talking about how Beard's lack of rejection is good he responded with this: I'd rather someone just post the IT update from this morning because we all know FCB sucks and it sucks ass I spent any time on this
  21. OK so they have absolutely no idea what they're doing
  22. Eh, it's been documented that K has used his position as Team USA coach to put people like KD on the phone to talk to recruits about his experience under K. Really not unreasonable for Ivey to have a scuffed Texas only version of that.
  23. I'm with you on this. IT mentioned this morning we're interviewing Ivey today or tomorrow though so I genuinely don't think a decision has been made yet.
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