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Everything posted by frog

  1. This is not my story and it doesn't quite fit, but I'm telling it here anyway. I went to school with surly's Rex Kramer. We had a class where we learned about various primitive tribes around the world. The teacher showed a video of this one tribe who would club each other in fights, had no outside contact with civilization, etc. Rex Kramer has to do a presentation in Spanish class. So he asks the first teacher if he could borrow the video. He takes the video home and finds the part where the tribes are fighting and goes to bed. [spoiler: his roommates do not go to bed] Rex gets up in Spanish class and, in espanol, tells the class about the tribe and the fights, etc. He hits play on the video and his roommates had found a part where they show a closeup of a live birth on camera. Loud gasps from his classmates are heard followed by Rex's "Lo siento....lo siento..."
  2. Any time someone someone says "do do" in a sentence (ie -- "We don't do that per the policy, but we do do our best to consider exceptions.").
  3. Late to the game, but just finished it last night. Kellyn was awful. Just awful. Angela spilling the beans to Dom had to be the result of either (a) a producer giving her money to warn Dom or (b) she's the dumbest player of all time. The fact that Kellyn and Surfer Bro were roasting Dom over his decision to "flaunt" his fake idol was some of the most butthurt jury bullshit I've ever seen. Surfer Bro saying "We were friends...yeah i was going to vote you out, but the way you went about it [saving yourself] was wrong." GTFO.
  4. My son likes the skins and the emotes more than he likes playing the game. I was watching him play the "5 teams of 20" mode last night. His group (all strangers) were in a house busting things up and grabbing loot. My son gets in the middle and starts to dance. His teammates all start throwing up ace cards and thumbs up, so he keeps going and they keep watching. This goes on for several minutes until the storm rockets through the house and they all start running around like they're insane. 2 of them die in the storm because they wanted to watch my son do the same dances that they've all seen 100 times. Kids, man.
  5. csb: Bram is buddies with Johnny Football. JF needed a place to crash and Bram let him stay at his place. Bram came home and found that JF placed a bunch of sports bets on Bram's computer/account. /csb tl;dnr: Johnny Football likes to place bets not using his money, but the money of a former TCU football player, best known for his 2nd half comeback against the Oregon Ducks in the Alamo Bowl.
  6. how do you insert a pic from desktop?
  7. Play 50v50 for the first time in awhile today. Get some good loot early and ran towards the circle. I throw my buildafort deal and hop in with an epic sniper rifle. Another player joins me and for a good 7 minutes we're watching the battle below us and picking people off. I have no idea why no one returned the sniper fire, but this other player and I are unloading on people. Finally, the storm shrinks and I get set to move. I turn to make sure she's joining me and for the first time I realize the other player was on the other team. We'd been fighting side by side the entire time for damn near 10 minutes. I put about 87 bullets in her from a foot away.
  8. frog

    Yanny or Laurel?

    On phone, 100% laurel. on computer, 100% yanni.
  9. So you kept listening? Pussy.
  10. Wrong sport, but at the time, Glendon Alexander (Newman Smith basketball). He was unguardable. But in hindsight, it was Kenyon Martin. My brother's quote after we played him ("How is that guy going to Cincinnati?")
  11. Cliff notes for what i missed?
  12. Don't know if it was intentional, but the banner ad when i watched this video was "Head into Spring in style." Advertisers FTW.
  13. Finally got my first victory during lunch today. Was playing the Gauntlet mode. Final 3 and killed Thanos and then wrecked house on the remaining guy. I no longer hate the game. As an aside, there's no way to get Thanos early and last throughout, right? It always seems like Thanos dies about 5 times before the end.
  14. So my laughter turned to cursing last night. Yesterday, I was on an unnecessary conference call and played with it on mute. Got 3rd place. With my confidence high, I went home and had 1.5 hours to kill guilt free. I died within seconds every game. One game I perfectly landed next to a secluded chest. Got my loot and was killed via sniper 1 second later (side note -- any time I get a sniper rifle at the beginning, I don't see a damn soul). My last game I landed on one of the towers. Opened the chest and got a gun and a bomb. Another guy landed with me and he got nothing. So he was going to be dead if I/the game didn't go full retard. I panicked and grabbed the bomb and threw it at him. Little did I know there was a dance party bomb in the game so I started disco dancing on the top of the roof like a goddamn maniac. When I finished my dance routine, I switched to the gun but the game glitched and wouldn't switch (it was highlighted and everything). Every time I pull the trigger, I chop. He eventually chops me to death and had to wonder why I dropped a damn gun after I died.
  15. This. The highest I got in solo was 2nd (with zero kills). But lately I have died within 45 seconds of landing. I landed today right next to a chest. I just had to bust down a counter to get to it. This guy opens the back door holding an axe. I swear he stared at me wailing away for 5 seconds with an inquisitive, sad look. Then he switched to a shotgun and blasted me to damn hell in one shot. Somehow he could sense how terrible I was.
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