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Everything posted by horn4life

  1. I would think that a sweetener for a buyer's agent noted on Zillow might increase your "in case someone comes along with a suitcase of cash" Spring of 2022 memories. Seems like a very low percentage scenario. My assumption is that most folks with suitcases of cash have an agent. So a couple percent to a buyers agent, at a list price that you expect to negotiate down from? It's just math. I guess the real question is what do you honestly think the house will sell for? IF you can get ANYTHING above that on your own, it's a win. If the margin isn't that great, it will be interesting to see what sort of buyers contact you. I would be very curious about this!!! Please let us know after the fact! As I am going to sell a Lake House in Belton in the Spring. I am likely to let the folks in the neighborhood all get a look at it before we list it. My thought is to have a "neighbor pre-list price" about 4% less than with an agent. Hell honestly, if I had a real buyer on the hook moving below the final price with a conventional sale, just to have a deal in hand and done.
  2. This is the pussy equation I solved at 24... between Wylies, Paradise, Juan Goldsteins , Touluse, Headliners East. And I have to give some credit to the rose sales guy, dirty bookstore, and cavern 6th street hot tubs... Then I went and got married at 25...
  3. well... It depends! 😉 There are lots of ways to fish at the coast. You can fish bigger baits in the surf, wade fish the surf, wade fish the bays, bank fish, jetty fish, pier fish, or fish out of a boat. You can spend a little or you can spend a lot. Eventually you will likely do all the above, and have a natural preference for whatever you have the most success with! A 3000 size with braid is great for most everything except fishing around rocky or jagged structure where the line chafe will cause you to break off when you finally get a fish on. Braid is great in that you can feel everything, and it casts a lot farther. If you are going to use braid, you need to learn to tie on a fluorocarbon leader to have any chance at success with either live bait or lures. I fish almost exclusively mono if I am at the pier or the jetty, as it floats, and has much more abrasion resistance. You are going to want a longer pole especially if you are going to do much wading. And just for the casting distances. On a 3000 I am going with about a 7' rod. I would also consider looking at buying a surf rod. We often wade fish at the beach in the morning (and either switch to surf fishing with big rods, or run our a larger bait on a surf rod while we wade. Feverishly glancing again and again at that big rod to get ready to run back to grab it if it goes off. I use high visibility neon colors on my larger capacity surf rods, and go with as long a pole as you are comfortable with. Cut down some PVC for rod holders and you have half way home. Since you are just getting started probably the one thing I will suggest is that the saltwater is corrosive, and spending a little extra money early on quality reels, will mean you will not be tossing a reel in the trash two years from now. If you fuck up your good name brand shit you can always have them rebuild it. So spend more now to save money later. Quality is especially important the more you are physically in the water where the reel gets wet or even submerged. Here is a link to a bunch of combos that are decent starters. https://www.basspro.com/l/saltwater-rod-reel-combos Probably learning knots to connect leaders to braid, and a loop knot to your hook or lure are about as important as your equipment. You can pick up cheap surf rods that are nearly disposable in price. So I would allocate the most money into my smallest reel. I would also make the suggestion of looking at getting a back pack style tackle bag. Get one with a rubber bottom for when it inevitably get wet and dirty. If you are fishing at the coast you end up carrying a lot of shit over time, and the backpack frees up your hands. As far as specific gear, swivels, fluorocarbon leader, 20# and 30#, circle hooks, some wide gap or kahle style hooks, slip weights, popping cork, sliding cork with bobber stoppers (best jetty fishing technique) and you are ready to rock with live bait. Some lightweight jig heads, a couple spoons, and some swim baits start the party if you want to be more active casting. There are shit tons of videos on everything you want to learn on youtube. Good luck and tight lines
  4. Well Shucks.... I bet this is the first time a guy from Holy Cross went to Las Vegas and got an unexpected result...
  5. I think it's funny that some of you actually think that the ramblings of a misinformed man are "policies." If that's the case Trump is in a fantastic position. As he holds both sides of every single issue. All you have to do is wait, and he will say nearly the exact opposite of what he said previously. Some folks actually probably believe that Trump was going to unveil a Republican helthcare plan in two weeks.... 6 years ago.....
  6. What is most interesting to me at this point in time is how Netanyahu is trying to tilt the scales in Trumps favor. Like Trump Netanyahu must stay in power, or he is likely going to be convicted and incarcerated. But Netanyahu's recent excalations are having an effect. In trying to help Donald Trump, in two ways. First he makes it impossible for the Biden/Harris administration to do much of anything before the election, to counteract Netanyahu's decision to push closer to a regional war. Which in turn hurts Harris in Michigan, with it;s large Muslim population. In essence it drives a wedge into turnout and support amoung this demographic. Secondly instability and responsibility usually fall on the incumbent. If you doubt my assertions, look at the DJT stock price. After heading towards this shitter, likes it's balance sheet, the stock is again rising. Thanks Netanhayu. It's amazing that both Isreal and the United States we allowed be led by men as completely corrupt and amoral as Trump and Netanyahu. But that's where we are today. Trump is praying for a wider way in the Middle East to help sell chaos. And he has a willing participant in Netanyahu, how will do anything and sacrifice every single hostage, to preserve his own personal freedom. Everything and everyone else is collateral damage. Exactly like Donald J. Trump.
  7. coming in late, but I think I bitched a month ago that they needed a quarter, and maybe a half a month ago. A half was what IMHO was appropriate. Because despite what I read Powell said about a commitment to not being late this swing. (read my first sentence) Of course the market went... wait... are we supposed to be scared about a recession!?!?!?! Movement is downward. And FORGIVE ME if my recollection is wrong here, but I thin the forward fed fund Sept 2025 future was at 2.89. I will also say that historic rates of 6 percent on a mortgage have only been "too high" since covid. If you look at 25 years of rates, there is a lot of money to be made at anything sub 6 percent, And lets be honest, it's gonna be more like 5.35% by next spring? Unless the there is areal fucking war in the middle east. But up the spring should be good for all your mortgage guys. Capitulation on price from the fake listings (only for a fucking price that will never happen on the books) if they give me the right price. Are fading. The reality that the ridiculous Austin prices of 2 years ago are gone. And folks that have to sell have been capitulating. And more capitulation is going to happen the rest of this year. IMHO. But at the end of Feb next year? That fun loving multiple offer scenario may again be in play. (if no middle east wider war) I hope that my musings are true. Because I am about to put a fair amount of time into a remodel that I hope will benefit from my musings. It will look fucking beautiful either way, but it will look a lot more beautiful to stretch for that place on the lake for a buyer and 4.95% in April.
  8. It was interesting to me to see DJT stock edge up leading into the debate last night. If you did not know this already DJT is Trump medias platform. Where folks give personal donations to Trump by investing in an absolutely worthless stock to show their support for Donald. It's down 15% pre-market. Even those donating to the dear leader realize there is a big brown stain on the back of little Donnie's pants this morning. And better to lose more than half you money as a donation to a loser, than lose all your monety as a donation to a loser. DJT stock price as predictor of Trump success
  9. If I had to sum up in a single phrase how the debate framed the race going forward, especially for young people. It's Kamala or Pa Pa....
  10. Did not read a single comment from above. For that I apologize. In fairness my buddy came by, and he was screaming at Kamala to attack, attack attack! And I explained IMHO that letting Trump be Trump was perfect here. As I believe that the demographics of the folks left who are undecided will look at Trump as exactly as I saw him. That fucking drunk crazy uncle you are fucking tired of listening to. I personally would have slipped trump the knife more, but I think for female suburban women that will likely decide this election. And they saw what was what. And as a side note, not political but only patriotism why can Trump not say he wants a Ukraine invaded by Russia to win against the invader. Which makes me think that somewhere there is a pasty gelatinous white balding millionaire peeing gleefully on a bed in Russia. And what Trump is afraid of is you see the pee.... but not the pee pee....
  11. Welcome aboard Big Dog! Some in, work hard on and off the field and take advantage of all the opportunities The University of Texas has to offer. You made one of the best life changing decisions of your life! Hook'em!
  12. The only pertinent question to this entire thread? What the hell is the Slippery Rock State score?
  13. I am in a similar situation, and going to try a 30+ day furnished rental, and see how that works. Or sell. It flooded and remodel is underway which will really update the place. 1) Are you the sole decision maker? Siblings can make decisions tougher/complicated. 2) Would you be interesting in continuing to rent it after you Mom passes? 3) How much cash into the place to get it ready to rent? 4) Would you, or a family member ever want to live there? 5) Does the potential $1800 in income, matter extending the financial solvency of her estate/ contributing to her Assisted Living Bill? 6) How much time will it rob from your life? That's sort of where my list is. For me if we can make the 30+ day furnished work, then I my sister and I, can also use the Lakehouse occasionally. OR that's the thought at least right now.
  14. I started playing around with "grinding" my own meat in the food processor. Started off with a trimmed down leg of lamb, did a couple different grinds, and seasonings to compare as the initial experiment. The more course grinds were too chewy, and we experimented on those as well. The key was cutting up the meat into smaller cubes and par freezing those before tossing into the food processor to grind. Just like trying to run fat through a sausage grinder, warm fat just clogs the thing near instantly. I kept the 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 chunks in the freezer and then just covered up the blades by a level of meat (do not over stuff) and it worked beautifully. Basically any good burger needs some sort of fat component. That's why blue cheese goes so well with bison, or tzatziki with lamb. Or adding pork to lean beef. Anyhow not to hijack the thread. But we buy the leg of lamb at Costco, and I have been butterflying it down into a thinner brisket look profile and searing on the grill. We started also using the leftover of that and making Shepard's pie with the leftovers, and that was the bomb. There's just a lot of meat in a leg of lamb and cooking all one way burns out the wife on it for a while. But making burgers I just froze a few for later, and we ate the seared lamb portions in a leftover or two. The lamb burgers were a fun way to use some of the lamb. The lamb was pretty lean as I tossed most of the deckle-like fat, but made a slurry of feta and tzatziki instead of mayo to add that fat. Highly recommend adding potentialy grinding up some of you oversize meat portions at costco to create your own burgers. We had a lot of fun with it.
  15. I was telling my wife that losing the bison, means I will just experiment more with making my own ground meats. I did it for the first time making some lamb burgers out some leg of lamb. I understand the issue with very lean meats, but for me the bison just had a different more rustic flavor for my meatballs. We did a lot of bison burgers, with blue cheese, and Crystal hot sauce, which were delicious. I was telling the wife last night, who knows what interesting combos we might come up with. Might even fold in some chorizo into my ground beef as an experiment. RIP Costco ground Bison....
  16. Well fuck nuts! I am bummed... Costco discontinued carrying ground Buffalo.... that was one of our go to purchases the last year or so. I will say it again and again, but for some reason the italian meatballs we made out of buffalo were simply the best we ever made. Hell I thought it was a fluke, and did identical recipies 1 with organic beef, one with organic buffalo, and the results were confirmed. Not sure why they were better, but they were. Now I guess I will be heading to sprouts for my fix. Luckily I have been filling that gap by going to H Mart and buying Poke. Then my daughter discovered that the prepared foods like poke are half off after 7 (maybe 6 pm). But still very bummed by the dropping of the ground buffalo.
  17. I don't know if the wife would appreciate that though?
  18. Yahoo! Great get for the good guys! Welcome aboard young man! Work hard, make those around you work hard, and amazing things will happen both on and off the field. Hook'em!
  19. Well after glancing at the design, it is missing one thing I expected to see.
  20. Should have cut at the latest last month. The bury inflation goal is fantastic. But the Feds job is to ANTICIPATE, not respond. They were late to the rate increase party, and they are late to the cut party. IMHO of course. I think they should go a half. But then somebody might argue that's political, so likely the quarter they should have dropped two weeks ago. But a half spurs R.E market during a traditionally lower activity time frame like the fall. Then the cuts could cascade from there. Oh well, I'm sure Jackson Hole is a lot more refreshing than Austin today.
  21. Ok for some odd reason I thought Texas stepped up the entire value with the death of one spouse, that would have been nice. So we can depreciate, for however many years on the $400K (in my example) to offset my fathers income from required minimum distributions. I am going to charge him 20% to manage, repair and furnish the property as a 30 day rental. If it doesn't rent well, as a 30 day, we will likely just sell it. I am going to go ahead and do a complete remodel myself, over the next couple months, and pull out about $15K to give me a cash starting point for the furnishings bringing the unit up. If it works my sis and I will just keep the same arrangement and rent the house forever as far as I am concerned. The bonus is if a can get the 30 day furnished rental cash flowing, we would also have access to the lake house when not rented for family events, or to let friends and family use.
  22. Mom is dying, Dad is surviving. House is NOT yet a rental, but that is the plan going forward. My interest in the stepped up basis is to determine what the depreciable valua of the home is when it begins renting. I am not concetrned about the capital gains, but what would be the highest value to start the depreciation expense of his propery at? His taxes are going to go up, because he has moved to assisted living near me. So like in original example House built for $200K - current actual value is $600K. If they started renting the house before either spouse died the depreciable cost basis would be the $200K build cost (plus improvements). However, if one souse dies, the depreciable cost basis would become $400K? The $200K build cost, plus the $200K step up in value from the deceased spouse. So then the remaining $200K in value that is not included in the cost bases is the $200K of appreciation that is not stepped up of the surviving spouse? Correct? So let's assume I make the property a successful rental for arguments sake. For the years when my father is alive and the owner the depreciation cost basis will be the $400K. Once my father passes the property will flow through to my sister and I as we are already on the deed. At THAT POINT in time after my Father passes we would would get an appraisal to determine the value of the property fully stepped up. Then my sister and I would restart the depreciation anew with the new higher value, say $600K if I used my mathematical example above. Hope this is clear what I am trying to say. I am just trying to make sure the math I am using to forecast the future accurately includes the all important depreciation correctly.
  23. So my mom is about to pass away, and I thought I read somewhere that in Texas the homestead value steps up to the current market value. To basically eliminate any potential capital gain up to the point of the spouses death. IS this correct? I think Texas is unique in this aspect. The reason i ask is that if that is the case and we rent my father's remodeled home, then I can use the stepped up cost value at my mother's death to depreciate from? Example: built home for $200K, today house is worth $600K and mom passes. That $600K value rather than the $200K build price is the basis from which I calculate the depreciation. If so then he could show paper losses with the depreciation, that could offset some of his forced withdrawal income. Anyhow too tired to research this so I ask you fine folks instead. Thanks in advance
  24. I remember explaining how "pass the bucket works" to Glenn the father of The Peterson Brother's. He was they guy going around with the bucket, and I explained that you either need some cute young woman to shame the men into giving money. Or someone aggressive like me who will stand there and shame the money out of them. I proved the veracity of my statement and helped them get that bucket a lot fuller. My other advice to the boys was to ask them "Do you know the secret to choices in your future?" They looked at me dumbfounded... I then pounded the stage as I yelled, "Condoms! Condoms! Condoms!" They will never forget me because of that. Good kids who can rip. I just need them to add, "Bang a Gong" by T. Rex. It would be a great vehicle to do the solos in. But the bucket, along with a little sob story, never hurt any starving band on tour.
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