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Everything posted by horn4life

  1. He just wants to find.... the 47 lost pounds... one more than he needs!
  2. since for the first time since he was elected President (with Putin's helping hand) we have not had an honest measurement of the math of the former President's girth. The lying physician said he was 6'3" and 244 pounds. while extolling Trump's amazingness. I don't really cane about the height os such a small man, but I am curious about the fun of predicting his honest weight. I'll buy the winner a couple of Hopdoddy big rita's in Austin if they would like! predict away! My Guess is 296 lbs.
  3. Two really come to mind. Fall of 1978, Van Halen opens for Black Sabbath at Sam Houston Coliseum . Van Halen is the hungry hunter and fucking kicks ass, walked out on Sabbath maybe 4 songs in. But Van Halen was really, really, really good, and I still fell lucky to have seen them in their prime. Second was in March '81 (had to look it up). Stevie Ray Vaughn opened up for George Thorogood and the Destroyers at the old Austin Opry House. Great smaller venue and SRV fucking ripped it up. In fact when Thorogood stepped up to the mike (paraphrasing) " Well, we can't do that, but we are gonna rock this place!" Good overall concert, but SRV planted the flag, and it was still waving when the destroyers left the stage. I also remember walking out on Aerosmith at the Coliseum, but can't remember who the opening act was. It was really disappointing, since I was onto Aerosmith before most anyone. Owning one of the first pressings before they changed to cover, and removed all the drug history and craziness from the album. Really, really, really disappointing as Tyler's voice fucking sucked, and he was in his toss pills out of his scarf stage. I'm sure there were at least a few others. Sure wish I had kept all my stubs, they would be worth a lot now, or make a cool ass collage.
  4. Happened to be down on South Congress last night for an early dinner and decided to go to C-Boys and see Restos (formerly Western Youth i think). I had seen in the chronicle that they had a residence at 6:30 at C-boys as a prelude to an Album release at Continental Club sometime in September. We caught a few songs before the close of their set, and a couple of the second set. And damn we really enjoyed them! Plus it was free and early (geezer hour as I call it). Reminded me of some of the early 80's musical vibe, between the five of us, two olds and three 20 somethings, we all enjoyed them. At times Tom Petty like, Springsteen, with a sprinkle of Country. Diverse sound and easy to listen to. Wife and I are probably gonna go back and see the entire set last week. But if you want a great free thursday early show for the rest of the month check them out at C-Boys. Side note - about how Austin is changing. Went and ate at Aba and it was solid but not spetacular, but fun as a group. But holy cow, I expect downtown to be a sea of cash and flash when I go to hotels and such but I don't know if we are becoming cali, houston, or Dallas but the vibe around Aba was more like the Galleria than Austin. Just a lot more pretentiousness. I will say if I were a single guy, it seemed like there were 3 gals to eery guy early in the evening. Going there and going to C-boys was like going back in time to what Austin used to be. Thank God we still have a little Austin left. Get it while you can!
  5. Basically for Texas, NIL means No Income Limit. If we really, really, really, want a guy, it's not gonna be because we don't have enough cash to match most any offer. However, this is not to say that we won't choose not to match an offer. But NIL has created a situation not unlike an auction. There are basically two ways to come out ahead in an Auction. Bid more than anyone else for a particular item is the way most folks view auctions. But the way to use your money to hurt opposing bidders, is to drive up the price they have to pay for items for items you can do without, by driving up the bidding. We have the ability to do both! Draining the bank roll of a bidder at auction over the course of the auction, can be every bit as important as the actual size of your bank roll, as the auction goes on.
  6. Things used to be so simple... Hookers and blow... Ahhh. The good old days...
  7. The Simple Truth is the Republican party is a minority party, and the only way to have a chance at winning, is anger. And anger must be continually stoked. Brooks fails to look at how much his party is responsible for continually stoking this "meanness." The willingness and desire to believe outright lies, to validate an incorrect opinion also helps make folks mad, and thus mean. David Brooks is a tool, but he does make some points. But he is not introspective about how years of basic political dishonestly, and reinforcement again and again of this dishonestly, influences folks "meanness." I have always lived by the same rule. A rule that the owner of Texicalli Grille on Oltorf, Danny Young exuded, and put on the wall of the restaurant so many years ago. "Just be Nice." It's not hard to be nice, it's actually easy. In fact one thing that I have told waiters, bartenders, nurses, salespeople and on and on. When you have folks that are being assholes to you, 90+ percent of the time, it has nothing to do with you. It has something to do with the asshole's, work, wife, dog, son, daughter or whatever. You just happen to be in a downhill position, and these angry people want to hurt somebody. And you are in a position where you don't have to power to fight back. ThIs mirrors the GOP's political methodology of always attacking people that do not have the ability to fight back. Blacks, interracial couples, gays, trans and and now the parents of trans kids. Why does the GOP attack and attack and attack these weaker folks? Because they NEED to stoke anger, to have a chance at the ballot box. You NEED somebody to blame for YOUR ANGER, You simply do not see the same sort of decades long demonization of weaker classes in the Democratic Party. Because it's not a key component of their political strategy. In contrast you see the stoking of anger nearly continually on the right. You do hear anger from the left, but it's never continuously aimed at the weak. Meanness is ALWAYS directed at the weak. Or those that cannot fight back, like a waiter, nurse or other service oriented job. In my counsel to folks on dealing with the assholes, I tell them as hard as it is, you need to think past the moment. That person may be in front of you being an asshole for a certain period of time. But when they leave they are still an asshole, and they live the life of an asshole every day. And being an asshole is a shitty way to go through life. So simply smile and be glad you are not them when they walk away. The sad thing is that being nice to others is one of the most uplifting and joy bringing things you can do FOR YOURSELF! If it doesn't make you feel good to open a door for somebody, to let somebody into traffic, to simply be kind to somebody for no other reason than the kindness itself, then you may fall into the "mean" category. And to be honest, those poor mean folks are missing out on the little things in life that make life worth living. A small act of kindness is a wonderful thing, and other human beings notice and appreciate it. I feel sorry for mean people. And letting them know that... would only make them madder and meaner.
  8. I'm ADHD as a mofo. But I get it, I too could confuse contiguous with cunnilingus, but the ladies tend to like continuous cunnilingus... but if you do non-contiguous continuous cunnilingus, you end up tasting some shit... 😉
  9. First thing you need to do is clean up the headlight lens so you can see! Tons of kits to do it and takes less than half an hour, for both improved appearance and safety. You also might want brighter bulbs? I have always been a fan of the sedan with a strong engine. As it's fun to haul ass and draw less attention. IF you are going to keep the car I suggest you learn to turn a wrench, as when you need a part you are either going to pay out the ass, or the Wrench A Part salvage yard will become your friend. But it is solid transportation with a low price tag. Put a little money into stock every month that you do not spend on a car payment and that little vehicle just might very well indeed be an amazing investment.
  10. Thanks for the reply guys. I think a lack of sleep and some hard partying the night before may have been the culprit for her high resting heart rate. Still want her to talk to her doc about it just in case. Again thanks
  11. Ahhh... the mystery of the prior electrician! You are gonna need to pull the GFCI and take a look at it. WARNING!!!! If your GFCI is used using a quick connect make sure to try to release the line, rather and twist it out using a little muscle. Tends to cause the quick connects to no longer make a consistent connection, so press the release in fully as you press the wire into the plug BEFORE bulling the line out. If not wire to post screws. I am assuming there the GFCI is either wired with a pigtail, to allow current downstream as has been discussed, or there is some funky wiring you cannot see. If you pull the GFCI out slightly you can get a good look at the connections and that may give you some clues. Sometimes electricians are lazy dumb asses! Story as example is years ago my BIL was hosting a family reunion and the water pump at his lake house on LBJ goes out. It's about 25 feet down and its the day before the event so we just pull the damn thing out, and by some miracle the store n Burnet had an exact replacement. I was responsible for the rewire so I match of the wires heat shrink and waterproof the connection, and we put that sucker down in the hole... Nothing! My BIL is of course asking me if I made the correct connections, which I am sure I did. He goes back to the store in Burnet and they offer to send out their guy that does these things for them. About 2 hours later he shows up. After a few minutes he looks at the electrical panel and says, "Oh I remember this one." Then he switched the black and white wires at the electrical box, and it worked fine. apparently that dumbass had mis-wired the in the ground connection, and his fix was simply to switch the wires on the breaker box. WITHOUT FUCKING LABELING IT!!! The most interesting thing about the story... The Electrician's nick name was... wait for it... Jinx!
  12. The resting is what bugs me. Thanks for the link. I am not worried, because I always say you have plenty of time to worry. But concerened enought to want to rule out stuff that I could worry about! Just want to have her tell her doctor to probe a little deeper. If there is something wrong better to know about it.
  13. She get a physical every year. and is about to get another one. She is going to ask specifically about heart rate when she goes in again. She is not honestly concerned, but when I was at her prior highest fitness level of running miles and mile, by resting HR was sub 50. But I was swimming 10K yards a week and playing soccer 6 days a week. My dad was a National class swimmer in his youth and he is 92 and his resting heart rate is about 10 bpm lower than hers. He and I are more concerned simply as it's high compared to what we as formerly trained persons should be from our life experience. Hope there IS nothing to worry about. But I'm a dad and that worry shit will follow me to the grave.
  14. I have some concern about my oldest daughter, and her seemingly elevated heart rate. She played soccer for like 10 year, ran cross country in high school, and has run a half marathon. So her aerobic capacity is pretty darn good, but her heart rate is just high. Hell I am a fat out of shape 60+ year old and my resting heart rate is runs from mid high 50's to the upper 70's at rest. I am like most other folks who have exercised using a heart rate monitor in that when I start getting into that 140+ range I am pushing near the peak of my capacity. She's 27, and moderately overweight now, but I remember when she ran her half marathon I was looking at 160-180 BPM on her tracker. But last weekend she was talking about how at Orange Theory her heart rate was higher than everyone in the room when working out. She pushes well past that 140-160 range. The instructor was taking a closer look out of her with concern, but she felt perfectly fine. Her resting heart rate when we were sitting around last weekend was just over like 92 BPM, and mine was like 74 at the same point in the day. I want to say she said something like getting close to 200 at orange theory? The additional reason I have concern is long ago my youngest was about 15 months old, and we had to rush to the emergency room. She is a fair skinned kid but she was looking absolutely pale, and her little baby heartbeat was cranking over 100. Ended up heart was working overtime because she did not have enough red blood cells needed to carry the oxygen load. Doc told us to go straight to the emergency room and she was given a transfusion and all we well. Hospital's theory was that my daughter had a milk allergy that was causing a bleed, while at the same time the calcium in the milk diminished red blood cell creation. So this high heart rate in my oldest has us a bit concerned. Any thought? I am sort of worried that my oldest may have some sort of more serious issue? Perhaps related to blood cell production? I don't really know what else might cause the higher heartbeat? Again she does not have any additional discomfort when exercising than anyone else, but her heart rate goes to some ranges that I know mine could simply not go? And it just seems odd.
  15. I was about to post my own thread on Help, but this thread was on top. I have wondered for about a year how well the "glacier" pool chiller works. And a buddy of mine finally got one (I told him about it last year. His pool basically faces South looking at the lake so no relief from the sun from dawn to dusk. He pulled the trigger and posted on facebook about his amazement on how well it works. I think it was designed in Houston and apparently uses some sort of collection of thin membranes, that a fan blows air on. Apparently the thing works. My buddy's pool went from 92 degrees to 80-81 overnight. His facebook rave read like an Ad. Anyhow been trying to talk my daughter and her engineer husband in Houston to look into it, since somebody we trust likes the unit. Any of you guys have the system? What do you think of it? I didn't read back a ton of pages so if this topic has been recently covered I apologize. Seems like it was a pretty interesting and cost effective solution to keeping the pool cool enough to enjoy. I think the best it can do is drop the temp in the morning to the overnight temp, but if it's 105 outside and the pool is 80 thats a big enough temp gap to feel pretty good.
  16. Subaru Outback is one of the best choices for your criteria. The longer wheelbase makes it a smoother ride than the Crosstrek with a lot more space. The integrated roof rail system that folds away when not in use to reduce air drag is a neat feature as well. Since one of your main criteria will be mountain driving, get the turbo option. As the turbo helps counteract the thin air at high altitude by compressing it with the turbo (learned this when lookin at trucks a few years back). I have always viewed Audi's as a good car to lease, and an incredibly stupid car to buy. As apparently "german engineering" means shit like partially removing the engine to be able to change out the A/C compressor for example. WTF? You can always get something like a Toyota Land Cruiser as well, however I think that one of the best things about non-SUV style wagons is simply the ability to easily reach the roof top racks. So easy on and off with things like skis for example. Or lease an Audi, so they can pick up the repairs on their dime not yours.
  17. Good news Aggies, A&M is ranked 6th in the Big 12 according to the coaches poll! sec...sec...sec!
  18. No doubt it started with Reagan. To be honest, way back then PERHAPS giving the wealthy tax cuts could have spurred employment. Only because the lack of money mobility back in 1980 for the average rich guy/company. The math, says it was a mistake. Simply as the revenue generated from the cuts never paid for them. That's actually not conservative for those that remember fiscal conservatism. Today tax cuts for the rich are nothing more than reallocation of wealth to donors. Today even a little guy can put all their money over seas, so tax cuts don't do much for the US economy unless you are giving the money to poor people. Simply as they have no portability to where they can spend their money and it has to spent locally, and the money multiplier effect (economics) would be more substantial. Tax cuts are spending. Or more appropriately "income reduction" to pay the deficit. Spending and tax cuts have the same effect. But I'd rather have some roads and infrastructure, and maybe funding for education. Thinking it just might... might boost revenue by creating more than another couple millions over time to somebody mostly investing offshore to shield their tax liability. But hey what the fuck do I know...
  19. man no traction for this at all? Sad that the GOP has one playbook. Explode deficits through tax cuts for the rich. Shift the burden onto the middle class for the tax cuts, WITH INTEREST. Then decry the lack of accountability for reducing the deficit ONLY when Democrats are President to..... wait for it... hurt the American economy to try and hurt the Democratic President. All the while wearing little American Flag pins denoting their amazing pretend patriotism...
  20. Bijan's Boudin? We all know it would have dominated the Louisiana Boudin industry!
  21. See ya then! Was looking at the surf on a cam this morning and water is clear to the beach. Been cloudy even with the wind has laid down since about mid-June. Too bad I am hosting a party this weekend, or I would have gone down yesterday. IF the water stays clear I may have to see if I can roll down Monday or Tuesday for a day or two. 🙏
  22. But in Boudin dollars that makes you a fucking millionaire!
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