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Everything posted by horn4life

  1. I love cornish hens! We used to get the two packs and basically stuff them like mini-turkeys with dressing. A delicious way to create a pile of tiny bones! This was my final Sushi act. Actually got a fair amount of meals out of about $60 or so in fish. This final hurrah was basically a pile of whatever was left, and some reheated sticky rice. I made a "Comet" on a plate and put it in the fridge, but then screwed up after chopping stuff up, and forgot to use the darn comet plate. So I guess it was the almost comet... Best damn leftover meal I have had in a while.
  2. So no time to muse about Bill Belicheck? 😉 ( put a winky in as apparently sarcasm needs an identifying emoji)
  3. hmmm... Coincidence that Saban gets a beat down by Texas at home, and then decides to leave as Texas comes into the league? I think Saban simply knows that Sark has got something going on here, and it's a lot tougher answering questions after home losses. I think when Saban benched Monroe after our dominating win, that was a mistake. But that Saban needed to do something to rattle the team as a whole. Basically, Saban retired, because he wakes up every morning now hearing hoof beats....
  4. I bought the Bluefin and Salmon at H-Mart, along with the plethora of ingredients to get started. I learned in the process that all most all wasabi on the shelves is simply dyed horseradish interestingly enough. The fish market at H-Mart is pretty cool, they have a lot of live in aquariums, and good supply of prepared sushi, and sashimi grade fish. Most common is tuna and salmon so I started with those. I know that keeping fish cold (no matter the situation) is important, and what I did to keep the stuff extra cold in the fridge was get a Tupperware container to put the fish in and put some ice in a ziplock to keep the fish literally ice cold. The other thing is to keep the exposure to air down, so I cut off what I need, rewrap in plastic and return to the tupperware ice step up. One thing I have sort of decided already, is that I prefer a snow cone style hand roll, to a normal roll. Simply because I can put more stuff into them and less rice as a percentage. Plus super easy to personalize and add or eliminate ingredients for each person. The other thing is while in my mind I sort of poo-poo the Krab (fake) it's a nice protein supplement that lends a creamy nature to the hand rolls. Anyhow something new, and fun to fart around with. Plus you can make the shit look pretty, with a little care. The hand rolls are easy to roll and you don't even need a mat. The little tab is where you rub some rice on it to "glue" it to the nori roll. Below is a pic of ingredients for a similar tuna hand roll. But shows one of the tricks I use constantly to create a quick, sanitary, and disposable surface to work on. I sprinkle a little water on my countertop, then lay out a sheet of plastic wrap (or more for like a brisket rub), and the water tension holds the plastic wrap in place and keeps it from sliding around. Plus cleanup is non-existent! Salad with Krab, seaweed salad, tuna, spicy mayo, and spicy mayo for lunch. Best looking leftovers I have ever had!
  5. **Oh yeah since nobody else posted yet, the one key to doing the piggy shapes is to cook them on Parchment paper, where normally we would use a silpat mat on a pastry. It was definitely a two person operation to get the wreath onto the platter intact. The wife peeled away the parchment paper as I stabilized with a pair of spatulas trying to fully support the hot bread as we slid it into place. Last night for the Championship game we took our first foray into the world of attempting Sushi at Home. The daughter gave me a nice Japanese knife and I figured time to start learning some new stuff and techniques. Nigiri is mainly a victim of my newbie knife work. When I first started my (again not the best) knife work on the cucumber taking off the end I liked the look of the seed cluster, so decided to make it the base of spicy salmon, along with the seaweed salad. Totally fubared the first roll as I cut the nori too short and overstuffed. Would have tossed except for ingredient costs, Actually made a tight second roll that I of course did not take a picture of. Decided to try and make the more difficult roll with the rice on the exterior and it turned out ok, for my first try. I think I fucked up the rice and that made it harder to get an even consistency across the nori to begin with but live and learn. Anyhow a new cooking adventure! One I have to get at least adequate at to justify all the start up ingredient costs. And live up to my daughter's gift of such a nice knife!
  6. Forgot that I took a pic of the Christmas Eve spread this year. As well as the inspiration for the Pigs in blanket Longhorn. I doubt I will ever do pigs in a blanket again in mass where it's not a wreath around the holidays .
  7. You know, the pain has returned. Watching the difference in Washington playing from behind and watching Michigan run the ball relentlessly early was depressing. We showed Michigan the way, and it was mind boggling to see the same receivers that were pulling shit out of their assess dropping easy catches. Again... sort of depressing. Just made me feel like we really let that game get away with sloppy play. Again it was also interesting to see Washington get screwed over by the refs calling ticky tacky penalties on Washington while missing Michigan linemen hanging onto outstretched defenders jersey's on big gains with no calls. Anyhow... just depressed me again. I guess the bright side is that I honestly think that if we had just played mostly mistake free football, we might bvery well have been lighting the tower last night. And that is fucking depresing...
  8. What's funny is that A&M is walking through shit. They could have made a carpet out of $100 bills with the $78 million bag they tossed on the dumpster fire. The main thing the guys they are picking up to plug the leaky ship need to think about is... where they are gonna transfer to next year, as hope in A& evaporates next October like it does every fucking year.
  9. It's painful. No other word accurately describes being "so close, and yet so far away." But if you look at it objectively two things are true. First, Washington played a great game. Penix was very accurate and mobile, and their receivers flat out went out and made plays. The muff was costly so not a flawless game, but nearly lawless when you look at the penalty perspective comparatively. If you don't give them credit for a great game, you actually discredit our players. Second is that played far from a perfect game, and nearly won that mofo! If we simply get almost anything going our way we win it. But that's what makes it so damn painful, knowing you honestly did not come close to playing your best game, and still being so very, very close. Just one or two less unforced errors and we are playing next Monday night. But if you don't love the character of this team, you simply don't have a heart. They scratched and clawed despite all odds damn near overcame all the miscues! The team we had two short years ago would have lost by 30+ to this Washington team. So pain must be viewed with perspective. The one thing I just thought of while typing this, brought a little grin to my face. Texas IS Back! And now we have set a team standard to play up to that is truly on a championship level. So let's lick our wounds, tip our hats, and get back to work. That made me think about what I might tell the guys if I was Sark- First off' let me say how proud I am of all of you. Each of you put in the hard work over the the last year so that for the first time in more than a 15 years (yelling) anyone could honestly say Texas is Back! But now you all know what it takes from a commitment and intensity level to make it this far. I want each of you to look at the man next to you, and know that each and every one of you helped raise the bar and get us back. I want you to look at the man next to you and commit to putting in the work it's gonna take to get back to this place. It's not gonna be easy. But we know know how to rely on our family, support each other, and now what it takes to get this far. Look at the man next to you again, and commit in your mind to push past what you did this year. Raise the bar again! You know what it takes, so let's do what we need to do in the coming year to once again PROVE that Texas really is back! Love you guys! Let's huddle up...
  10. Good thing you didn't draw the line at digging a little hole, and trying to aim your poop to fall into it....
  11. the... script.... Yikes! Terror! The reason Sark scripts the plays early is... wait for it... 1) he can. 2) to try to assess tendencies, and hopefully see the ones you are looking for! As the genius of Sark's offense and quite frankly his offensive mind is try to simply try to take advantage of natural defensive tendencies. Find something that defenders tend to do natually, no matter who is coaching and take advantage of whatever that might be. Think of something as simple as a stop and go route. The goal is to get the defender to "bite" and slow down for half a step, which then gives the receiver a half a step on the defender with a greater degree of acceleration. It's about trying to identify tendencies. And if you see one then call another play later to try to confirm it. It's about gathering data in real time. It's not perfect, but it's a methodology, to confirm or refute what you thought hours and hours of watching tape showed you. But either way, you have to admit that you would take a bite out of this... only if it wasn't the first one! (out of respect).
  12. Well I got bored and then got creative! We did a cool wreath of pigs in a blanket at Christmas and due to the massive piggy count on the batch from Costco, I wanted to ue them up rather than wasting them. I give you.... "Pigs in a Blanket Longhorn." I think I'm gonna go full three dimensional next holiday season! But looks cool and I love the undercooked dough from the pulling apart where the dough is more dense. But basically if you can envision it with piggies, you can build it!
  13. We went to Pappadeux... does that count? Made this pigs in a blanket Longhorn so I think I should get at least a partial credit!
  14. First let's talk about the game- Here's the deal. Sometimes the other guys are really good and they can make plays as well. Penix was making great throws, and to be honest our coverage was tight most of the time early, but the receivers were making fantastic catches! Hell if you look at our players offensively the stats are good individually but not cumulatively. Running Blue 6.6 ypc, Baxter 7.1 ypc, passing Sanders 12.5, Whittington 17.5, Worthy 22.5, Blue 11.3 with Baxter 19.5 yard per catch. The anomaly is Mitchell at 5 ypc. But Ewers completes only 55% of his passes. The complete ones were solid, the running game was solid, what was weak was completion percentage and fumbling the ball away. Even then you have to remember that one of Washington's TD's was a tip, And one 3rd down completion was a tip that took heat off a ball that would would have been overthrown. We also got lucky with the early muff. But let's talk about Sark. Bottom line is we nearly won a game with our QB only completing 55% of his passes against an undefeated #2 team in the country. The fact we came back at the end was a testament to the type of mentality this team has developed! The most difficult thing for a head coach to do is build a culture. At first coaches have to come in and be not only the coach, but the head disciplinarian and head motivator. And it's never, ever, ever successful... at least at first. Winning coaches develop a culture within the team where team leaders are the motivators, and largely take over the role of disciplinarian of the players producing accountability to the team and each other. THIS is the secret sauce to success over time. Sark has added this secret sauce to our team and now we are in a good position moving forward from an accountability and team unity perspective. And that my friends is light years from where we were, at 5-7 with us finding a way to lose and players not looking past the tips of their own noses in many cases. Today we have a solid two deep at every position like we have not seen in decades. OF course there are some holes to fill, but it's been a long time since we had backups of a high enough quality level to step up and step right in. Sark has in essence rebuilt the program. In his own image no less. I think that one of the things that I like most about Sark is his relationship with the players. You hear time and again how he genuinely takes an interest in their lives beyond football, and that's how he spends most of his time interacting with players on an individual basis. His past very public missteps also make hime more relatable to kids. As opposed to the dishonest "just be perfect" mindset so many coaches project, despite the reality. I think this makes Sark approachable and makes players and equally as importantly a player's parents comfortable with him. This has allowed him to kick ass high school recruiting. The other thing I LOVE about Sark is he realizes that continuity is so very, very important in maintaining a culture. He has been very selective in bringing in portal players, because he understands how one or two very talented bad apples can start a rot in the whole barrel. This is perhaps the most overlooked quality that I think Sark possesses. We had disappointment last night. But Sark has earned his money and we are in a very good spot going into the SEC in 2024. Imagine what might have been with 58% completions and only one fumble... If you are not happy with Sark you are a fucking moron.
  15. Feel your pain, flipped from Tennessee to Iowa with about a minute to spare... for the same reasons, or so I thought. Still a glimmer, but went the wrong way. Got lucky with LSU just now.
  16. So SD card is higher quality image at a lesser price is the way to go if you have access to camera, and do not need time sensitivity? I assume time stamps are on all images? Wifi/ Cellular is mainly for timeliness? I am also assuming that the card units are higher res? Or is that a misconception?
  17. I have a couple decent ZZ Top stories. First was when I camped out all night at Jeppesen Stadium for ZZ Top tickets at like 13 years old. (I drove my folks nuts) The lineup was ZZ Top, Wishbone Ash, Doobie Brothers and Willie Nelson, in the Summer of '73. Parents scheduled vacation on that date, and I missed the concert. Second one was a few years later in the Summer of 1979. I worked selling shoes in the Galleria in Houston at a very high end store called Morgan Hayes. I think I was making $8 an hour plus 8% commission, and the cheapest shoes we had in the store were like $175 sandals. One day I had this hip guy come in and I had him loaded up with two of the most expensive pairs of shoes we had pushing $1000, so the commission was like working a full Saturday hourly! At the counter the guy mentioned he was in a rock and Roll band. I asked "Which one?" At which point he walked out of the store and the commission was gone. Of course it was the only fucking member without a beard, Frank "fucking" Beard! Still makes me mad I asked that damn question. Third was at a bar called Juan Goldstein's on 6th Street in the winter of 81/82. It was sort of known as a coke bar from the old school close up phone booth with the mirror ledge in it off the bar. but they had great vibe and I took this gorgeous model gal there for some red wine and we split I think we split a lude. Well we are sitting in there and who strolls in but Dusty and Van WIlks (back when he still had some hair) and they take a table next to us in the nearly empty place. We sat and gabbed with them an hour or so, and us both being from Houston and ZZ having a house near my childhood home we had some good conversation. Well long story short is Billy picks up my tab, which was over $100 so that was a nice surprise. The other surprise was he got my model gal's number when I was in the can... 😉 I have seen them a couple times but twice supporting the Stones in 1982 once in Houston and once in Dallas, with the Fabulous Thunderbirds opening, and a couple other times. they were the total shit in the Late 70's early '80's. Jungle show here every holiday season is fun to see at least once.
  18. Well I really thought I was a smart Mofo at when OU put up 21 unanswered points! Funny how 6 turnovers can skew the outcome. Probably because I stated doing math on where I thought I would be after OU's victory... again WTFDIK!
  19. I thought the clip of her talking commerce and government overreach, and individual freedom, as fucking hilarious as a response to what caused the Civil War. The GOP [oliticians KNOW that they have to keep the racists in their party happy, and any mention of slavery is forbidden. Another perfect example of the elevation of stupidity as a necessity in the ranks of GOP politicians. Haley's not stupid, but she has to act stupid, for her stupid constituents.
  20. I was going to flip to both BC and Rutgers, but missed the BC lock time by 10 minutes. But again WTF do I know?
  21. horn4life


    haha - https://www.discogs.com/release/4276720-Aerosmith-Aerosmith had a lot of sort of first pressings but not the one I will look for. I may go nuts, but it will be a more gradual process, and more of a "deal search." I got a few records that look great but are warped like something was under an edge when they were stored flat? I actually have a heat press that would fit the album size I thought about trying to flatten them with. They were freebies from my BIL, that don's suck, like the original cars... but that bounce in the warp... I will definitely find some of the shit we listened to when I was a teen. My Daughter and SIL got me 128g Stones, Let it Bleed and Amy Winehouse. So decent quality on the new stuff.
  22. horn4life


    One of the best spontaneous Album covers ever. I'm sure everyone knows this, but the group is laughing because Duane is hiding the bag of weed he was just handed in his crotch. Just makes the album that much better! Just got a phono and amp set up yesterday. Prior to a couple months ago the last record I bought was at Asylum records... Probably after eating an Austin's Favorite at Mad Dog and Beans. So I have been out of this Record deal a while. But I started to buy some albums of bands I see, and am going to start accumulating here and there. I used to have a pretty nice selection including a true original pressing of Aerosmith's debut... But alas the rent house I lived in on Parker lane had the AC overflow and my collection was turned into a large brick. So I am not going nuts like I used to (at least yet) but wife got me a decent Fluance turntable and I got a combination tube amp for the warmer sound and quite frankly for the look next to my whiskey bar. I am going to occasionally splurge, and will probably do a Friday in Llano to see if the RATS place has anything of interest as my wife has to make a trip out there quarterly. I figured I would start stopping at every garage sale I see, watch craigslist, and mostly buy stuff from the artists themselves if they have vinyl at SXSW and on smaller tours. Fun to have the albums signed even if it may decrease the value. ONE QUESTION - What is a good newbie cleaning system? I picked up some albums from my BIL and most are in decent shape but were dusty, and some heavily fingerprinted. I saw some shit on Amazon, but what is a good system for a getting back into things? I'm thinking some of my finds my not end up being the cleanest.
  23. You know one thing I never get tired of? Aggies using the word "elite" always in the future tense, and never in the present tense!
  24. I could argue Bob Dylan, simply as he has created and fronted so many bands it's literally mind blowing. But since he was always the front man except for Traveling Wilburys, you guys may not think it counts. Yet I could point at his move from a folks band to an electric guitar band as perhaps the single seminal moment of change in the history of modern music. But I understand if you completely disagree with my premise. 😉
  25. Does RRS in this game mean Red Runny Shit? Just askin?
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