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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. You better have a walking stick or be Stevie fucking Wonder if you have your dog in a grocery store.
  2. over .500/pay in game would be the minimum expectation with this roster and the extensions handed out. Teams needs to seriously reconsider their long term plans with FVV as he is an anchor for the offense as his shooting gets worse and worse (along with his defense)
  3. Wish we could have swapped D Mitchell for Green, he would be a perfect fit for this roster as is
  4. Jennings has missed two practices in a row. Fire up Ricky! (because I have to) Jayden Reed or Brian Thomas Jr rest of season?
  5. Pho spot next door is legit if still there
  6. Median household income was $67,521 in 2020 https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2021/demo/p60-273.html In 2024, the median income in the United States is estimated to be around $59,000 to $60,000, with the exact figure depending on the source Median weekly earnings: In the third quarter of 2024, the median weekly earnings for full-time workers was $1,165. This translates to a monthly income of $4,935, or $59,228 per year. Fidelitys numbers so far https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/smart-money/average-salary-in-us Home buying doesn’t math right now.
  7. Marvel died with Endgame, but really the last good movie they made was Infinity war.
  8. Looks like he is wearing a fake beard. Rest in peace Ginger. Good girl.
  9. What’s not to love about 4 guys standing at the 3 point line watching a teammate dribble? Widen the court, move the 3 point line back and untie the defense’s hands
  10. I think they still see a world where they at least get some of their money back first. 12 teams get a $5 million dollar profit which gets diluted each of the next two years as the league expands. And that is a fake fairytale number because the other investors are also owed. Owners are down a quarter billion on their investment, makes sense they would want to make some back before cutting bait. They need to go fully ponzi and raise new funding to buy out the old funding and clear the slate moving forward.
  11. Family devastated after Elgin man killed during robbery near United Center: 'Love your loved ones' https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/elgin-teen-dies-robbery-united-center
  12. Would be a great time for the owners to take them at their word and let them be completely on their own, balance the budget. They have to know a work stoppage is an empty threat and would hurt them more than the owners.
  13. So did we make a similar offer to Green and he chose or shorter deal or does the team simply have more faith in Alpi? If so will Green sulk?
  14. Owners to play this clip during negotiations
  15. I need 30 from T Mc B and Josh Palmer to have a wreck on the way to the stadium
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