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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. pretty hot on mute, but voice worse than the acting
  2. Anecdotally, I don’t think I can find a family in America that can say their grocery bill has only gone up 18% from 2020-2024. From 2022 and it has of course gotten worse not better but still applies. “ In 2022, my grocery bill would be $21.30 more expensive if I bought all of the exact same things at the exact same store. So while the average salary went up 3.4% in 2021 and 2.8% in 2022, this grocery bill has gone up 27.66% over the past two years.” https://www.buzzfeed.com/audreyworboys/receipt-comparison-2020-vs-2022 Dakota Neifert, the TikToker in question, had been going through his Walmart grocery history. He came across a receipt of $126 for 45 items from 2 years back, saying, “a whole month of groceries just for me, basically.” He saw the reorder button and decided to check how much it would all cost now. But, to his surprise, the price had tripled to $414. https://www.boredpanda.com/receipt-shows-what-groceries-cost-today/
  3. In 2021, the average price of retail gasoline in the United States started the year at $2.25 per gallon and ended the year at $3.28 per gallon, which was $1.03 higher than the beginning of the year. Nationally, the average cost of full coverage car insurance rose to $2,543 in 2024, an increase of 26 percent over last year.
  4. They could still wait a year and release Maverick: Star Wars and give full fan service and print a Billion.
  5. Angel is a great player in the WNBA, and that is the problem. One generational player will only carry a whole sport for so long. Clark should be closer to the base talent level in the league instead of its most talented as the Olympics emphatically showed.
  6. RT was still under the impression there was something to unlock in our offense. Took him a while to realize this team wasn’t going to outshoot anyone.
  7. Should use that $25k to pay down loan rates instead. Give qualified 1st time buyers 3% fixed loans with 3-5% down.
  8. Whataburger meal is up to 12-14 bucks making the $15 burrito seem more acceptable?
  9. Bakery taste way better but the Patio has the longer shelf life
  10. Voice even sounds off to me after watching some season 3 for a recap.
  11. That was a low skill display of basketball and thank goodness we were taller. If the US offensive identity was to chuck up bricks and clean up the boards, forget clark, they should have brought Reece.
  12. Can’t tell if they recast Luther? Looks and sounds different
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