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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. They could still wait a year and release Maverick: Star Wars and give full fan service and print a Billion.
  2. Angel is a great player in the WNBA, and that is the problem. One generational player will only carry a whole sport for so long. Clark should be closer to the base talent level in the league instead of its most talented as the Olympics emphatically showed.
  3. RT was still under the impression there was something to unlock in our offense. Took him a while to realize this team wasn’t going to outshoot anyone.
  4. Should use that $25k to pay down loan rates instead. Give qualified 1st time buyers 3% fixed loans with 3-5% down.
  5. Whataburger meal is up to 12-14 bucks making the $15 burrito seem more acceptable?
  6. Bakery taste way better but the Patio has the longer shelf life
  7. Voice even sounds off to me after watching some season 3 for a recap.
  8. That was a low skill display of basketball and thank goodness we were taller. If the US offensive identity was to chuck up bricks and clean up the boards, forget clark, they should have brought Reece.
  9. Can’t tell if they recast Luther? Looks and sounds different
  10. Gold is gold but the one watchable player league shouldn’t have left that player at home. Oof
  11. Lol at Uni and their shameless money-grabs PHDs
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