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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. I would play Dak over Purdy. He is on fire
  2. Max and Ham switch cars this season. Same results? Yes IMO
  3. All in on McBride and The Ride. Traded LaPorta and Mixon for Eckler
  4. 1000% I felt the same about Lasso S1. Even in the finale I thought Syd would find Marcus knifed by the meth head in the alley, lol. Such a good series.
  5. Anyone trying to buy low for Hollywood Brown with Kyler coming back?
  6. I may have overreacted after the first game. They look like an actual team.
  7. .5ppr 2rb, 3wr Send Jerome Ford receive Hollywood? RBs Barkley, Mixon, Gibbs, Ford, Bigsby WR Olave, D Johnson, Sutton, Doubs, Smith-N, Hopefully Kyler is back
  8. Binging S2. Episode 7 may be the best in the series IMO The anxiety and intensity are visceral, and the heart is Lasso-esc in this series. Brings back tons of memories and emotions for those who have been there. 3 to go but wow
  9. So a team like Haas who has a car that eats tires might find some pace in the cold temps?
  10. https://www.klipsch.com/products/r-15pm-turntable-pack
  11. The smell of hot Pachouli in summer will cost lives.
  12. The kraft single doesn’t have the length
  13. Tough act to follow. *cheese hinge not visible
  14. Glad they found the racing instead of Max’s victory lap
  15. Don’t care if he is the stiffest motherfucker alive. In college football you have to take free yards on the ground when they are wide fucking open.
  16. Yeah, the others were wide or behind by 2 yards otherwise. See worthy in the second half. i’m shocked he is a “thrower of footballs”. Most plays look like a HB pass.
  17. Throwing harder does not equal a better arm. His accuracy is shit. His deep ball throws are the same as major Applewhite and have nothing to do with arm strength
  18. A week late, but time to change the thread title.
  19. Thank you KSt for having coaches dumber than Steve dumbass motherfucker Sark.
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