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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. Enjoyed the race, but once again the mediums had no drop off compared to hards and no real alternative strategies were available
  2. Missing Wemby and Chet and instead getting Jags for 100s of loses just didn’t work out for us.
  3. Nice downpour in NW Austin LT up to 631.7
  4. Go lick Sarks taint and then wonder how we end with 3 losses this season.
  5. Have supported him 100%. Its clear now I was wrong and he is a complete fraud. Mea culpa.
  6. Yes, but irrelevant. This team gets skull fucked by K St.
  7. Jimbo would have the same record . Its a low fucking bar.
  8. Yes. This quote was beyond tarded. Sark played not to lose against the sisters of the poor and should have lost for doing so. his second chance should be playing in traffic, Not coaching Texas football. Go bedazzle your sport coast elsewhere you fucking bitch.
  9. Will buy this fraud anything he wants to drink. Just be gone you fucking fraud
  10. He is a god damn stupid son of a bitch
  11. Fire this stupid alcoholic motherfucker
  12. Depends if Chaz comes back 20lbs lighter next season.
  13. Would have dropped Javonte Williams before Ford, he’s been good for fantasy and has a solid ceiling. I’d try and trade Higgins and Hopkins. Maybe Ridley too.
  14. Wow. Hell of a meet and greet for poor Jax. Glad everyone will be ok.
  15. Let’s hope they can see that Framber, Javi , Urq and Garcia are all 3-5 SP, not a true 2
  16. Infinity War was fantastic. Endgame was the end.
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