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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. The jealousy and hate will be off the charts.
  2. think you have to be over 45 and own multiple pairs of new balance shoes and bike shorts to back in park properly
  3. Big stiff from UConn makes sense to replace steven adams if they stay
  4. Don’t think Mitchell has a no trade clause, just a 15% trade bonus. FVV probably only with the team one more season.
  5. An agreed upon extension would be a requirement to that deal He’s a max guy and trading him for Green + pick gets you out of the decision to max Green or not in a year. If it’s max Green or Mitchell? That’s not even close at this point.
  6. Best part of a rookie stud QB is the smaller contract. It’s a proven window to compete for the playoffs/titles. They willingly forfeited that possibility.
  7. Only has 1 year on his deal remaining. Something better than nothing?
  8. Who would be your ideal targets in a fantasy world assuming a case can be made for a change of scenery? Sign and trade not possible etc?
  9. 1./2.Pena Love what he is doing, but he’s not a 4 hole hitter. Fuck the anaylitics and give me a more traditional line up. TX3P’s will do fine.
  10. 1st Knick team I can remember that was actually likable. Hart is a dog
  11. These games are shit. Come on playoffs. Do something
  12. 0/3 with a man on third and less than two outs? Move Pena to 1 or 2 in the order. Bregman to the 9 🕳️
  13. Lake Travis looks like a yellow bullseye on the apple weather app
  14. Since they are not cutting games in the regular season they should extend the season and allow more rest. 2-3 games a week max, end the playoffs right before football starts. No reason you can’t play in July with only baseball for competition
  15. 1.Hinchcliffe 2.Andrew Schulz 3.Glaser
  16. Just think he fits well with what is available this year and who would come here. Paired with Amen makes sense. He can play point or score 40. A willing defender. He is basically what you hope Green can become. Fits the gritty style of this team. Amen Mitchell Bari/Brooks Alpi Adams Bench: Tari, Whitmore, Landale That team may find the 6 seed with some help for the bench at PG
  17. Mask restrictions were legal and the norm for banks pre covid. Three years later: Masks in branches, once outlawed, are here to stay. One ironic effect from the COVID-19 pandemic was that banks and credit unions, which historically forbade customers from wearing masks in their branches for security reasons, started requiring them. https://www.americanbanker.com/creditunions/news/three-years-later-masks-in-branches-once-outlawed-are-here-to-stay#:~:text=Credit unions-,Three years later%3A Masks in branches%2C once,outlawed%2C are here to stay&text=One ironic effect from the,security reasons%2C started requiring them.
  18. Rookie of the year (already mentioned?) Hot to Trot
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