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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. 7 minutes ago, luke duke said:


    I lived there in a 1br and paid $600/mo. I still drove to the engineering building everyday. I had a secret parking spot in the alley behind Posse.


    That pool though. Party times. Woke up on that bridge a few times. Of course it was often drained by management because someone would jump from the roof. They tried putting bars over the access points and those were promptly removed. 

    I had stayed there in the mid 90s as well. Sisters BF let us use his apartment. He was right below Mike Adams (WR) who dropped the damn bass all night long. 

  2. We must stop this Russian invasion. First they came for our Facebook, now they are placing strategic assets everywhere and they are invisible. 

    These “sleeper baby cells” are undetectable because they mutate from Russian to American immediately. 

    Scary shit. Jus Soli will doom us all. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    Mrs Rojo has Etune on her 4Runner and has the same complaint. She has to sync it every time she wants to listen to iTunes playlists in the car. 

    ETA she has an iPhone 7 currently. 

    Can bypass this step by plugging in the phone to the USB port directly, no need to establish a connection or enter login on the Etunes app.

  4. 1 hour ago, Foosters said:

    Yet again, you're wrong. Over a 10 year period, they lost one million residents to migration. They actually have a net gain in high earners and college grads. The poor are moving bc the cost of housing is high.  

    I thought you cared about the poor? Only when it serves your purpose.

    Got to get rid of all of those "deplorables" - you know, poor and middle class Americans.

      Who digs the ditches?  Who buses the tables?  Willfully obtuse.

    So the policies are completely unsustainable for the lower and middle class requiring an illegal labor force?  Then you bitch and say no "American" would take those jobs.  So funny it's sad.  More homeless and more rich....get rid of the rest?

    Those same rich folks don't really care about health care, public schools or affordable housing as those issues will never be a reality for them or their children.

    • Fuck You 1
  5. On 6/22/2018 at 12:57 PM, kopp0e said:

    Might as well just do as the CFP, and only hold the top 4 teams for a shot at the NBA title...

    This would be great, Lebron (Bama) could get a pass on the pesky regular season and just given a playoff spot pre-season regardless of regular season results

  6. I didn't post the article

    4 minutes ago, Foosters said:

    Did California fuck your mother or something? You spend a curious amount of time spouting bizarre theories that the high cost of living in CA is all the fault of illegal immigrants. Of course, you've never been able to support this theory, but keep it up!

    and because they are on the front lines of the political dissent trying to force their harmful politics on the rest of the country.  They like to pretend these real crisis (homeless, housing, terrible public schools, mass exodus of Americans) etcdon't exist in their utopia and couldn't possibly be caused by their political decisions.  Easier to just blame Trump.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, zork said:

    Too bad he didn't take up the cases of all of the AMERICANS living in tents in San Fran, where $82K for an individual is considered poor.  No wonder they need so much illegal labor, otherwise who would work the grill or bus the tables?  Americans can't afford it and its not like the wages match to cost of living.  Min wage is still min wage, even if they want to force small business owners to pay unsustainable wages.  Is there no such thing as a min wage job in SF?  Or do they bus them in daily to scoop the poop?

    Call us when he actually gives a shit about Americans suffering right under his nose and living in tents and slave conditions.




    And preventing travel from countries with no ability to properly vet their citizens is responsible, not racist. 

    This is the same dumb ass who said Hawaii would lose all those Muslim tourist dollars so we should make policy that is forced on the rest of the country.  Because an appointed judge playing politics handcuffs the country.

    That is the biggest take away, not some travel ban that was created by Obama(guess where they got the countries from) and executed by Trump.  The Supreme court needs to continue to limit local appointed judges from holding the country hostage for their personal politics.  He should turn in his robe for going against the constitution.

  8. Lebron played a bunch of the season on cruse control and the Cavs record in the East reflected it (much easier SOS than Houston).  He was able to turn it on when needed, but all that resulted in was winning the East and getting swept by GS.  Harden had the better regular season without taking nights off (for rest), the better team in the regular season and the better team in the playoffs (taking GS to a game 7). 

    Lebron taking time off during the season made the Cavs able to overcome Indiana in a dog fight in the first round and a young Celtic team, but ultimately ended in the predictable result - sweep.  The only way Lebron wins the MVP this year is to give him the "Alabama MVP" and you know they are the best but they didn't earn it on the field (beauty contest), and that doesn't mean that James is not a better player than Harden.  Harden simply had the better season and team. (not even accounting for the VY effect where he took 4th quarters off during blowouts - cavs didn't have too many of those).

  9. Easy call and well deserved. 

    And lol at Chris Paul leading the Rockets during the regular season. Except the 25% he sat out. 

    Using playoff stats to dispute a regular season award is bold strategy. 

  10. I have Atmos (speaker reflecting kind, not in ceiling speakers - have surrounds in ceiling ceiling though). If I had the chance I’d run 3 pairs of wires in ceiling. Front stage, middle and rear. It’s cheap and helps to future proof. 

    The auto conversion from the reciver (to ATMOS) is very impressive even on non ATMOS soundtracks

    Most ceiling speakers are also very reasonably priced. That way you can put your money into the front channel and center speaker.  The height channels really make a difference on movie surround, music - never used. 

  11. If you can’t get Bron who has the ability to impact the most as a sign or trade?

    id roll the dice one year on a Melo for Anderson swap. Melo plays iso ball and our offense plays a bunch of it. Maybe Paul can pull something out of him. 

    Other than chemistry (Paul can handle) it’s a one year 7 million dollar risk or stay put. 

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