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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. This is NOT a regional schedule. This is 7 schools from one state.
  2. The Texas conference would absolutely lead to lower attendance, excitement etc. This isn’t the 70s, regional ties are meaningless as is travel for football. SMH at the mids trying to bring back the SWC It’s dead Jim, prime names bring prime matchups and exponentially more viewers.
  3. How is the Statesman solvent? Not a single subscriber on my block, can’t remember last house I saw a paper in the driveway on daily morning dog walks. Are they subsidized?
  4. they will be insufferable when Wemby signs with the Lakers after Lebron retires
  5. Is the percentage commission charged for the income they produce each year or simply the size of the account regardless?
  6. Question: My parents, both 75, are looking for a financial advisor in Houston. They spoke with someone referred to them and were given a fee structure but have nothing to compare it to. They are not big time (firmly middle class) and are afraid the FA might be too “big” for them. Can anyone give me a ball park of what the fees would look like? *Understand more info may be needed
  7. Shuffle the lineup. I know the metrics say blah blah, but our line up is not scary after the top three. move someone in into the top 4 and let them get better pitches.
  8. And one side still has American hostages.
  9. If we can make Americans only compare this year vs last year and memory hole the prior three, then yes, inflation is not bad at all. It is a significant reduction of standard of living for the non-investor class. It’s Been 30 Years Since Food Ate Up This Much of Your Income https://www.wsj.com/economy/consumers/its-been-30-years-since-food-ate-up-this-much-of-your-income-2e3dd3ed?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter_axiosam&stream=top
  10. Pictures from the article and this video seem to line up but not 100% Article seems to leave out the robber had a gun etc
  11. What a twist! Murder charges have been filed against a man who police say was behind an elaborate scheme that turned deadly to obtain immigration documents, according to records. William Winfrey, 30, is charged in connection to the death of his accomplice, Rasshauud Scott, after a staged robbery ended in gunfire, according to police. In a surveillance video from the gas station, Scott is seen running up to a couple at a gas pump and seemingly robbing them of their belongings. The suspect then tries to run before being fatally shot by a bystander from a red car who witnessed what police believed was a robbery. Investigators said that the crime was put together for the alleged robbery victims to obtain U-visas. Officials said the visa would allow them to qualify for work permits as the case is being resolved. That's because the visas are set aside for victims of certain crimes who have suffered, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website. Several text messages on Winfrey's phone revealed that he was involved in the planning process, along with the victims and Scott. It was also discovered that Winfrey and Scott staged other robberies last year that resulted in the alleged victims obtaining visas. Staged NW Houston robbery: William Winfrey charged with murder in accomplice's death over made-up plot to obtain immigration visas - ABC13 Houston
  12. Add more scoring places than 10 positions or award points all the way to 19th. Right now the top 5 teams dominate 95% of all points. A wreck or other DNF is often the only way to create an opportunity for the other 5 teams to score. The midfield battle becomes instantly more interesting if every position means something.
  13. Ready to move Pena to the 2 hole. We need to shake shit up.
  14. Just got assaulted by hail on mopac and 2222. 2 cracks in the windshield and dimples all over. Fuck me.
  15. If they refuse to mix up the compounds, require all three compounds to be run in race
  16. $400,000 @ 3% = $1,686 $250,000 @7% = $1,663 Prices need to drop a hell of a lot more than 1.4%, and the amount of inventory under $250K is.....not good.
  17. If Milan loses Leal, does CP switch sides of the field?
  18. I get that but who knows what the future looks like as far as the NIL and paying athletes go. If sports have to pay for themselves at some point, it could matter. Currently, hypothetically, if we hired Hurley for $10million we are in the red already.
  19. Needed, heard a breakdown of last year’s athletic numbers on a talk show last week and the Men’s basketball team only turned a $4million profit.
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