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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. Rest in Peace Big Man
  2. This has always seemed like an obvious needed change regardless of track.
  3. He could always out hit Bregman
  4. Kat just stealing money. Smallest big man in the league. Can’t be a stretch 4 if you can’t play a lick of post, otherwise you are just a fat slow wing.
  5. Twitter was better with the 150 character limit “Let me finish” FIFY
  6. Yes. Max showed that passing is all but impossible
  7. Ocon trying to get fired
  8. Aren't the wind tunnels only allowed to be 60% to scale? Seems like they already have a developed cart. Just make a second one.
  9. One turn race. Good for Charles. The one bit of strategy, the pit stop (over/under cut/traffic etc) was taken from us after one lap. Max is right. Not sure what they could do with tires/stops/ or running a 3/5 scale version of the same car to make it an actual race.
  10. Twinkie Guy — also known as Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University — is the genius who lost 27 pounds in 10 weeks subsisting almost exclusively on Twinkies, Doritos, Oreos and other treats by ensuring that he consumed fewer calories than he burned. Stop the presses. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2010-dec-06-la-he-fitness-twinkie-diet-20101206-story.html#:~:text=Twinkie Guy — also known as,Stop the presses.
  11. Bregman excited someone in the lineup will suck more.
  12. They might want to see what Yuki can do in the car this year before having to make a decision. He has already ended Danny’s F1 career, why not Perez too?
  13. Rudy getting rolled for his D while KAT’s worthless ass gets a pass. Smdh
  14. Hate the Mavs in principle but the Cocaine Bear can ball and Flat Earth has been fantastic in all aspects
  15. Will clark raise the revenues enough this season to carry the $25 million extra in charter flight expenses (10% of revenue)? That is a lot of Jersey sales and the rest of the league remains unwatchable. Angel is a very talented player, but still basically unwatchable
  16. old numbers, stand corrected
  17. ChickenSandwich


    Anyone have a good Cedar Park burger rec? Hopdoddy/In&Out -meh
  18. Honesty. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaw/2024/03/07/juju-watkins-black-players-face-of-womens-basketball/72862649007/ Women's basketball needs faces of future to be Black.
  19. Bregman, Alvarez and Tuve have been shit lately and two all season.
  20. She is tied for 15th in the league in scoring Avg at 17.0 per and she has played like shit. It’s not a high bar Turasi at 10 with 19 Plum at 12 with 18
  21. It’s a mystery why they have no fans and females choose to watch Real Housewives over women’s sports. Gotta tear her down from her high horse. “Your ass is as flat as your titties bitch!” - Bill Burr.
  22. Exactly. If she doesn’t qualify for the current hype, no one does. Maybe the angst is for another reason?
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