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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. RB needs 653 more points to clinch?
  2. Agreed, you don’t realize the size of the 600 until you see one. The 400/450s are already massive
  3. Embid is Harden but in the paint. Won’t win a title with him until he dominates the paint. He does the other team a favor when avoids the paint *offensively
  4. I let my homeboys know, y'all want to keep rolling like this, then I need to know who gonna be the fall guy, who's going to be driving. Y'all not going to all do the right stuff now. So I've got to teach you how to get around all this stuff, too. If you're going to have a crew, one of them fools got to know he going to jail. We'll get him out. ... If you're going to have a crew, make sure they understand, can't nothing happen to you. Your name can't be in lights, under no circumstances. You all understand that? -Cris Carter
  5. If a movie was being filmed overseas, presumably with a full script, would they be able to hire local writers for simple rewrites and edits outside of the union?
  6. Wonder if both are computer generated. also, could the “suits” they put them in to go outside have a screen for a mask as well or poison them when they leave so they die quickly in view? Dead bodies in the window is a powerful reminder to those inside to stay there.
  7. How much does a name matter? https://freakonomics.com/podcast/how-much-does-your-name-matter-ep-122-rebroadcast/
  8. How much do you have to pay the neighbors? Will any of them turn the hose on you?
  9. And Roy gave his Ted Lasso speech/story at the press conference to show he has learned from Ted and addressed his weaknesses
  10. I have cousin Eddy version of crocs. White with a solid toe.
  11. Found in back yard this morning, ID?
  12. Roy’s transition to head coach moving along nicely
  13. In reality, who cares if he is not in P1 by the end of lap one. Once DRS is enabled he can simply drive right by any of the other cars.
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