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Shut up Lou Holtz

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Everything posted by Shut up Lou Holtz

  1. It’s been discussed a lot. And his downfall should continue to be laughed at daily! Fuck meatball
  2. I’d love for one of them to point at Vivek and say you people are bringing the fent into the country
  3. This all fucking day long. I sometimes envy my in-laws. Simple world view with no critical thinking skills equals pure happiness. They fucking think dinosaurs were on the ark with Noah for gods sake because the idiots in Kentucky put them in an exhibit. Fuck, life is much easier and happier when stupid
  4. Shut up Lou Holtz


    File this under dumb question amnesty…. Earlier this year I did a 6 week ketamine therapy for depression. It was amazing and I highly suggest it for those not getting help from other medications. Ketamine isn’t something I can do all the time as the therapy is pretty expensive. I’ve heard that psilocybin is also another route for depression. I know nothing about it and have no connections to ask so I’m here asking my shaggy brethren, how can I learn more about this and would anyone be kind enough to message me about it? If this is not appropriate I’ll accept the negs
  5. Been a couple years. Need to get back underwater with my camera
  6. Segregation gotta be on the bingo card. These people are worthless. They tried to hold a meeting at our neighborhood rec center and were run off. One mom was keyboard screaming about Marxism in schools so I continued to bother her to define what that even means. She had no clue, but dammit she’s angry about it! I’ve lost my “respect other opinions” when it comes to these people. They would bring back slavery and praise Jesus
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