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Shut up Lou Holtz

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Everything posted by Shut up Lou Holtz

  1. Here for the aggy pile on. Haha fuck you aggy! You lost to pedophiles
  2. So can planned parenthood help mothers with “miscarriages” and find a way around these laws? Or do you have to be molested by your brother and Jesus famous like these fuckwads to get away with it
  3. I guess I’m doxxing myself on where I live but had to fight back against these whack jobs coming to my neighborhood preaching about “communism in schools” and other Qanon bullshit. No one could explain what communism in schools means nor give any concrete evidence to it actually occurring. All they know how to do is spew buzz words. Crazy fuckers everywhere
  4. I’m confused. Hobby Lobby running Jesus love adds but don’t they hate gays? I’m sure cloak room has it covered for me
  5. How many longhorns went down with knee injuries on that shit?
  6. Todays grass brought to you by slip and slide
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