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Shut up Lou Holtz

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Everything posted by Shut up Lou Holtz

  1. “College station kid” ya we know based on the cow
  2. Damn this one is bigger than grimace
  3. Definitely need a pinch runner. Cuz fat
  4. This Aggy batter looks like a good representation of San Antonio
  5. Those 2 strikes should have been yard
  6. “He’S jUSt LiKe uS! I wEAr pAntS!” What’s even more sad is someone was literally moved by his stupid ramblings of pants wearing. Probably moved to tears. The dumbest people
  7. Upside down flag represents a house of cunts? Maga idiots are tough to understand. Still cunts tho
  8. So a murdering racist piece of shit is cool if pardoned but not out on bond? He murdered a vet who was legally open carrying.
  9. I wish nothing but the worst cancers on each of these fucks. The dumbest of people.
  10. Well, not the brown kids. Fuck these racist fucks
  11. Good sign of strong leadership! Incoming response from fish lips “I fired them all cuz reasons”
  12. Good. Fuck that guy
  13. His role is Alien 3 was pretty solid. Directors cut of course
  14. Hunter Biden laptop, drink!!! But really, Fox News talking point doesn’t bolster your statement like you think it does
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