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Shut up Lou Holtz

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Everything posted by Shut up Lou Holtz

  1. Good sign of strong leadership! Incoming response from fish lips “I fired them all cuz reasons”
  2. Good. Fuck that guy
  3. His role is Alien 3 was pretty solid. Directors cut of course
  4. Hunter Biden laptop, drink!!! But really, Fox News talking point doesn’t bolster your statement like you think it does
  5. Tornado warning hays county. South east of Wimberley headed to San Marcos
  6. While I have many issues with Christianity, this is the most confusing one to me. He is a false prophet that stands for everything Jesus was against. He even sells bibles. I know blasphemy is a big word for these people but damn how do they not see the hypocrisy in all they follow politically
  7. So you bitch about facts yet present none of your own? This is why we make fun of you. You can’t even see your own stupidity and hypocrisy. Old white racist man yells on the internet. This is what conservatives do. Snowflakes and yelling on the internet.
  8. That’s hilarious! Also, that scrambled porn was tough but I wasn’t a quitter. You could see a nipple every :30 seconds or so
  9. My kind of political discourse!
  10. They have no plan. That’s the plan. Oh and hate the gays and browns
  11. Black Phillip!
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