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Victor Lazlo

Certifiably Surly
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1776 Surly 10%

About Victor Lazlo

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  1. OP, you asked for it, but what a god damned beating this thread is. We should all just reminisce about the time we slammed a car door on our hands if we want to have painful memories. I, for one, am not buying into this defeatist mindset. We are going to fuck shit up the rest of the way. Who’s with me?
  2. Off topic, what with the recent discussion of liars beating lie detectors, Wonder Woman, stinky long haired hippies that are now balding, and murder clearance rates, but is there any news concerning the missing woman that this thread is ostensibly about?
  3. Get a hold of yourself, dude. You do come across dickish to people that don’t agree with your ideas. Vociferous deniers and skeptics? Of course, most sane, logical people are. Just because you’ve seemingly spent an inordinate amount of time doing “proper research” - whatever that is - doesn’t make your fantasy of aliens on Earth any more true or plausible than the inverse. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Show us some extraordinary proof. Anything that you’ve claimed or linked to so far doesn’t meet that standard .
  4. Corollary to that: Never never never kill your wife, drive off, and bury her in a shallow grave. And THEN - don’t talk to the police. That’s when you would be at the most fucking risk.
  5. I applaud the sentiment, but what if I told you that it was actually 76 points? That would seem even gooder, wouldn’t it?
  6. “Also, if you don't think other programs like tu aren't negatively recruiting against A&M about the misses and lack of production at the WR position you're crazy...”
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