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Victor Lazlo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Victor Lazlo

  1. As a teenager, I was pissed when Preston Gomez pinch hit for Don Wilson in the bottom of the 8th while Wilson was pitching a no hitter. In September. 1974. Wasn’t the first time Gomez did that to one of his pitchers. https://www.nytimes.com/1974/09/05/archives/gomez-again-lifts-pitcher-in-nohitter-astros-wilson-removed-during.html Edit to add: Would have been his 3rd no-hitter
  2. This is awesome. Damn near ten minutes of a fake American Greed episode that gives an overview of the first five seasons. Incredibly well done.
  3. PSA - the Friday night game is exclusively on Apple TV+. It is free, but you have to have the Apple TV app, so get that all lined up before game time.
  4. My N was 184 on my first Texas Cares draw in early September. That was a little over 6 months after having Covid in February. 2nd draw N was 144, 3rd draw 110. So, 196 seems reasonable to me with a recent infection. But I’m no expert.
  5. Patiently waiting on the Asian 23 year old female pic.
  6. Yeah, and I don’t know shit about fuck, but have to believe that we have back channel communications with some rational players on the Russian side. Who don’t want this to get totally out of control. Hopefully.
  7. Shingles happens. And has forever. Vaccine or no vaccine. Hell, I had it 3 months before anyone ever heard about Covid. Silver dollar sized spot on my back. Why I got it? Who the fuck knows? Doctor sure didn’t. I’m going to have to agree with Captainant on this one. I have no problem believing that people got shingles a few months after the second dose. Because people get shingles all of the time. Good luck. Shingles hurts like a son of a bitch, but, the sooner you start taking those huge Valtrex pills, the better.
  8. Admittedly, I’m not a basketball offensive expert, but I have to say that the shit that we were running most of the night - attacking a lot of the time and not just fucking around for 30 seconds - seemed to work a lot better. How about we do that from now on? Very nice win.
  9. Celery Man, all I can tell you is that my wife and I bought 30 year term policies a little over 20 years ago. My dear wife passed away from cancer last year at age 60. She died 8 months after the initial diagnosis. You just never see it coming. Kids had already graduated college, gotten married, and were well into their own lives. But we kept paying the premiums, because it was relatively cheap, considering the potential payout. Of course, we never expected to actually have to redeem one of our policies. The proceeds have given me an extra cushion for my retirement. Which is nice, except for the way it came about. I’m still going to pay my premiums for the 8 years left on my policy, payable to our kids. Again, because the premium is cheap relative to the potential payout. Good luck finding something that works for you.
  10. Houston appears to have peaked a couple of weeks ago. “Wastewater tracing, one of the most reliable indicators of viral spread, offers another optimistic sign of omicron’s declining prevalence citywide. Researchers tracking the level of COVID present in the city’s sewage said the amount of virus measured fell in nearly every ZIP code last week, when the maximum viral load was one third of that measured in late December and early January” https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/health/article/Is-Houston-past-the-omicron-peak-With-COVID-16800419.php
  11. Remember when we thought we would get Ringo? I remember. Good times.
  12. My wife died of a rare, virulent cancer in January of 2021. It happened so fast, and I’m still a wreck. This Moody Blues song says what I feel every day - “Cause you’re not here.” I don’t know why I’m even telling this to a bunch of strangers, but, there it is. “Forever Autumn”
  13. Good. Make Baylor finally try to actually do something on offense. This has been a total shitfest to this point.
  14. Wow. Not a damn thing one can do to defend against that.
  15. Charlie Robison - “Loving County”
  16. Penelope, it is very unlikely that you will test positive for that long. If I’m reading it correctly, you’ve only had it for a handful of days. You likely won’t test positive a week from now. It doesn’t disappear in 4 days. I caught it in February, before being eligible to be vaccinated, and tested negative approximately 10 days after the positive test. I’m not sure I would cancel just yet, unless you just don’t want to deal with the uncertainty of what is going to happen in Europe.
  17. From Channel 4 in New York, seems like good news to me: “But once again, city hospitalization numbers remain low. At the height of the pandemic, on average there were 1,600 patients being treated at city hospitals for COVID. In Dec. 2020, there were just 243; as of Monday, NYC hospitalizations were at just 43 — a 97 percent decrease from the pandemic peak. "The omicron symptoms have been very mild. The impact on those vaccinated has been clinically mild. It's not converting to admissions to the hospital, or deaths," said Dr. Yves Derouseu, Emergency Services Director at Lenox Hill Hospital.” https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/coronavirus/this-is-a-whole-new-animal-breakthrough-infections-rattle-nyc-amid-omicron-surge/3456543/
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