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Victor Lazlo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Victor Lazlo

  1. I don’t know if it is a schtick, or if some of you idoits truly are bothered about the way the field lines up. It looks beautiful to most normal people. For those of you that seriously have a problem with it…
  2. I agree with you that we need better data to draw firm conclusions. We don’t know their baseline that they used to determine that Delta is 46% more likely to reinfect. Those articles that you posted clearly state that “Reinfections remain a rarity though, accounting for only 1.2% of the 83,197 cases analyzed.” If, as cited in the articles that you posted, reinfection rates are 1.2%, then they may have started with a baseline of .77% with Alpha to arrive at the 1.2% after a 46% increase. But, as you say, take it with a grain of salt. I agree with you that we need better data, and more time to analyze the data to understand what is going on. The articles that you posted also state that, from June 21 to July 19, 30% of COVID patients admitted to the hospital in England had been fully vaccinated. That doesn’t seem good. Hopefully our vaccines are better than their Oxford vaccine
  3. For you Mississippi Pot Roast guys - make a gravy from the drippings. It is a complete game changer. First, you have to procure a fat separator. Drain off the the good, seasoned drippings into a skillet, add a slurry of flour and water or corn starch and water, bring to a boil, turn down to simmer, heat until it is the consistency you like as a a gravy. I usually make mashed potatoes with lots of butter and cream, but rice will suffice in a pinch, as I did the last time I made this because of time constraints. Slams and goes hard.
  4. Truly, thank you for your service, and thank you for your concern. I’m going to bow out of this discussion. I believe I have solid data from the Emory University study that tells me I don’t have much to worry about after having contracted a mild case of Covid, and on the other hand, solid anecdotal evidence from many of you that think otherwise. We would just go round and round arguing about it, and there is no point in that. It is tiresome and I suspect no side would sway the other to their point of view. I hope for good outcomes for all of you that I’ve interacted with on this thread. Peace to you.
  5. Ok, Cap’n, I’ll play. Of course I love seeing more sick people. Who doesn’t? Don’t be fatuous I previously, upthread, explained and provided a link that made it clear why I didn’t think I needed a vaccine at this time. I had Covid in February. I have tons of antibodies. And T and B cell immunity. Don’t just read YOUR Twitter feed. Read the link I posted from Emory University. They are clear that people that have been previously infected retain robust antibodies. Or, maybe you actually believe that I truly am stupid and desire to kill people because I have made a rational ( to me ) decision that I don’t need to get the vaccine at this time. Based on the best info I’ve seen. You think that - U R dumb All this angst about infected people getting the vaccine or not is just silly. Our risk of getting people sick is infinitesimal to the risk of the unvaccinated and uninflected. Why don’t you turn your considerable influence towards shaming them instead?
  6. That’s not what the discussion was about. It was about the 1% of previously infected that got a reinfection. And that a vaccine would mitigate that 1% by a factor of 60%.
  7. Damn, JJ, I thought you were a reasonable person, but maybe not. I put the link to the Emory University study in my original post. If you choose not to read it - ok, but to go in with the Facebook trope is just lazy.
  8. You know how I know you don’t do math good?
  9. I agree with Muy Frio on one point - about not getting worked up about people that don’t get vaccinated after a previous infection. You know you are arguing about 60% benefit for 1% of the population. Not 60% of the whole population. 60% of 1% is minuscule compared to 60% of the unvaccinated/unexposed. I’m in good health, had Covid in February. Very mild, and from my research, I believe that I should have antibodies and T and B cells that will minimize any effects on me if I should be exposed to it again any time soon. One example: https://news.emory.edu/stories/2021/07/covid_survivors_resistance/index.html I think we should concentrate on getting shots into the arms of the truly unprotected, and not demonize previously infected people like me that have made a rational decision to defer a booster until it is needed.
  10. Hilarity will ensue when aggy realizes that they will be helping fund the lawyers fighting to release UT from the Big12 contract.
  11. Good God. Pravda would be in awe of Chin Pubes’ ability to sling propaganda.
  12. Let’s just say that Ann Richards and Bob Bullock ain’t going to be climbing out of their graves to put the kibosh on it this time.
  13. For fuck’s sake, every got damn new home or construction project comes down to the last few hours before everything is completed prior to closing. Why should this be any different, or for that matter, any of you a-holes be getting your panties in a wad because of it? I’m pretty confident that CDC and his minions have this under control better than you would. (Notwithstanding the fact that every Surly poster is an engineer, lawyer, doctor, etc, married only 10’s and could certainly do it better.)
  14. Here is your fuck buddy coming into our thread on Saturday. Helobious 2,855 Posted Saturday at 10:45 PM #8844 “How’s Cole’s dick taste?” We’re not crying, we are laughing our asses off right about now. How’s Altuve’s dick taste, boys?
  15. Is that good? Because it seems like it’s good.
  16. Foster and Stearns have been playing injured for the pass 2 years. * past, but we’ll let that pass.
  17. Virginia guy hits that home run and the announcer immediately say that the wind is blowing out to left and the ball just got caught up in it. And that the outfielder just ran out of room. Fucking SEC leg humper.
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