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Victor Lazlo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Victor Lazlo

  1. Fair point. Counterpoint: the Astros getting within a game of the World Series with a pitching staff without Cole and Verlander was damn near a miracle. I have no idea if Click is the long term answer, but he sure didn’t fuck it up in his first year.
  2. Hey, before we crap all over his methods, maybe we should remember which American League team was in the World Series last year. Just saying we might want to give him a chance before we bury him.
  3. Well, I can be happy with a season sweep of Kansas, no matter what year it is. Perfection is hard to achieve.
  4. For fuck’s sake, Derka, can you for once not shit all over a decent Texas win? We beat them twice In the same year. Never done it before. But you are going to pick nits and tell us that since we didn’t beat them by 25 that the win isn’t worthy? Get the fuck out of here.
  5. Oh, man. So terribly sorry for you and your loved ones.
  6. And then we curb stomp Duke in the Tournament. That ought to complete the superfecta.
  7. You damn right. You trim the fat cap and all of the excess fat off of a pork butt before seasoning it. That way, you achieve much more edible bark that adds flavor to the finished pulled pork. Don’t worry about the crap you are getting from the rookies. They don’t know any better.
  8. Exactly. Gilbert sucked so much ass in that game. I think his line was something like 10 of 40 with maybe 4 interceptions.
  9. Yeah, @immamac, thought you said you had this shit under control. Its taking a hell of a long time to load and refresh. i can’t imagine the meltdown when Urban is announced.
  10. Fraternity parties are a good place to meet people and be entertained.
  11. I appreciate all of you guys arguing the ins and outs of the window for the Astros to win more championships. I truly do. But, speaking as an old guy that watched the Colt 45’s in Colt Stadium as a kid, the 2017 World Series Championship is enough for me. I thought I would die before my team would win it all. They finally did. And it was glorious. It ebbs and flows. The Astros should have won it all in 1980, could have in 1986. If they had, I wouldn’t have been a long-suffering fan for all of those years. I hope you younger guys don’t have to wait as long as I did for the next championship, but, by God, savor the one you have. I sure as hell do.
  12. Exactly. And are we going to just forget that Bama absolutely hammered aggy 52-24? If Florida shows up against Alabama, they jump the gomers.
  13. Why is a FULLback closer to the line of scrimmage than a HALFback?
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