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Victor Lazlo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Victor Lazlo

  1. And that, my friends, is how you bitch-slap someone.
  2. Precisely. As we've been told repeatedly, the only reason that the cheating Astros made the ALCS for the last 3 years and the World Series for 2 of those years is that they all knew every pitch that was coming - even in the opposing team's ballpark. Just a bunch of no-talent hacks, benefiting from ill-gotten gains. I'm glad that, after being exposed as poseurs, they have gone down in ignominious flames in this year's playoffs. Edit to add: Make it 4 years in a row Motherfucking cheaters. you got to give it to them, you got to be a good cheater to make the ALCS 4 years in a row.
  3. I need her Photoshop guy. Damn near disappeared the horn. Impressive work.
  4. Why do you guys keep engaging this fuckstick? He thinks he’s going to somehow prove to this little corner of the internet world - with his facile arguments- that the Astros’ Championship was illegitimate and that cheating was the only reason that they had success. Every Correa and Springer bomb in these playoffs just highlights what a dipshit that he is. Ignore gnats such as that. Hate should be focused on fans of the teams that the Astros will face and dominate In this postseason.
  5. “What kind of fucking defense leaves the fucking middle of the field wide fucking open that my grandma could drags her dusty pussy down between the hashed for a 40 yard touchdown without getting touched by a defender. “ ^^^ This right here. What the fuck was that? I don’t know dick about proper defensive scheming, but even I saw that huge gap pre-snap and was thinking that I’d just run up the gut there.
  6. Beautiful. Now don’t fuck this up, @AI_4_ISU
  7. Needed a little pick-me-up as I rewatch the end of our glorious football game. Tortilla chips, smoked sausage, some sort of shredded cheese, and Clint’s Texas salsa from HEB.
  8. I’m assuming that this is some sort of performance art. If not, then - Oh, the horror!
  9. I’ve got to hand it to you. You have asked not just one, but two of the most naive and stupid questions ever posited on this or any website. Bravo.
  10. The cross hanging amongst her titties signifies that she is a good girl. The tallboy and the bedroom eyes seem to indicate something different. Quite the conundrum.
  11. Uncle Mike - Professional Hitter. Tucker bomb going to win it.
  12. I had some quail legs and boneless breasts that needed to be cooked. Fried them up and paired them with mashed red potatoes and plenty of cream gravy.
  13. Needed a snack. Found a croissant and leftover pot roast with a touch of gravy. Not enough flavor, so hit it with a dash of ranch dressing.
  14. Exactly. Only on the Surl can a “College Football 2020 in Danger?” thread devolve into a got damn “Where Were You and What Were You Doing When the Challenger Exploded?” retrospective.
  15. I have been known to, upon occasion, drop a healthy dose of guacamole slap in the middle of a bowl of chili frito pie. Slams.
  16. Now my ATT alternate has sound but no video. This is seriously harshing my mellow.
  17. Why the hell did the Comcast alternate channel drop the game at midnight?
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