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Victor Lazlo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Victor Lazlo

  1. I’m going to say A Prayer for Owen Meany
  2. Dude better watch his six if he actually gets elected with Hillary as his VP.
  3. “Charlie, tell me what happened there.” ”Potato.”
  4. Dallas picked up Brogan Roback
  5. I choose to believe that she is saying “Yep” to the question of “Are they real?”
  6. Now, that’s the kind of hard hitting wrap up I’ve been looking for.
  7. Harry doesn’t mind if he doesn’t make the scene. He’s got a daytime job, he’s doing alright.
  8. I’m going to call bullshit on your premise, just going back to the first season that the Texans made the playoffs. Of course, we can all cherry pick different seasons to prove our points. 2011 season - the first season the Texans made the playoffs - Texans beat the Bengals regular season, beat them in the playoffs. Texans lost to the Ravens regular season, lost to them in the playoffs. Texans weren’t close to competitive against the Ravens earlier this year. I’d rather have KC in the playoffs. Sure , they may beat the dog shit out of us, but the Texans proved earlier that they could beat them in KC.
  9. I’m pretty sure Tosh took the Ole Miss job
  10. Seriously, where the fuck was this defense all year? Seemingly simple question, but wtf was Orlando doing? These guys appeared to be in position all night to make plays. It was beautiful to watch
  11. Play the Marseillaise ... Play it! Edit: furk, Bama Llama beat me to my own quote
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