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Victor Lazlo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Victor Lazlo

  1. North Shore guys ran that 2 minute drill to perfection. They got out of bounds when they should have. Went 45 yards in a minute, with only one time-out left, then penalized 10, and got lucky on the Hail Mary. I’ve got no problems with the North Shore coaching on that last drive. What a great game.
  2. Ok, smart guy. Tell us which games you would have had Herman give those guys some reps in Did you watch the games? Maybe could have let one of them kneel down at the end of the USC game. That’s it. All other games were in doubt until the end.
  3. Don’t act like a bitch, you won’t be called a bitch. However, you appear to be a bitch. Bounce back from what? No one has signed anything at this point.
  4. Now - THAT - my friend, is spot on. You got to play to your strengths, which we did for the most part.
  5. I guess your definition of an “entire season” is about 3 1/2 quarters shorter than mine is.
  6. I hate that Baton Rouge bridge. It fucks me every time heading to New Orleans. It’s been backed up for miles my last several trips. I swore last time that I’m taking US 90 from Lafayette on my next trip just to avoid the aggravation.
  7. That was a quality loss. Even better than aggy’s quality losses to Clemson and Bama. Of course they should have moved up to # 3.
  8. Yeah, you beat me to it. Pro style offenses- Orlando’s got this.
  9. Yeah, we don’t know for sure, but no one knows. But if I had to lay money on it, I’d say we have a damn good chance at beating Georgia. Orlando has shown, other than the Maryland shit-show, that he can defend a non-air raid, zone read type of offense very capably. Personally, I think we beat those jackasses by about 10 points.
  10. I was going to say Marfa, but Odessa works better. Rep to you.
  11. Victor Lazlo

    LSU @ aggy

    I only got to see the last couple of minutes of regulation and the overtimes, but damn the officiating looked horrible to me. I was shocked that catch and fumble in the 1st overtime wasn’t ruled a fumble.
  12. Oh, hell yeah! Unbelievable after the shitty start.
  13. My nephew was a walk-on at Texas for 2 years under Mack Brown and 2 years under Charlie Strong. Charlie actually put him into a game at the end of his senior season.
  14. We were talking the ease of transmission of STDs. Thanks for your input
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