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Victor Lazlo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Victor Lazlo

  1. Victor Lazlo

    I want OU

    It’s no more complicated than this. Fuck OU
  2. We winning, so I don’t give one fuck.
  3. Aw, shit. Which one of you said “Beetlejuicy” 3 times?
  4. Ha ha. Fake punt worked. Maryland is in business at the OSU 29
  5. Whoever runs off guard on 1st and 2nd down then swing pass on 3rd.
  6. aggy paid UAB $1.6 million to be a tomato can. If they know what’s good for them, they will lay down and take the loss.
  7. Goddammit. I came here looking for another J Smith meltdown and all I get is a bunch of burnt out cokeheads reliving the “glory days”. FML.
  8. Yeah, but Colt wasn’t the Colt that we fondly remember as being absolute nails when he was in his second year on campus, as Sam is. There is a lot to be said for development in a system, which we haven’t had since Colt. I’m expecting the next two years of Sam to be glorious. Just need to get the goddamn defense fixed.
  9. Hey, we won. We’re 7-3. It could be worse.
  10. Cry me a fucking river. If things are so bad for you, and you feel that guilty, renounce all of your material possessions and go live in a Himalayan monetary Oh, hell no! Can’t do without that smartphone and Instagram. Fuck off.
  11. I know you’re smarter than that, so I’ll refrain from calling you a dumbass. The party of the incumbent president tends to lose ground during midterm elections: over the past 21 midterm elections, the President's party has lost an average 30 seats in the House, and an average four seats in the Senate
  12. Damn, that should make you ashamed of yourself. Probably should donate all of your belongings to charity and take a vow of poverty. So you can feel better about yourself.
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