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  1. Heard he's a Pats fan anyhow
  2. Howard Stern says hi.
  3. JimTom

    Mo Bamba

    He had to be sticking his arm out
  4. JimTom's CNN tracker --> 12 of the 25 headlines on cnn.com today are about Trump. CNN trying it's hardest to dog on him 24/7. But what they don't get, is that he loves, adores, and bathes in the attention. No news is bad news, right? The left media, without even knowing, through all their struggles, is no more than Trump's puppet.
  5. Wrong! None of the owners is millionaires.
  6. Funny, I think CNN quit keeping up with the this Trump tracker when they were continually pumping in more red: http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/politics/tracking-trumps-promises/index.html Looks like more red is needed. For all the boneheaded Trump-isms (and there are many), it sure is refreshing to see a president do what he says he is going to do. Ain't never seen that before.
  7. Digress! Digress if you must. Great story. Impressive.
  8. Doesn't seem like anything too crazy to me. <$7M for 45 people? Keep them and hire more! We just got $36M from from the big12. We're rolling in dough. Might as well spend it on improvements and more people.
  9. Jordan is GOAT. No doubt. #1 - he doesn't lose in the finals. #2 - he makes everyone around him better. #3 - he doesn't wear a purse
  10. you're the only one talking about race bro. get a grip
  11. pretty sure i'm on the politics board, where this kind of post should be.
  12. stfu. race baiter
  13. If the illiterate millionaires in the NFL want to make a political statement, they should do so on their own time. Not at the beginning of the football game. That's the point.
  14. Fat little girlfriends fuck that place up on the reg.
  15. #BBM Bring Back Mangino. That pie eater could rock a presser:
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