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  1. Shave the beard, cut the f’ing mullet, become a football player.
  2. One half of the new Twin Towers that the Longhorns recruited. I think the other guy is better though. JMO
  3. Mine was UCLA Rout 66. The voice inside my head telling me to jump off from the Upper Deck was deafening
  4. Some may celebrate Christmas, but it’s Archimus for the rest of us.
  5. Thank you for letting me answer this question again. Tommy Kramer i intercepted two of his passes in a game one time. No need to discuss the four touchdown passes thrown on me that night though.
  6. Welcome Coach Meyer
  7. Tom just said in the press conference that we still have a lot of the season left ahead of us. He must be talking about deer season.
  8. Larry Bird Dirk Nowitzki Bill Walton Bob Pettit Jerry Lucas Rick Barry Jerry West Pete Maravich John Stockton Steve Nash
  9. $40,000,000 buyout is a bargain
  10. Fentanyl with multiple The Macallan 25 Year Old Sherry Oak chasers
  11. How embarrassing would it be to know that somebody is willing to throwaway 40 million just to have you take your lame*** bubble blowing act to your new job as a Mensa Test Tutor.
  12. Red McCombs says Herman is no more than a OC not Head Coach material.
  13. For those who refer to Baylor as rapists, you’ve overlooked they’re pretty much into beastiality too. This f*****g we’re getting is embarrassing.
  14. Ricky with the dread combover. Greatness. 👍
  15. I wish we had Jim Krivacs playing for us this season. He would be the best three point shooter on the team.................. and he’s friggin 60 years old.
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