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Everything posted by Publiushorn

  1. Fuck Herman and his black shirt
  2. 100 horses?
  3. "Enemies"--for the purpose of treason--has a well understood meaning, going all the way back to the Treason Act of 1351. For Russia to be our enemy, we'd have to be at a state of open or declared war with them.
  4. Probably Brett Kavanaugh; rooting hard for Amy Coney Barrett.
  5. Buncha Malthusians who watched The Day After Tomorrow in this thread.
  6. His judicial appointments. Mattis North Korea, maybe. I wonder if North Korea got to the position they wanted to be in, then began to open up/talk about negotiating.
  7. A student from the liberal arts department called today soliciting donations. I didn’t give, though admittedly it wasn’t 100% because of this. Still, it’s hard to accept their poor mouthing when assclowns like that guy are getting paid $180k a year.
  8. Is there a lawyering thread in there?
  9. https://www.texastribune.org/2018/03/23/former-secretary-state-rex-tillerson-being-courted-leading-candidate-u/
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